
  • Member Since: February 21st, 2018
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  • Created a topic, Image pull process failure: Failed to pull image, on the site Forums:
    Hello I having this message on my admin page:Image …

  • Created a topic, Best plugin ever, on the site Forums:
    I using for years. Top. Top.

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to view and run php scripts in WordPress?, on the site Forums:
    I have difficult to search a tutorial about this too. Step by step, how to…

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
    Excellent plugin

  • Posted a reply to Class-wc-helper-updater.php, on the site Forums:
    I have the same error. Cant access plugins page. Can someone help. Thank you

  • Posted a reply to Phone number mapfields, on the site Forums:
    Hello fabio323ti. Can you help me on armember referred page redirect. I see that you…

  • Created a topic, Page not redirecting to referrer page after login or sign-up, on the site Forums:
    Hello.My posts are restricted to specific plans. If…

  • Posted a reply to Need help tt3 theme, on the site Forums:
    Can you answer this?can i add function.php in tt3 in wp–content ? Thank you

  • Created a topic, Login form with register form, on the site Forums:
    Hello How can i show the login form together with r…

  • Posted a reply to How Edit account page, on the site Forums:
    Thank you

  • Created a topic, How Edit account page, on the site Forums:
    Hello.How ca i edit this page. Account page of logged …

  • Created a topic, Great, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Discount on checkout for membership, on the site Forums:
    Can i create this file and place where on plugin folder? thank you

  • Posted a reply to Discount on checkout for membership, on the site Forums:
    I bought via Envato

  • Posted a reply to Discount on checkout for membership, on the site Forums:
    But need be a premium. U$247/year dont have this money

  • Posted a reply to Discount on checkout for membership, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Will research

  • Posted a reply to Cade o Claudio Sanches?, on the site Forums:
    Já desisti do pagseguro

  • Created a topic, Discount on checkout for membership, on the site Forums:
    Hello I want to know if is possible to generate a auto…

  • Created a topic, Erro CEP para Portugal apenas, on the site Forums:
    Olá. O plugin tem um bug que não está sendo corrigido…

  • Created a topic, Erro em pagamentos do Pagseguro com cupom, on the site Forums:
    Erro no pagamento via Pagseguro. PagSeguro: Um erro o…

  • Posted a reply to Erro ao realizar compra com cupom de mesmo valor do produto, on the site Forums:
    Olá. Comigo está ocorrendo o mesmo problema. No PagSeguro dá esse bug. Nos outros gateways…

  • Created a topic, Good, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Campos obrigatórios, on the site Forums:
    Fiz o teste e só consegui fazer funcionar com os campos "Endereço1" "CEP" "Número" e…

  • Created a topic, Campos obrigatórios, on the site Forums:
    Olá. Estou com um problema de checkout. Meu produto …

  • Posted a reply to Specific Email Template for specific product, on the site Forums:
    And its free.

  • Posted a reply to Specific Email Template for specific product, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for suggest. Searching for another solution, i found this plugin: I can…

  • Created a topic, Specific Email Template for specific product, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Its possible create a new template email "custo…

  • Posted a reply to Simple Membership X User Registration, on the site Forums:
    User registration is a plugin to create form to users login and create account on…

  • Created a topic, Simple Membership X User Registration, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I already having using User Registration form …

  • Posted a reply to Hide WP header bar, on the site Forums:
    Thank you

  • Created a topic, Hide WP header bar, on the site Forums:
    Hello How to hide the WP header bar from users? This …

  • Created a topic, Login/Signup page errors, on the site Forums:
    Hello. After i created the pages of association, uniq…

  • Posted a reply to Número do telefone não aparece, on the site Forums:
    Resolvido. Estava a opção de Remove checkout fields, nas configurações do woocommerce a opção de…

  • Created a topic, Número do telefone não aparece, on the site Forums:
    Número do telefone não aparece na página de checkout …

  • Posted a reply to PagSeguro: Por favor, digite um número de telefone válido com DDD, on the site Forums:
    Estou com esse problema

  • Created a topic, Cant delete, on the site Forums:
    Cant delete the plugin! Very bad! Dont install

  • Posted a reply to Add Link on E-mail Body, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much

  • Created a topic, Add Link on E-mail Body, on the site Forums:
    Hello How can i add a link on body of email templates…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Get to Work, on the site Forums:
    Hello Jeremy. Thanks for answer. The plugin is active, but need unblock on all desktop…

  • Created a topic, Default sorting, on the site Forums:
    Fuck plugin Cant has option to remove sorting product…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Get to Work, on the site Forums:
    my fatsecret page error

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Get to Work, on the site Forums:
    Maybe is because i cant create account on your site. Can you share create account…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Get to Work, on the site Forums:
    Hello @jwrigh10 I go to your page and appear that re ok. How do you…

  • Created a topic, Not install, on the site Forums:
    doesnt install. no support. Too bad

  • Posted a reply to “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.” error message, on the site Forums:
    Having this problem too. disabled all plugin. Simple product works, but with variations no. WTF…

  • Created a topic, Great, on the site Forums: