
  • Member Since: December 28th, 2012
  • Location: the netherlands, hengelo
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  • Job Title: Director
  • Employer: Tatof
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  • Posted a reply to [Mollie Payments for WooCommerce] iDEAL bank select not working, on the site Forums:
    hey, thanks I found it! :) I changed the text to something else for the…

  • Created a topic, iDEAL bank select not working, on the site Forums:
    Sinds this morning its not possible to select a bank. …

  • Created a topic, Doesnt work on “patterns”, on the site Forums:
    Plugin doesn't work for patterns. Post type "WP-block"…

  • Posted a reply to [ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF] Fatal error – Switching from imagify, on the site Forums:
    This problem is Fixed in version 5.6.0 update

  • Posted a reply to [ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF] Fatal error – Switching from imagify, on the site Forums:
    thanks! :)

  • Posted a reply to [ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF] Fatal error – Switching from imagify, on the site Forums:
    Hello, This problem happens now to all my clients/websites with shortpixel. (90 sites) The 5.5.6…

  • Posted a reply to [ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Optimize Images, Convert WebP & AVIF] Fatal error – Switching from imagify, on the site Forums:
    Hey @petredobrescu, I removed shortpixel completely from de server and reuploaded all files. Version 5.5.5The…

  • Created a topic, Fatal error – Switching from imagify, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I see shortpixel has unimlited packages now, so…

  • Posted a reply to [Loco Translate] Auto translate deepl – not working, on the site Forums:
    This solution works perfectly. Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to [Loco Translate] Auto translate deepl – not working, on the site Forums:
    Hey Tim, thanks! This seems a perfect logical answer! I allready added nl_NL to the…

  • Created a topic, Auto translate deepl – not working, on the site Forums:
    When I put my PRO deepl api in the plugin and auto tra…

  • Created a topic, Feature request: GPT 4 powered translations, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I was wondering if TranslatePress is going to d…

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Just perfect! Automatic translate with Deepl API, on the site Forums:
    I made this solution for links, email links, phone links etc. It uses the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    fixed with last update

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    Same here! new release is fine :)

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    I have no clue what you are saying. but yeah my settings are correct :-)…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    Doesn't work for me, also I don't want to send an license when the order…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    Hello, yes I received your answer in the mail :) think its a global plugin…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Key expected for argument, on the site Forums:
    I had the same issue. I downgraded to version 3.0.2 and all works fine now

  • Created a topic, PHP Fatal error: array_key_exists, on the site Forums:
    Hello, the last update of the plugin creates a fatal e…

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Just perfect! Automatic translate with Deepl API, on the site Forums:
    thanks! Will try to rebuild this to a wildcard array with *.nl *.be. If string…

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Just perfect! Automatic translate with Deepl API, on the site Forums:
    I know but there is no way you could add an wildcard. like (*).nl

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Just perfect! Automatic translate with Deepl API, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply! The point about customizability is only from a developers perspective. The…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] Variable products – stock not updating, on the site Forums:
    Great thanks!

  • Created a topic, Just perfect! Automatic translate with Deepl API, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin, works out of the box and has great setti…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] Variable products – stock not updating, on the site Forums:
    Hello Mirza, Thanks great! I'm away for the week, will implement this next week. Will…

  • Posted a reply to [Nelio AB Testing] [NAB] Settings not found, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! I'm away for the week, will test this next week

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Automatic slug translation not working – Deepl, on the site Forums:
    Fixed! had a error in my footer that wasn't logged. Translatepress team did a great…

  • Posted a reply to [License Manager for WooCommerce] Variable products – stock not updating, on the site Forums:
    Hey, Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to [Nelio AB Testing] [NAB] Settings not found, on the site Forums:
    Ah i think its cache! (wprocket) What scripts do I need to exclude? :)

  • Posted a reply to [Nelio AB Testing] [NAB] Settings not found, on the site Forums:
    in console: [NAB] Settings not found

  • Posted a reply to [ - Landing Page Optimization] 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Still do.. :/

  • Created a topic, [NAB] Settings not found, on the site Forums:
    I get a error after installing / enabling the plugin. …

  • Posted a reply to [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Automatic slug translation not working – Deepl, on the site Forums:
    Thats oke, i'm in contact with email support

  • Created a topic, Variable products – stock not updating, on the site Forums:
    Everything is setup as it should be but the Variable p…

  • Posted a reply to head block inline-css after theme style.css, on the site Forums:
    Stupid me... needed to add the priority in the add_action hook. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'footer_scripts', 5…

  • Created a topic, load block inline css after style.css, on the site Forums:
    I'm updating my base theme to the block.json way of wo…

  • Created a topic, Block inline-css loads higher then theme style.css, on the site Forums:
    block.json loaded styles load inline (thats fine i gue…

  • Created a topic, Automatic slug translation not working – Deepl, on the site Forums:
    The Automatic slug translation doesn't work. I have th…

  • Posted a reply to Exclude translation of string with wildcard, on the site Forums:
    I made a ticket 3 days ago :) but did not mention this topic.

  • Created a topic, Exclude translation of string with wildcard, on the site Forums:
    Just bought the pro plugin and pretty happy with it! D…

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Oke thanks! then I have my solutions :) sorry for the confusion

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Hello TrustedShops support, The last questions are about this plugin and can help other users…

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I disabled the caching and tried it on firefox -> private browser. It worked…

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Sure: I could also video call to show you its not caching

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Also when I delete all cache the badge is shown. (even when I disable the…

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    You are using WPML and may have multiple channels (per language) configured – you might…

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Here is a screenshot, left the settings, right the live site

  • Created a topic, Trusted batch doesnt turn off, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have turned off the Trusted batch but it k…