
  • Member Since: March 22nd, 2012
  • Location: Malé, Maldives
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  • Posted a reply to How To: display all links (not split by cat), on the site Forums:
    Aah yes, I understand. Here is my main links page, and here is my search…

  • Posted a reply to How To: display all links (not split by cat), on the site Forums:
    Hi Yannick - do you think this might be possible ? Or should we close…

  • Posted a reply to error_log: Javascript TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined, on the site Forums:
    thanks, @daniellaivanova Yes, the plugin is uptodate, and no, I do not have any other…

  • Created a topic, error_log: Javascript TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined, on the site Forums:
    Hi Support 👋 I am seeing this recurring error in my Wp…

  • Posted a reply to Hiding category names, on the site Forums:
    Does this help ? Link field selection and ordering

  • Posted a reply to Hiding category names, on the site Forums:
    Perhaps with CSS ? On which page is the plugin being used ? (I am…

  • Posted a reply to Latest update brought my site down [5.1.2 (2024-04-16) CLEANUP], on the site Forums:
    Cheers Peter 🙏 best wishes

  • Created a topic, Does not work on mobile, on the site Forums:
    I hate to leave a bad review, and I very rarely do so.…

  • Posted a reply to Latest update brought my site down [5.1.2 (2024-04-16) CLEANUP], on the site Forums:
    Plugin author Peter Raschendorfer @petersplugins - has retired all his plugins: Custom Spinner for Contact…

  • Posted a reply to Latest update brought my site down [5.1.2 (2024-04-16) CLEANUP], on the site Forums:
    Plugin deactivated OK, but would not uninstall (stuck at 'Deleting...') I then uninstalled another of…

  • Created a topic, Latest update brought my site down [5.1.2 (2024-04-16) CLEANUP], on the site Forums:
    Latest update brought my site down [5.1.2 (2024-04-16)…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Great work, @garrettm30 ! I have been following your updates with interest. And thanks Jeff…

  • Posted a reply to Display Image With Links Shortcode, on the site Forums:
    Hi jfcby @jfcby 👋 It's a bit unusual - go to: Link Library - Library…

  • Posted a reply to No search records, on the site Forums:
    Text is almost invisible - look closely to see in dark blue "search results ..."…

  • Posted a reply to No search records, on the site Forums:
    Good news ! Self learning? No, I doubt it. I have not noticed this, and…

  • Created a topic, SUCURI plugin closed as of 20 March 2024 ??, on the site Forums:
    Hey guys, what's happened ?? This plugin has been c…

  • Posted a reply to No search records, on the site Forums:
    Oh yes, I see. I don't have mine set up like that. There are a…

  • Posted a reply to No search records, on the site Forums:
    Hi @dandreas 👋 I am just a user like you, but for the search results,…

  • Posted a reply to How To: display all links (not split by cat), on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your prompt replies & support, as always. Wishing you a safe trip.

  • Posted a reply to How To: display all links (not split by cat), on the site Forums:
    Thanks! That works as required on my search page - all results are listed without…

  • Created a topic, How To: display all links (not split by cat), on the site Forums:
    Hi Yannick - apologies, I did search for this but unab…

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: add click trigger to tag select, on the site Forums:
    Thanks again :)

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: custom bullets, on the site Forums:
    Excellent, thanks - I would never have worked that out. :)

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: add click trigger to tag select, on the site Forums:
    Super, thanks. :)

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: display links from a single domain, on the site Forums:
    Amazing, yes! I must have made a typo when I last checked, but I can…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Thanks Jeff. I just checked again, and the issue still exists on my production site…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Hi Jeff - thanks for your help, as always. 👍 As said, I was able…

  • Posted a reply to Slugs are not working anymore, on the site Forums:
    1000 sites ?? 😲🙈

  • Posted a reply to Slugs are not working anymore, on the site Forums:
    Hi BlogDrip (@bremic) I am just a plugin user like you, but did you try…

  • Posted a reply to ADDLINK shortcode to display inline (not popup button), on the site Forums:
    Done, thanks ! (A modest sum, as I am time-rich but cash-poor!) And of course,…

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: add click trigger to tag select, on the site Forums:
    FWIW, this was my failed amateur attempt at creating a small plugin to perform the…

  • Created a topic, Feature request: add click trigger to tag select, on the site Forums:
    Very minor feature request (to save 1 click!) When …

  • Posted a reply to Features: (1) thumbnail, (2) dates, on the site Forums:
    1) I was using the default (Robothumb) so I'm guessing Google Pagespeed will generate as…

  • Posted a reply to ADDLINK shortcode to display inline (not popup button), on the site Forums:
    Thanks, and so simple ! Offtopic, what's your preferred donation platform ? I could not…

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: display links from a single domain, on the site Forums:
    Apologies - I can see that my original post was not worded very well. I…

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: custom bullets, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your helpful reply. (and apologies for all the @s) Support - yes, I…

  • Posted a reply to Increase character count for link description field?, on the site Forums:
    Hi there Bix F 👋 @bixfrankonis I just stumbled across your question - I don't…

  • Created a topic, Feature request: display links from a single domain, on the site Forums:
    Hi again, Yannick Lefebvre 👋 @jackdewey - I'm enjoying…

  • Created a topic, ADDLINK shortcode to display inline (not popup button), on the site Forums:
    Hi again, Yannick Lefebvre 👋 @jackdewey I'm unsure …

  • Created a topic, 5⭐ Simple to get started, with lots of advanced options, on the site Forums:
    Simple to get started, with lots of advanced options. …

  • Created a topic, Feature request: custom bullets, on the site Forums:
    Hi Yannick Lefebvre 👋 @jackdewey and thanks again for …

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Install WP Install SDC Install Link Library  Visit LL Global Options page Error displayed on backend and browser…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    I installed the plugins WP Debugging and Error Log Viewer but the error log files…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your quick reply, Jeff. I can now recreate this error on a new…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Hi Jeff (@specialk) 👋 I've just seen this error again - an error message breaks…

  • Posted a reply to Features: (1) thumbnail, (2) dates, on the site Forums:
    I'm continuing to experiment with your demo - very useful! (2) - update - I…

  • Created a topic, Features: (1) thumbnail, (2) dates, on the site Forums:
    Hi Yannick Lefebvre @jackdewey and thanks for the grea…

  • Posted a reply to Javascript Message in PHP Error Log, on the site Forums:
    Cheers, Ben 👍

  • Posted a reply to Codesnippets break the website, on the site Forums:
    Hi Ahmer Khan (@ahmerkhanz) I am a user like you, but till support comes along…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict with GiveWP? (backend error message), on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your quick reply, Jeff Starr (@specialk) 👍 I just setup a sandbox, but…
