

i have 10+ years of experience as Web developer , i have total 7 years of experience on WordPress .

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Seahawk sponsors Mayuri to contribute 1 hour per week to the following teams: Community, Core, Documentation, Marketing, Meta, Support, Test, Themes, and Training.

  • Member Since: April 26th, 2023
  • Location: Ahmedabad
  • GitHub: cp02
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  • Created a topic, Greate Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello, My website contains large amount of data but…

  • Posted a reply to Changing the Post Comment button text, on the site Forums:
    Hello @eprebys Below code works for me , see this is my wordpress screenshot…

  • Posted a reply to Got 404 on a WordPress posts, on the site Forums:
    Hello @iamaleksy This link will help you :

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Menu won’t appear on only one page, on the site Forums:
    Hello @pederweb By default JQuery file is included by Wordpress so don't include extra library…

  • Posted a reply to Warnings from php file errors, on the site Forums:
    Hello @grecoair Try to disable plugins , may be some plugins conflicting and then check…

  • Closed ticket #59136 on Core Trac:
    Hard limit of 3 posts enforced on Dashboard Recent Drafts

  • Posted a reply to Removing the category title from category widget, on the site Forums:
    Hello , To hide only 2 category , you can use its class name with…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Menu won’t appear on only one page, on the site Forums:
    Hello @pederweb Your one page is contains jquery error like this : , so…

  • Posted a reply to Warnings from php file errors, on the site Forums:
    Hello, when you try to create Post and IF your post is created successfully with…

  • Posted a reply to The website becomes a mess unable to read, on the site Forums:
    Hello @satimis Check your wp-config.php file on root Folder of wordpress , make WP_DEBUG to…

  • Posted a reply to How to remove non-canconical page in sitemap?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @alexlever17 This URL will be helpful to you :

  • Posted a reply to Login problem, on the site Forums:
    Hello @olayinkasola There can be different reasons why wp-admin is not opening , this URL…

  • Created a topic, GMC short code not works in Custom Post, on the site Forums:
    Hello , In my website , there is shortcode used in…

  • Posted a reply to Error with site – I didn’t receive email, on the site Forums:
    Hello @tichyvukoz This WP-SMTP plugin is for Sending Mail Securely , So it will not…

  • Posted a reply to Error with site – I didn’t receive email, on the site Forums:
    Hello @tichyvukoz If your website's default mail is not working like password reset mail ,…

  • Posted a reply to Error 500 on, on the site Forums:
    Hello @cawley123 This can help you :

  • Posted a reply to Excluding current post from Query Loop block for showing related posts, on the site Forums:
    Hello @pawsak there are many different reasons this error can occur . here is link…

  • Posted a reply to files permissions for only plugins & themes upload ?, on the site Forums:
    Hello @lejeczek Try to add the code in wp-config.php file , and then try to…

  • Posted a reply to Image poup with next and prev button, on the site Forums:
    hello @sibichan I have just shared different plugins for your reference , you can use…

  • Posted a reply to Looking for filter plugins, on the site Forums:
    Hello @wonderwooman You can try below plugins

  • Posted a reply to Page template does not show up in drop down selector on quick edit or page edit, on the site Forums:
    Make sure that your template file name is like page_{template-name} and NOT page-{template-name}. Also add…

  • Posted a reply to how to load other child theme css files, on the site Forums:
    Hello , Your code is ok , just need to modify this line , need…

  • Posted a reply to how to load other child theme css files, on the site Forums:
    Hello @tuanny87 You need to modify your code to call Only Child theme CSS files…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress automated system emails, on the site Forums:
    Hello You can use plugin for email template editing :

  • Posted a reply to Top menu – half of it suddenly ripped out & gone, on the site Forums:
    Hello @kmp2 The solution is get in touch with your webhost and ask them to…

  • Posted a reply to Constant FS_CHMOD_FILE already defined, on the site Forums:
    Hello , Please check you wp-config.php file which will be on root folder of your…

  • Posted a reply to files permissions for only plugins & themes upload ?, on the site Forums:
    Hello , This URL is also helpful : Here is File permission guidelines :…

  • Posted a reply to Image poup with next and prev button, on the site Forums:
    Hello @sibichan Ok If it is Simple page having Images to show on popup with…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Edit Homepage but can see Homepage on Website + issue with testimonials, on the site Forums:
    hello @usark00 : you can check adminside Edit Home page and check right side Template…

  • Posted a reply to An approved comment is not showing, on the site Forums:
    hello can you share admin side screenshot or FTP details to check details ?

  • Posted a reply to The text alignment is not proper, on the site Forums:
    Hey @aveendoshi , I got you point , First section is coming ok so like…

  • Posted a reply to Your site is coming soon mode. I launched it but not working, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Website is opening , see screenshot :

  • Posted a reply to Image poup with next and prev button, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Here are some of plugins which provides Product image popup with next prev.…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress admin site headbar glitch, on the site Forums:
    hello i think there is some css conflict , try to change theme to Wordpress…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t Edit Homepage but can see Homepage on Website + issue with testimonials, on the site Forums:
    Hello sometimes there is custom template is set so all html and php code comes…

  • Posted a reply to Code appearing below footer (Aveda), on the site Forums:
    Hello, I think this is custom jQuery code inserted by Team while working on project…

  • Posted a reply to Global login for subsites, on the site Forums:
    hello, for multisite in wordpress , database have different tables PER Websites . so for…

  • Posted a reply to The text alignment is not proper, on the site Forums:
    Hello i have checked and found this : need to remove margin-top: 25%; so…

  • Posted a reply to Spacing between product items in woocommerce webshop, on the site Forums:
    Hello, there is 1 class in <ul class="products columns-4"> tagSo you need to replace this…

  • Posted a reply to Slow website loading, on the site Forums:
    Hello you can follow steps listed below : Use a content delivery network (CDN) – A…

  • Posted a reply to An approved comment is not showing, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Please refer this URL , that might help you :,submit%20comments%20on%20new%20posts%E2%80%9D.

  • Posted a reply to Ask a question Option in Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Hello , there are 2 ways . With Plugin : Plugin to change addtocart button…

  • Posted a reply to 404 every day – broken permalinks, on the site Forums:
    Hello , admin level user has intentionally created a “Post Category” or “Product Attribute” with…

  • Posted a reply to remove a text from posts, on the site Forums:
    Hello , Firstly you can Edit Content in admin and check if that Title is…

  • Posted a reply to Blog posts title cut off by header, on the site Forums:
    Hello You can add below css by targeting this element : Here is my screen…

  • Posted a reply to wp-config.php file content had gone missing, on the site Forums:
    Hello , This is not beacuse of any wordpress version. There might be many other…

  • Posted a reply to Email Marketing for Multisite, on the site Forums:
    Hello , You can refer this plugin , it also supports multisite .

  • Posted a reply to Want to change Date Format to dd/mm/yyyy, on the site Forums:
    Hello i have checked link , and it is showing date formate as dd-mm-yyyy…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite: How to merge a subsite with the main site, on the site Forums:
    Hi, There is a plugin that can do this easily: Documentation:

  • Posted a reply to Displaying content from different categories? (if else maybe?), on the site Forums:
    Hello, using IF ELSE , you can do 2 different codes , and also manage…