


  • Member Since: November 30th, 2017
  • Location: CHILE
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  • Employer: EDUCA ACTIVA SPA
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  • Created a topic, el mejor y simple plugin feed, on the site Forums:
    Lo he utilizado por varios años y es el mejor plugin p…

  • Posted a reply to Could not create snippet. Request failed with status code 500, on the site Forums:
    @mcdeth Dear, what you say does not give any certainty since in my case this…

  • Posted a reply to FEED ERROR CREATES TITLES IN CAPITAL LETTERS, on the site Forums:
    estimados obviamente es el feed que no está generando bien para lo que fue hecho.…

  • Posted a reply to error feed , títulos en mayúscula, on the site Forums:
    Estimados, acabo de ver un tema con el feed, tuve que forzar la nueva creación…

  • Posted a reply to error feed , títulos en mayúscula, on the site Forums:
    Estimados , me he dado la tarea de revisar punto por punto el comportamiento del…

  • Posted a reply to error feed , títulos en mayúscula, on the site Forums:
    Hello , I am use the free edition. I've been using it for a long…

  • Posted a reply to error feed , títulos en mayúscula, on the site Forums:
    hello, many thanks. the title it is in the capital format examplie : " Paper…

  • Created a topic, error feed , títulos en mayúscula, on the site Forums:
    estimados el plugin es muy bueno pero esta chocando co…

  • Posted a reply to FEED ERROR CREATES TITLES IN CAPITAL LETTERS, on the site Forums:
    Hello still without resolved

  • Created a topic, FEED ERROR CREATES TITLES IN CAPITAL LETTERS, on the site Forums:
    Dear, the feed works perfectly but with Google's chang…

  • Posted a reply to error in the conect merchant center, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to error in the conect merchant center, on the site Forums:
    Hello I Send the capture error Not exist the status error file Many thak's

  • Posted a reply to ERROR EN FEED BY DOIUBLE ?, on the site Forums:
    Excellent!!!!! many thank's. Ilove this plugin

  • Posted a reply to ERROR EN FEED BY DOIUBLE ?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have found another error and that is that the plugin sends the products…

  • Posted a reply to ERROR EN FEED BY DOIUBLE ?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much but it is not possible to change the format because the…

  • Created a topic, error in the conect merchant center, on the site Forums:
    Hello I need help, when I start configuration show de …

  • Created a topic, ERROR EN FEED BY DOIUBLE ?, on the site Forums:
    Hello I need help with the error when the permanent li…

  • Posted a reply to Could not create snippet. Request failed with status code 500, on the site Forums:
    hello I'not found the Snippets > Settings > Debug >  only Snippets > Settings >

  • Posted a reply to Could not update snippet. Request failed with status code 500, on the site Forums:
    NO funcionó.

  • Created a topic, Could not update snippet. Request failed with status code 500, on the site Forums:
    hello I have this error Could not update snippet. Requ…

  • Posted a reply to Could not create snippet. Request failed with status code 500, on the site Forums:
    I have the same error Could not update snippet. Request failed with status code 500

  • Created a topic, NOT SHOW FOR ALL PRODUCT, on the site Forums:
    El plugin funciona de maravilla, pero necesito saber c…

  • Posted a reply to not filter correctly, on the site Forums:
    HELLO, many thak's

  • Created a topic, not filter correctly, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have the problem with the plugin. When search…

  • Created a topic, delete masive, on the site Forums:
    Dear, I need to delete the records created in a massiv…

  • Created a topic, simply the best!!!, on the site Forums:
    funcional y hermoso

  • Posted a reply to CALCULE BY PRODUCT, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, CALCULE BY PRODUCT, on the site Forums:
    Hello I need calculated shipping for the specific ship…

  • Created a topic, export shipping rules, on the site Forums:
    hello I need export to tale or csv the shipping rules …

  • Created a topic, PROBLEMA CON FORMULA, on the site Forums:
    Estimados tengo problemas ya que no me aparece el prec…

  • Created a topic, border-top-left-radius, on the site Forums:
    Dear I need to shrink each item and have rounded edges…

  • Created a topic, closed the item does not allow clicking, on the site Forums:
    dear I have problems with the menu items when it is cl…

  • Created a topic, URGENT!! texto correos, on the site Forums:
    estimados he estado esperando su respuesta a nuestro c…

  • Created a topic, DESACTIVAR PARA CHECKOU, on the site Forums:
    Estimados deseo como descativar la edición del formula…

  • Created a topic, not show the price with tax, on the site Forums:
    hello it is an excellent plugin but it has a flaw, in …

  • Created a topic, zipcode, on the site Forums:
    hello not autocomplete or get zip code?

  • Created a topic, SOLO AGREGAR COMUNAS, on the site Forums:
    Hola consulto si puede trabajar con la api de google m…

  • Posted a reply to Mensaje de error: Las respuesta no es una respuesta JSON válida, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Estimados ya me ha pasado con el diseño y posterior traslado de 2 sitios y…

  • Created a topic, ERROR SE QUEDA PEGADO AL AGREGAR NUEVO PROVEEDOR, on the site Forums:
    Estimados he instalado la última versión y al momento …

  • Posted a reply to REUTILIZAR DATOS CHECKOUT, on the site Foros de soporte:
    ok mil gracias cerraré el foro como solucionado.

  • Posted a reply to REUTILIZAR DATOS CHECKOUT, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Mil gracias Adrían, eso es justamente lo que necesito. Consulta cuanto cobrarías por crear ese…

  • Posted a reply to REUTILIZAR DATOS CHECKOUT, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Gracias José Luis pero eso no me sirve. El cliente sólo quiere que se ingrese…

  • Created a topic, REUTILIZAR DATOS CHECKOUT, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Estimados necesito pedir en el checkout que ingrese a…

  • Created a topic, ERROR EN SCRIPT SQL, on the site Forums:
    Estimados estoy tratando de realizar una consulta para…