
  • Member Since: December 29th, 2017
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  • Posted a reply to Error version 1.1.0, on the site Forums:
    Version 1.1.1 fixes my issue, thanks for taking the time! Marked as Resolved

  • Created a topic, Error version 1.1.0, on the site Forums:
    ErrorSorry, an error occured! Don't worry, I will fix …

  • Posted a reply to Version — 404 Error — /null, on the site Forums:
    [Marked as Resolved] --- Version ✔️ Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Version — 404 Error — /null, on the site Forums:
    Hello @mihdan, hope I am finding you well. Followin…

  • Posted a reply to XML Sitemap and Deleted Posts/Pages, on the site Forums:
    XML, co cache layers: X-Proxy-Cache: BYPASS -- Everything else MISS Thanks for taking the time,…

  • Posted a reply to XML Sitemap and Deleted Posts/Pages, on the site Forums:
    I had to walk away for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that…

  • Created a topic, XML Sitemap and Deleted Posts/Pages, on the site Forums:
    Hello Developer(s), hope I am finding you well. Questi…

  • Created a topic, Everything I Need, Nothing I Don’t Want. Perfect!, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for creating this SEO Plugin! Bye Bye Bloat, He…

  • Posted a reply to Bug, on the site Forums:
    Just as info: I am also on PHP 8.2.18 and unaffected by this.

  • Posted a reply to Reset AAA Option Optimizer?, on the site Forums:
    Self-Resolved, I got it reset.

  • Created a topic, Reset AAA Option Optimizer?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @joostdevalk, hope I am finding you well. I am u…

  • Created a topic, Delete unused Options with Confidence, on the site Forums:
    Years of trying out different themes and plugins built…

  • Posted a reply to page=aaa-option-optimizer, on the site Forums:
    V 1.1 working perfectly, thanks @joostdevalk for creating this super helpful tool, also thanks to…

  • Posted a reply to page=aaa-option-optimizer, on the site Forums:
    If I may more suggestions? 1.) Move the "Remove Autoload" / "Delete Option" buttons to…

  • Created a topic, Most Impressive I Must Say, on the site Forums:
    Thank you WordPress Performance Team!

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    Thank you @petersplugins for the update and for years of wonderful contributions to the platform.…

  • Created a topic, Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class PPF09_Plugin, be…

  • Posted a reply to page=aaa-option-optimizer, on the site Forums:
    Didn't see this previously, also getting the following... PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of…

  • Created a topic, page=aaa-option-optimizer, on the site Forums:
    Hello Dev, hope I am finding you well. I understand th…

  • Posted a reply to Does the plugin check for Youtube Embed?, on the site Forums:
    Confirmed: Plugin compatible with Lite Video Embed! Thanks! I personally would make sure to…

  • Created a topic, How a “Broken Link Checker” should be!, on the site Forums:
    Great Plugin, Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Does the plugin check for Youtube Embed?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, though in my instance, via the plugin in use, <iframe width="560" height="315" src= gets…

  • Posted a reply to Perfect Code, not so perfect User Interface, on the site Forums:
    Perfect thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Inline Styles – Placement Priority, on the site Forums:
    Not necessarily a problem. I'll just break down what I have going on...Currently in my…

  • Created a topic, Does the plugin check for Youtube Embed?, on the site Forums:
    Just found you by checking for New Plugins (/browse/ne…

  • Created a topic, Inline Styles – Placement Priority, on the site Forums:
    Hello Devs, hope I am finding you well. To save me som…

  • Created a topic, Perfect Code, not so perfect User Interface, on the site Forums:
    But non the less, 5-Stars for clean, errorless code, w…

  • Created a topic, Could not give 5 Stars, on the site Forums:
    Wanted so bad to leave a 5-Star but could not. At the …

  • Created a topic, Perfect Thumbnail Plugin!, on the site Forums:
    Great Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin! Thank You!

  • Created a topic, Accessibility Magic !!!, on the site Forums:
    "Buttons do not have an accessible name" & "Links …

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Assign to Specific Page(s)?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @wpzainab, I love Toad78's suggestion. Maybe in some future update, not sure the best…

  • Posted a reply to Request: compatibility for delay of popup.js, on the site Forums:
    [Resolved] Just updated to 4.6.11 ---- Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Super Time Saver! Helpful Support!, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for all your hard work! Much appreciated!

  • Created a topic, Performance?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @giuse, I see in the only other support topic fo…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    [RESOLVED] --- I can simply whitelist my own IP Address in BBQ when I need…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    Understood, didn't think of that. @specialk, I've done some troubleshooting and believe I've found the…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    Correct, Pro

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    Sure @specialk, thanks. Well, I guess you would have to install Wicked Folders, have a…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    @specialk , hope you could also take a look and possibly work along with @wickedplugins…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    The conflict is actually with another Jeff Starr plugin, [BBQ Firewall] I am using the…

  • Posted a reply to Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    Yes of course, but before I begin, get caught up, find the time... Now reading…

  • Created a topic, Issue 3.0.0, on the site Forums:
    Hello Dev(s), hope I am finding you well. Since upd…

  • Created a topic, I really Needed This!!!, on the site Forums:
    Exactly what I needed! Thanks so much!

  • Created a topic, Filter? Disable /wp-admin/plugins.php Clear Cache Prompt, on the site Forums:
    Hello Dev(s), hope I am finding you well. Kindly advis…

  • Created a topic, 404 Not Found, on the site Forums:
    Hello Dev, hope I am finding you well. I notice in Chr…

  • Posted a reply to Move css from body to head, on the site Forums:
    I got it sorted on my own, sorry for taking your time. [Resolved]

  • Created a topic, Using to “Accordion” my anchor tags “table of contents”, on the site Forums:
    Perfect, exactly what needed! Real nice Plugin!

  • Created a topic, Move css from body to head, on the site Forums:
    When I'm done here, I will be leaving a 5-Star Review!…

  • Created a topic, Request: compatibility for delay of popup.js, on the site Forums:
    Hello @starguide , hope I am finding you well. Just…

  • Created a topic, Paginated Archives/Tags/Categories?, on the site Forums:
    Does [or will the plugin ever] include paginated pages…