
  • Member Since: September 1st, 2016
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  • Posted a reply to Management of Excessive Bot Crawling on Our WordPress Site, on the site Forums:
    Hi,You can try using plugins to block Bad Bots requests and reduce load on server,…

  • Posted a reply to Sub item not working on Secondary Menu, on the site Forums:
    Hi Michelle,I had a similar problem, and this may sound silly, but can you please…

  • Posted a reply to How to dynamically add style tags to Gutenberg editor in react, on the site Forums:
    Hi, You may be able to use Gutenberg Blocks built-in functionality to add extra class/classes…

  • Posted a reply to Menu Issues, on the site Forums:
    Hi Alice, It appears that JS is not loading properly:wp.i18n.setLocaleData({'text direction\u0004ltr':['ltr']}) Do you by any…

  • Posted a reply to sapp-wp-signon.php?pass= Login Error, on the site Forums:
    Please note that posting a link with a single sign-on password can give others access…

  • Posted a reply to Checkboxes update bug, on the site Forums:
    i confirm that patch 2.2.2 fix this issue, thanks alot ;)