
WordPress Origin Story

In July 2008, some 23,000 supporters recoiled at Candidate Obama’s support of warrantless wiretapping. When we felt that staying on MyBO was inappropriate, we moved to a wiki and ultimately a WordPress blog,—here is the celebratory video we did asking the newly-elected president to #GetFISARight:
Since then, I have been on maintenance teams for a good half-dozen or more WordPress sites, including 4 currently.

  • Member Since: August 1st, 2016
  • Location: Lenapehoking, now known as Bergen County, New Jersey
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Update for WordPress 6.5.3?, on the site Forums:
    I am maintaining a newish Web site for Democracy Watch…

  • Created a topic, Is there an update to Matomo plug-in since 5.0.5?, on the site Forums:
    I turned off Matomo when I upgraded WordPress to 6.5, …

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 6.4.2, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply; as I had just updated plug-ins, I figured it was likely…

  • Posted a reply to dark background, on the site Forums:
    hoping someone can help with this! Do we need to write a lot of CSS…

  • Posted a reply to Anonymous event submissions, on the site Forums:
    Thanks; this should help with my site, too—just wondering about using an old page, as…

  • Created a topic, WordPress 6.4.2, on the site Forums:
    I created this site before I was fully comfortable wit…

  • Created a topic, dark background, on the site Forums:
    I am installing Events Manager on a site with a dark-b…

  • Posted a reply to Bookings closed – duplicate event, on the site Forums:
    No, it means that you need to edit the booking form to match the new…

  • Created a topic, Continue Reading, on the site Forums:
    long post, one feature, different results on multiple …

  • Posted a reply to Matomo Analytics?, on the site Forums:
    Hmm, looks like I am in the wrong area, but I did get a reply…

  • Posted a reply to Matomo 4.15.0 + WordPress 6.3?, on the site Forums:
    oops, forgot to mark as resolved (or technically, I guess, resolved-to-be)

  • Posted a reply to Matomo 4.15.0 + WordPress 6.3?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the explanation! much appreciated

  • Posted a reply to Matomo Analytics?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, sorry to have been AWOL! I had asked Matomo, they suggested checking iwth you.…

  • Posted a reply to Is Version 2.5.1 compatible with WP 6.2.2?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks so much!

  • Posted a reply to Is Version 2.5.1 compatible with WP 6.2.2?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, now waiting for 6.3 compatibility! They really keep us hopping with the WP updates!

  • Created a topic, flexible and easy to use, on the site Forums:
    I have used CMP both while creating a site and for hid…

  • Created a topic, Working well on multiple sites, on the site Forums:
    I have been using Max Mega Menu on a few separate site…

  • Created a topic, Matomo Analytics?, on the site Forums:
    I have been using both Matomo Analytics and PublishPre…

  • Posted a reply to Matomo 4.15.0 + WordPress 6.3?, on the site Forums:
    O.K., I just had a complex comment, but went to check on how to create…

  • Created a topic, Matomo 4.15.0 + WordPress 6.3?, on the site Forums:
    I updated to the most recent version of Matomo, 4.15.0…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Media Library, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    absolutely agree with this

  • Wrote a comment on the post Admin Design, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I agree, leave the main menus where they are; don’t let them disappear once inside…

  • Posted a reply to Calendar view no longer shows events!, on the site Forums:
    I see a circle on days with events, but I used to see the actual…

  • Created a topic, Is Version 2.5.1 compatible with WP 6.2.2?, on the site Forums:
    Wordfence is encouraging me to update, but WordPress.o…

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 6.4: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    A later date; give us time to get to know 6.3 before 6.4 is upon…

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 6.4: What’s on your wishlist?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Yes, this would be really helpful for a number of my grassroots-groups sites.

  • Posted a reply to Publish Press?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! The reply is much appreciated.

  • Created a topic, Publish Press?, on the site Forums:
    I had been using Publish Press Blocks and Matomo for s…

  • Posted a reply to Problem found by WordFence, on the site Forums:
    Thanks; I did some (delayed) research and found that it is a Mac identifier file.…

  • Posted a reply to Problem found by WordFence, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for helping me track that down! So clear now that I look at it…

  • Created a topic, Problem found by WordFence, on the site Forums:
    Wordfence scans have returned this message: Modifi…

  • Created a topic, works well, on the site Forums:
    I have been using this plug-in for a month or more; wo…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Revitalizing the Showcase , on the site Make Marketing:
    I like most of this, just a bit concerned about highlighting sites with brand notoriety…

  • Created a topic, Updating MailPoet Premium Plug-in, on the site Forums:
    I have had MailPoet on my site for some time, and have…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Day 1: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks, on the site Make Marketing:
    Origin story:

  • Wrote a comment on the post Day 1: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks, on the site Make Marketing:
    a lovely photo, where I would love to wander:

  • Created a topic, Twitter?, on the site Forums:
    Anyone here? I came to ask about the Twitter feed tha…

  • Posted a reply to PHP version needed?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks; absolutely! I when did not show any problems with my plug-ins, I relied…

  • Created a topic, PHP version needed?, on the site Forums:
    I am looking to install a sortable table of book refer…

  • Posted a reply to Error in theme…, on the site Forums:
    I have been using icecold for more than a year now, and I do not…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicate events, on the site Forums:
    I copy old events regularly; open Past events, click the box by the one you…

  • Posted a reply to How long will legacy version remain an option?, on the site Forums:
    I had the same question; I want to retain the old, legacy version, not having…

  • Posted a reply to Redirects to 404, on the site Forums:
    I agree with the original poster; I want to stay in my WordPress environment and…

  • Created a topic, 2 recurring events, 1 day, on the site Forums:
    I don’t have a specific problem page (link is to our e…

  • Posted a reply to Events Manager 6.1.4 breaks my site! Critical error is returned in wp-admin, on the site Forums:
    Has anyone tried 6.1.5 or 6.1.6 yet? I am hoping that hopping over 6.1.4 will…

  • Posted a reply to Old Version of Tim Thumb, on the site Forums:
    I just did a new scan; this is the name of the single file I…

  • Posted a reply to Old Version of Tim Thumb, on the site Forums:
    I had the same thing today, deleted all the files (maybe 6)? that were suggested…

  • Posted a reply to STOP YOUR POPUP!!!!!, on the site Forums:
    I wonder if you are blocking even more cookies than I am?

  • Posted a reply to Change the First Day of the Week in Calendar View, on the site Forums:
    WordPress settings?

  • Posted a reply to Would this system work for me?, on the site Forums:
    What about using the Submit an Event shortcode, with an e-mail reply that says something…