
  • Member Since: June 6th, 2017
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  • Created a topic, fantastic plugin and top notch support, on the site Forums:
    I went with plausible for a simpler and privacy-focuse…

  • Created a topic, post meta always saved as string, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for a great plugin. I'm having an issue whe…

  • Posted a reply to implement text rewrite within a submission form, on the site Forums:
    thanks for the fast reply. I sent you a detailed message through that form!

  • Created a topic, implement text rewrite within a submission form, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have a feasibility question.I have a job board u…

  • Posted a reply to reddit posting stopped working with unknown error, on the site Forums:
    I use the pro version but support has expired. it works great otherwise, jsut the…

  • Created a topic, reddit posting stopped working with unknown error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, the reddit autoposting used to work until about a …

  • Posted a reply to [Yoast SEO] Unexpected error in editor, on the site Forums:
    having the exct same issue. I use a different theme (Workscout) so I don't think…

  • Created a topic, great support, on the site Forums:
    Plugin works great and support is amazing. Can't recom…

  • Posted a reply to associate job listing with woocommerce account created at checkout, on the site Forums:
    Hi @ctdealba, I have not renewed my wc paid listings license so would appreciate any…

  • Posted a reply to Filter jobs using URL query, on the site Forums:
    another option:the smyles search and filtering plugin has this feature out of the box: your…

  • Created a topic, associate job listing with woocommerce account created at checkout, on the site Forums:
    hi! I use woocommerce to manage users in combination w…

  • Posted a reply to RevolutCheckout: Something went wrong, on the site Forums:
    For anyone who might stumble upon this in the future: still no clue what the…

  • Posted a reply to RevolutCheckout: Something went wrong, on the site Forums:
    I've already contacted tech support and am waiting for a reply...Moreover if you were willing…

  • Created a topic, RevolutCheckout: Something went wrong, on the site Forums:
    I'm getting a 'RevolutCheckout: Something went wrong' …

  • Posted a reply to Missing revolut_public_id parameter, on the site Forums:
    I've been getting this error again since updating to the latest version yesterday (v2.3.0) I…

  • Posted a reply to broken hyperlinks in job listings, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @hastibe this looks promising. Do you know where I can find what the current…

  • Created a topic, broken hyperlinks in job listings, on the site Forums:
    Hi, A few months ago I posted this question here (htt…

  • Created a topic, Google structured data error validThrough date, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I just received an error message from google sear…

  • Posted a reply to user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cena, No explanation from them either. Seems to be confusing everyone! I've noticed that…

  • Posted a reply to user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cena, thanks for that suggestion. I'm not seeing anything that could explain this, unfortunately.

  • Posted a reply to user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    thanks @cena. I can't replicate the issue, it seems so random. Even in listings that…

  • Posted a reply to user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    I'm using the workscout theme, I guess it's possible that modifies the standard WPJM job…

  • Posted a reply to user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cena, Unfortunately I don't have a link as this happens during job submission so…

  • Posted a reply to reorder the items on the job list filters sidebar, on the site Forums:
    just in case someone else happens onto this thread, I ended up reordering the items…

  • Created a topic, show listings for parent region when searching for any of the child regions, on the site Forums:
    Hi, right now the behaviour of the plugin seems to be …

  • Created a topic, user-submitted hyperlinks randomly broken, on the site Forums:
    On a few jobs posted by users (found 8 jobs with the p…

  • Posted a reply to capturing search filters in URL, on the site Forums:
    thanks @cena ! In case others happen onto this thread, that feature is not in…

  • Created a topic, capturing search filters in URL, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm asking a question that's been asked over a ye…

  • Created a topic, job alert for unregistered users, on the site Forums:
    Hi, The job alert add-on specifies it's for logged in…

  • Posted a reply to reorder the items on the job list filters sidebar, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cena , You're right, this is done through workscout, but I assumed (perhaps wrongly?)…

  • Posted a reply to reorder the items on the job list filters sidebar, on the site Forums:
    Hi @cena , Here's the part I mean: This is currently the right sidebar…

  • Created a topic, changing how long a job is labelled as NEW, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I need help figuring out how to change how long t…

  • Created a topic, reorder the items on the job list filters sidebar, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Is there a way to change the order of the filt…

  • Created a topic, emailing private links to delete and/or edit a job posting, on the site Forums:
    I'm building a job board that does not require users t…

  • Created a topic, works perfectly, on the site Forums:
    Does exactly what it needed to do. No issues to report.

  • Posted a reply to Can’t View Site, on the site Forums:
    Hi @trendytoni, have you tried opening it up in a different browser? I was building…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t View Site, on the site Forums:
    Sam problem here, anyone figured it out?

  • Posted a reply to Restrict free listings to verified emails from specific domains, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @jonryan, that's a great start! Would have preferred a built-in solution but I guess…

  • Created a topic, Restrict free listings to verified emails from specific domains, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'd like to restrict who can post a new job fo…

  • Created a topic, Add a video to listing, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Is there an easy way to let an employer upload a …