
  • Member Since: August 13th, 2022
  • Location: Bewar, India
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  • Created a topic, good but not compatible, on the site Forums:
    if use it on subdirectories installed wp instance, it …

  • Created a topic, Best Plugin – Specially page caching, on the site Forums:
    Page caching is awesome

  • Posted a reply to Is any way to show description in archive pages instead of full article?, on the site Forums:
    i also try this but applied on default posts not on cptui posts function get_first_paragraph($post_id,…

  • Posted a reply to Is any way to show description in archive pages instead of full article?, on the site Forums:
    But you can see in the screenshot, we are using  the_excerpt() and that is working,…

  • Posted a reply to Post is not showing in Taxonomies public url Using WpCore Taxonomies, on the site Forums:
    By searching support forum, my problem was solved. Thanks

  • Posted a reply to Post is not showing in Taxonomies public url Using WpCore Taxonomies, on the site Forums:
    Adding all CPTUI post types to the archives beacuse WordPress does not include custom post…

  • Created a topic, I any way to show description in archive pages instead of full article?, on the site Forums:
    I want to show description instead of full articles on…

  • Created a topic, Post is not showing in Taxonomies public url Using WpCore Taxonomies, on the site Forums:
    I am using same category for each type of posts (WPCor…

  • Created a topic, Very Useful Plugin – Easy To Use, No Limitations Like “WP Offload” plugin, on the site Forums:
    Very Useful Plugin for Low or Heavy traffic Websites E…

  • Posted a reply to Best Plugin in WordPress Repository, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, But, You suggested me, we did that. That's enough for me.

  • Posted a reply to Best Plugin in WordPress Repository, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply, This is exactly what we were looking for. Only for this…

  • Posted a reply to Best Plugin in WordPress Repository, on the site Forums:
    This one was solved.. Popular Post list not updated frequently if we set time range…

  • Created a topic, Best Plugin in WordPress Repository, on the site Forums:
    Here are Some Suggestion:- 1. ----------------- If yo…