
  • Member Since: December 27th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, Website error after automatic upgrade to v 1.5.12, on the site Forums:
    This evening my production website autoupdated this pl…

  • Posted a reply to Uninstall instructions, on the site Forums:
    @valwa Thanks for the reply, but I guess I wasn't clear in my original post.…

  • Created a topic, Uninstall instructions, on the site Forums:
    I have disabled this plugin and I want to fully uninst…

  • Created a topic, Nice plugin but caused random outages on our website, on the site Forums:
    Functionality is cool and all, but I've had to stop us…

  • Created a topic, Good quality, very easy to customize, on the site Forums:
    I previously had a competing plugin installed (the one…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin causing Woocommerce Order screens to not load, timeout, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, thanks for the response. For the record I also could not replicate the…

  • Created a topic, Plugin causing Woocommerce Order screens to not load, timeout, on the site Forums:
    Yesterday we had an issue in our production environmen…

  • Created a topic, Fatal error related to “options”, on the site Forums:
    Last Friday my website had a fatal error from this plu…

  • Created a topic, Suggested patch for perf and plugin compatibility, on the site Forums:
    I would like to suggest a set of patches for this plug…

  • Created a topic, Refund bug, on the site Forums:
    There is a pretty critical issue with how refunds work…

  • Posted a reply to RuntimeException thrown when “complete” status received, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @bitpay, I ended up creating a github issue and I think I'll create a…

  • Posted a reply to RuntimeException thrown when “complete” status received, on the site Forums:
    Sweet! I see you already merged the PR, how great. I'll look forward to the…

  • Created a topic, RuntimeException thrown when “complete” status received, on the site Forums:
    As we were testing the plugin we noticed an important …

  • Posted a reply to So many wc-admin_import_orders tasks being scheduled when doing custom migration, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your explanation

  • Created a topic, So many wc-admin_import_orders tasks being scheduled when doing custom migration, on the site Forums:
    We ran a custom migration script that would loop throu…

  • Posted a reply to Email to customer only includes one of several tracking numbers, on the site Forums:
    Okay thanks for the reply, we'll try that out.

  • Created a topic, Email to customer only includes one of several tracking numbers, on the site Forums:
    Everything works great for us when the Woo order just …

  • Posted a reply to wc_customer_bought_product() slows down page massively, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @cutu234 for posting the link to the open github issue, I first found this…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Warnings after upgrading to PHP 8.2, on the site Forums:
    I believe I have partially figured out what is going on, the /modules/hooks.php file has…

  • Created a topic, PHP Warnings after upgrading to PHP 8.2, on the site Forums:
    I just upgraded our servers from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2 an…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Notices on PHP 8.2, on the site Forums:
    The more I poke around the more it is obvious the original developer isn't actively…

  • Created a topic, PHP Notices on PHP 8.2, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is causing some PHP notices to be emitted,…

  • Posted a reply to PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings – “Calling static trait method is deprecated”, on the site Forums:
    Okay thanks for letting me know about the beta version. I don't really need that,…

  • Created a topic, PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings – “Calling static trait method is deprecated”, on the site Forums:
    I have upgraded to PHP 8.2 and I see a very large list…

  • Posted a reply to Intended replacement for older Payeezy plugin?, on the site Forums:
    Posting what I found out here in case it is helpful to any other former…

  • Posted a reply to [WPS Limit Login] Race Condition vulnerability discovered, on the site Forums:
    @seinomedia Thanks for sharing and thanks for resolving for us. As a side note it…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error in v2.30.0, on the site Forums:
    I got a similar error when my site updated to version 2.30.0, it crashed my…

  • Posted a reply to Race Condition vulnerability discovered, on the site Forums:
    @seinomedia If your developer is struggling to find fix perhaps you can share more details…

  • Created a topic, Consider adding custom capability instead of using manage_options for Log page, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that pretty much all of the functionality ex…

  • Posted a reply to How track Google Web Stories traffic in GA4, on the site Forums:
    I see that a few minutes ago a plugin rep has announced they are working…

  • Posted a reply to Web Stories GA4 Tracking (58 Days and Counting), on the site Forums:
    @meangreenchef I noticed on another topic thread they announced an upcoming plugin update for Web…

  • Posted a reply to Why are there so many releases?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the response. Yep I completely understand and I already suspected this was your…

  • Created a topic, Why the heck are there so many releases?, on the site Forums:
    Look, the plugin functionality is good, and I normally…

  • Posted a reply to How to fully uninstall Easy WP SMTP, on the site Forums:
    Ah thanks. I hadn't noticed it was on the "Misc" tab. I see it now…

  • Created a topic, High quality email plugin, on the site Forums:
    I evaluated several plugins and I really liked this on…

  • Created a topic, How to fully uninstall Easy WP SMTP, on the site Forums:
    I've replaced this Easy WP SMTP plugin with an alterna…

  • Created a topic, Intended replacement for older Payeezy plugin?, on the site Forums:
    Payeezy customer here... just got word that our Payeez…

  • Posted a reply to Apple Pay Allowed?, on the site Forums:
    Some other folks asked this same question and Clover support said Apple Pay and Google…

  • Posted a reply to Reliable smtp plugin; from simple to robust/bloated though, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for pointing out that the logging feature I use on occasion is still available.…

  • Created a topic, Reliable smtp plugin; from simple to robust/bloated though, on the site Forums:
    This plugin started out as a relatively simple plugin …

  • Posted a reply to Excellent, easy, one simple hiccup, on the site Forums:
    @darshanaw I'm in agreement with @stinkykong regarding how it is kinda annoying that y'all put…

  • Posted a reply to Category numbers, on the site Forums: Seems like you got this figured out already, right?

  • Posted a reply to How can I let user place an order without paying immediately?, on the site Forums:
    I'm relatively certain that isn't in Woocommerce's core functionality, but something like that might be…

  • Posted a reply to Send Woocommerce data to external application with “Web Services”, on the site Forums:
    Yeah, @jaspash I think you are on the right track. I'm sorry I can't point…

  • Posted a reply to Send Woocommerce data to external application with “Web Services”, on the site Forums:
    Likely some more detail about the application you want to integrate with in order to…

  • Created a topic, Packing slip displays “Tracking number: Array”, on the site Forums:
    Versions 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 seem to have a display proble…