
  • Member Since: July 22nd, 2010
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  • Created a topic, Getting MailPoet working again -failed migratn notificatn?, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I am starting this new comment because I think i…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I would love to get MailPoet working again. I deleted MailPoet and uploaded a newer…

  • Created a topic, Powerhouse media plugin, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is absolute gem. I had been working with …

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    I tested in a staging site. I disabled all plugins and activated MailPoet. I get…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    I apologize for the delay. Yes, it is for this latest update. I have since…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Let me know if you need more info. Thank you in advance.

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Your thoughts? What shall I do in the meantime?

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am also experiencing this as well. I downloaded the new plugin and tried,…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict registration page Tutor LMS, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Any news on your forthcoming update?

  • Posted a reply to Conflict registration page Tutor LMS, on the site Forums:
    Great. Glad to hear it. I'd prefer to stick with Download Manager rather than go…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict registration page Tutor LMS, on the site Forums:
    I've tested the site without cache plugin, everything purged.It's really only when Download Manager is…

  • Posted a reply to Conflict registration page Tutor LMS, on the site Forums:
    Could it be a caching issue? I use W3. Please advise.

  • Created a topic, Conflict registration page Tutor LMS, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thanks in advance for your help. There is…

  • Posted a reply to Backdrop infront of dialog box when editing photos, on the site Forums:
    This is what I ended up doing : /* bug fix acf gallery */ .wp-admin…

  • Posted a reply to Payments go to “Pending”, on the site Forums:
    hope this helps others

  • Posted a reply to Payments go to “Pending”, on the site Forums:
    I increased the memory to 128MB and it's all good. THANKS A LOT!

  • Posted a reply to Videos for courses : private or unlisted?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your help.

  • Created a topic, Payments go to “Pending”, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Foremost, thanks in advance for any help. I …

  • Posted a reply to Backdrop infront of dialog box when editing photos, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thanks a lot for this plugin! I am having the same issue. For the…

  • Suggested 1 string on

  • Posted a reply to Videos for courses : private or unlisted?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your response. I will email the support.

  • Posted a reply to Videos for courses : private or unlisted?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your prompt reply. I tested both options in a lesson : A) Private…

  • Created a topic, Videos for courses : private or unlisted?, on the site Forums:
    I am adding videos to courses that are 'Private' on Vi…