

Sono Salvatore Noschese, amministratore unico di questo blog.

In passato conosciuto come DarkWolf (su AlterVista, HWU e vari altri portali), mi occupavo di modding per modem/router dlink e tecnologia in generale.

Migrato poi su sito personale (, poi, infine Siti realizzati con wordpress, drupal, ipb, smf, e altri più o meno noti CMS/Forum.

Adesso, dopo diversi anni di assenza dal web, torno con

Niente ads, niente fronzoli.
Scriverò semplicemente quel che mi andrà di scrivere.

  • Posted a reply to CPT, new_item label, on the site Forums:
    ty so much for reply . So, with a single site Is ok i cannot…

  • Created a topic, CPT, new_item label, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I created a custom post type and I'm having trouble…

  • Posted a reply to Preg replace in content, on the site Forums:
    finally, fixed with these. <?php// Deny access if called directlydefined('ABSPATH') || exit;// Apply customization to…

  • Posted a reply to Preg replace in content, on the site Forums:
    tried now also something like this, <?php// Deny access if called directlydefined('ABSPATH') || exit;// Apply…

  • Created a topic, Preg replace in content, on the site Forums:
    hi, I tried to fix a little bug in a custom plugin: …

  • Created a topic, help about Banner Button and dnt, on the site Forums:
    hi, I use this in my website (button manage cookies in…

  • Posted a reply to I need a little help with code snippet, on the site Forums:
    ok, found inside plugin code 🙂 (this is an example). // if yoast Is active…

  • Created a topic, I need a little help with code snippet, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I need something like this: if (yoast_exist &am…

  • Created a topic, how to get a list of categories, forums, topics?, on the site Forums:
    hi, I can use a code like this to retrieve forum categ…

  • Posted a reply to do not work anymore, on the site Forums:
    i tried again just yesterday. Atm seems to work again as expected. ps: I've a…

  • Posted a reply to add code for all except admin, on the site Forums:
    ty. after some test, I think is an issue with incognito mode here in Firefox…

  • Posted a reply to add code for all except admin, on the site Forums:
    work so good (but just for all) with simply: add_action('wp_footer', 'insert_js_into_footer'); function insert_js_into_footer() { #if…

  • Created a topic, add code for all except admin, on the site Forums:
    hi, I need to add a stats code for all users (guest or…

  • Posted a reply to fix featured image size?, on the site Forums:
    ok, but I mean that atm in source is the red release, and will be…

  • Created a topic, fix featured image size?, on the site Forums:
    hi, in my blog with bitàcora theme I use featured imag…

  • Created a topic, featured image size, on the site Forums:
    hi, is there any way to print medium size rather than …

  • Posted a reply to A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    maybe I can try to add custom css fix only for first load guest mode?…

  • Posted a reply to A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    after some test and resetting, now I've this. I just need now a little…

  • Posted a reply to A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    ok, but atm I'm not with recommended preset (so Js minify is off). Anyway, I'll…

  • Posted a reply to A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    ok, I done. So, I don't need to add complianz and cplz in exception list?

  • Posted a reply to A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    ok, thanks for reply but... this cause low pagespeed cause complianz and more layout change…

  • Created a topic, A single refresh with guest mode on, on the site Forums:
    with guest mode on (recommended preset), I've a single…

  • Created a topic, Banner bot visible in Firefox Android private mode, on the site Forums:
    Work as expected with chrome Already tried to disab…

  • Posted a reply to error in management frontend page, on the site Forums:
    indisabled in my cpanel display_error. now page seems to work as expected but with or…

  • Posted a reply to error in management frontend page, on the site Forums:
    issue sdisappear if I downgrade to PHP 7.4 (I have 8.3). So, is a plugin…

  • Created a topic, error in management frontend page, on the site Forums: maybe a theme issue? How I…

  • Posted a reply to Adding a simple subscription function for new posts, on the site Forums:
    i agree, will be a must have. atm only jetpack use a simple news sysytem…

  • Created a topic, looks valid but…, on the site Forums:
    codw need a total rewrite. function yydev_comments_…

  • Posted a reply to contact form error sending, on the site Forums:
    here same problem. i use only akismet but still all messages result as spam (atm…

  • Posted a reply to Checkbox are inside a div, then go in new line., on the site Forums: see both image. One is fixed after my edit, other isn't fixed.

  • Posted a reply to Error Sending message…, on the site Forums:
    I too, lost some contact messages (advised via telegram group).Tried to disable all other plugin…

  • Created a topic, Checkbox are inside a div, then go in new line., on the site Forums:
    <div class="<?php echo ( true === cscf_PluginSet…

  • Posted a reply to A Core Newsletter / Subscriber service?, on the site Forums:
    And i wrote in Feature Request board, but u moved (imho, badly) in everityng else…

  • Posted a reply to A Core Newsletter / Subscriber service?, on the site Forums:
    Ok, but this are plugin, sually freemium. A plugin isn't like a core feature (i…

  • Created a topic, A Core Newsletter / Subscriber service?, on the site Forums:
    All other cms system have a mail service (eg any forum…

  • Posted a reply to 6.5 and image lightbox, on the site Forums:
    thanks for reply, but i mean about lightbox inbuilt in wordpress 6.5. i don't have…

  • Created a topic, 6.5 and image lightbox, on the site Forums:
    Hi, seen just now lightbox. just 2 questions : …

  • Posted a reply to do not work anymore, on the site Forums:
    thanks for reply. Is in all form (comments, login/password/register and also in CF7). Already tried…

  • Posted a reply to work so good, on the site Forums:
    ty. 👍☺️

  • Created a topic, work so good, on the site Forums:
    A great feature will be to add also a reCaptcha integr…

  • Posted a reply to Great plugin but now it generate Third-party cookie will be blocked, on the site Forums:
    also for me still failed now. i disabled this plugin because full block any comments…

  • Created a topic, do not work anymore, on the site Forums:
    good and clean plugin, but for unknown reasons do not …

  • Posted a reply to Add script and styles only in contact page, on the site Forums:
    already tried this. i can disable with: add_filter( 'wpcf7_load_js', '__return_false'); add_filter( 'wpcf7_load_css', '__return_false'); but this…

  • Created a topic, Add script and styles only in contact page, on the site Forums:
    hi, o wrote about this more time ago but still nothing…

  • Posted a reply to Gist embed in support embed list, but not work here, on the site Forums:
    so Sorry, my mistake. I thinked is about WordPress (org). Instead is about Thanks…

  • Created a topic, Gist embed in support embed list, but not work here, on the site Forums:
    hi, in embed block support list is present gist, but I…

  • Posted a reply to i need some translation string for custom plugin, on the site Forums:
    so good, found all useful string and make my little login plugin. if someone want…

  • Posted a reply to i need some translation string for custom plugin, on the site Forums:
    thanks for reply. I'll try 👍

  • Posted a reply to i need some translation string for custom plugin, on the site Forums:
    Ok, found some valid string eg: msgctxt "block title" msgid "Login/out" msgstr "Accedi/Esci" now I…

  • Posted a reply to i need some translation string for custom plugin, on the site Forums:
    yep, I know, but if are already present I don't need to make a translation.…