

My name is Ty, I have been worked for website design for 10years


I want improve my WP experience with world wide, Please share with me


Ty Chhoun contributes 2 hours per week to the following teams: Accessibility, CLI, Community, Core, Core Performance, Design, Documentation, Hosting, Marketing, Meta, Mobile, Openverse, Photos, Plugins, Polyglots, Support, Sustainability, TV, Test, Themes, Tide, and Training.

  • Member Since: December 8th, 2017
  • Location: Siem Reap Cambodia
  • Job Title: Website Designer
  • Employer: ESTC
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to shortcode not render in input value, on the site Forums:
    Yes I use it in single post!In that page I have custom form submit, so…

  • Created a topic, shortcode not render in input value, on the site Forums:
    Dear all.function get_post_title_shortcode( $atts ) { …

  • Posted a reply to WP 6.5 WP_List_Table some issue with Screen Option, on the site Forums:
    Dear threadi Thanks you so much for your kindness help me, I am very happy…

  • Posted a reply to WP 6.5 WP_List_Table some issue with Screen Option, on the site Forums:
    Hi I understand that you recommend with post type, but my purpose is newest and…

  • Posted a reply to WP 6.5 WP_List_Table some issue with Screen Option, on the site Forums:
    Thanks you so much, here is my hold code <?php /*  * Plugin Name: Custom…

  • Created a topic, WP 6.5 WP_List_Table some issue with Screen Option, on the site Forums:
    I have care a WP plugin using WP_List_Table I have iss…