
  • Member Since: November 17th, 2018
  • Location: Kolkata
  • Job Title: Web Developer
  • Employer: vSplash
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Event Calendar is not showing events, on the site Forums:
    I have added events in the backend. But the event cale…

  • Created a topic, Less characters not validated, on the site Forums:
    I added US mask, and tried to submit the form with 9 c…

  • Created a topic, ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR, on the site Forums:
    How to disable it? everytime i want to disable cache o…

  • Created a topic, Submenu stopped working, on the site Forums:
    After I activated the debloat plugin on this site, and…

  • Created a topic, Phone number field is not showing, on the site Forums:
    After I am adding the phone number from advanced field…

  • Created a topic, Disable Registrations via social login, on the site Forums:
    I want to use this plugin for existing users only, who…

  • Created a topic, Duplicate entry in rich snippet, on the site Forums: Check this screenshot, wh…

  • Created a topic, OTP not arriving in email, on the site Forums:
    I tried with many sites, otp is not arriving via email…

  • Posted a reply to Statically image url redirecting to original image, on the site Forums:
    This is a random webpage from the website And this is a random image link

  • Created a topic, Statically image url redirecting to original image, on the site Forums:
    Everytime I try to open an image on my site in a new t…

  • Created a topic, How to add Transaction ID on the invoice, on the site Forums:
    How can I add the transaction id to the invoice? https…

  • Created a topic, Best support team, on the site Forums:
    Very useful plugin

  • Posted a reply to Password Reset not working, on the site Forums:
    still, the issue is there. I tried using a user email to reset the password,…

  • Posted a reply to Password Reset not working, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Password Reset not working, on the site Forums:
    No reCaptcha enabled The link is here in this screenshot, didn't want the link to…

  • Created a topic, Password Reset not working, on the site Forums:
    Whenever I am trying to reset password, the form itsel…

  • Created a topic, DataTables warning: table id=wcfm-products – Ajax error, on the site Forums:
    DataTables warning: table id=wcfm-products - Ajax erro…

  • Created a topic, Add Landmark field in Store address, on the site Forums:
    How can I add a landmark field in the store address so…

  • Posted a reply to Bug in ocean extra new update, on the site Forums:
    Not worked. I disabled it from the customizer to get rid of it.

  • Posted a reply to Bug in ocean extra new update, on the site Forums:
    Only after logging in I am getting the issue, It's going away, if I disable…

  • Created a topic, Bug in ocean extra new update, on the site Forums: check this, a huge arrow came …

  • Posted a reply to coupons options missing, on the site Forums:
    Facing same issue

  • Created a topic, Coupon Restriction Settings not showing, on the site Forums:
    Coupon restriction settings are not showing in the mar…

  • Created a topic, Full width widget is showing codes, on the site Forums:
    Kindly take a look I applied the shortcode inside a te…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    I am not a paid user, so I can't open a ticket over there. Just…

  • Posted a reply to Gravatar Image, on the site Forums:
    Here's my website Like this, But before Flying images, it was showing the images…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    it could not be a plugin conflict, because only ocean extra and woocommerce were installed…

  • Created a topic, Gravatar Image, on the site Forums:
    whenever I turn on the CDN in flying images. The defau…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Because that is an old video. I am giving you a new video where only…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums: did you check this video? here i installed only your plugins and theme, no…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Any update on this?

  • Posted a reply to Icons are not loading, on the site Forums:
    Install fontawesome plugin, it will fix.

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Okay, I am waiting.

  • Created a topic, Compatibility with Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Honestly, this is a great plugin, somehow it is confli…

  • Posted a reply to WCFM Settings is not working while Tutor LMS is installed, on the site Forums:
    This plugin corrupting WP “query_var” parameters! Thats why its not working. Try to fix that…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Any update @abhikr781 ??

  • Posted a reply to Registration Problem, on the site Forums:
    I didn't keep the username field in the registration form, so the username will be…

  • Created a topic, Registration Problem, on the site Forums:
    When I am trying to register using english data, the f…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Make sure you are logged in and turn on any payment gateway like bank transfer…

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    Excuse me! have you tested this? any update on fixing this??

  • Created a topic, Attach Signature, on the site Forums:
    How to put an auto signature of my own to invoices?

  • Posted a reply to Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    I tested with twenty twenty The issue is not there with twenty twenty

  • Created a topic, Checkout page issue, on the site Forums:
    When I am trying to pay a failed order, the checkout p…

  • Created a topic, How to enable RTL mode?, on the site Forums:
    How to enable RTL mode for this??

  • Created a topic, Shipping Cost, on the site Forums:
    I have a wcfm multivendor store. Suppose a product co…

  • Created a topic, How to Remove Quantity column, on the site Forums:
    How to hide the Quantity column from the invoice for t…

  • Posted a reply to WCFM Settings is not working while Tutor LMS is installed, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I have contacted them, they are saying that the LMS functionalities are working fine…

  • Posted a reply to WCFM Settings is not working while Tutor LMS is installed, on the site Forums:
    DO you have contacted that tutor plugin support for this? Why it’s destroying other plugin’s…

বাংলা (ভারত) (Bengali (India)) Translation Contributor - #bn_IN

WordPress 5.3.x and WordPress 5.4.x