
  • Member Since: January 28th, 2022
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  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 6.6 Planning Proposal & Call for Volunteers, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Only now. It looks nice. It'd be nice if it was native to WordPress.

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 6.6 Planning Proposal & Call for Volunteers, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Maybe add new look for menu in WordPress 6.6? Now it still look like Windows…

  • Created a topic, Language choose option in center, on the site Forums:
    Hey Atfer update i have this mistake: https://il…

  • Posted a reply to Good plugin, but Table of Content still buged, on the site Forums:
    After 5 months it isn’t fixed… Native Gutenberg Table of Content work fine… Just copy…

  • Posted a reply to CSS In image ratio doesn’t work + few improvement, on the site Forums:
    Hey This code work in Simple CSS plugin. @media (max-width: 767px) { .single-post .wp-site-blocks .post-thumbnail.article-post-thumbnail…

  • Posted a reply to CSS In image ratio doesn’t work + few improvement, on the site Forums:
    Hey Hannah This is screenshot :) It will be really great. And if Kadence…

  • Created a topic, CSS In image ratio doesn’t work + few improvement, on the site Forums:
    Hey I wrote this topic:…

  • Created a topic, Great theme, but still needs some improvement, on the site Forums:
    Hey Kadence theme is very good. Fast, light and easy …

  • Posted a reply to Topography settings are cutting, on the site Forums:
    When turning off the plugin, everything works as it should though? Yes! Thx for help.…

  • Posted a reply to Topography settings are cutting, on the site Forums:
    Hi Karla Lol it is very strange for me. It just Gutenberg plugin made this…

  • Posted a reply to Topography settings are cutting, on the site Forums:
    Hi Karla. I made this screen on Brave. This browser are based on Chrome. But…

  • Created a topic, Topography settings are cutting, on the site Forums:
    Can You help me with this problem? Disebled Wpdiscuz c…

  • Posted a reply to Good plugin, but Table of Content still buged, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for help ;)

  • Posted a reply to Good plugin, but Table of Content still buged, on the site Forums:
    Look: Click on: Dalsze szarpanki na FB… To samo razy dwa Bóg przychodzi z…

  • Created a topic, Good plugin, but Table of Content still buged, on the site Forums:
    If You click on H2 (headline 2) in Table of Content...…

  • Posted a reply to Show latest video from a Rumble playlist, on the site Forums: will be great in future. It is better than youtube and less popular, but…

  • Created a topic, Nie dla n00bów. Bardzo dobrze zoptymalizowany budowniczy stron!, on the site Forums:
    Nie bądźcie leniwi by iść w Elementora. Guttenberg nie…

  • Posted a reply to Great, light plugin, on the site Forums:
    Thank You :)

  • Posted a reply to Można prosić jeszcze o Discord??, on the site Forums:
    Witam takie coś znalazłem do Discorda: <meta property="og:title" content="Site Title" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website"…

  • Created a topic, Great, light plugin, on the site Forums:
    Can You add option with Google Authenticator in future…

  • Created a topic, Świetna wtyczka, on the site Forums:
    Bardzo dobrze działa i mnóstwo możliwości konfiguracji…

  • Created a topic, Można prosić jeszcze o Discord??, on the site Forums:
    Chciałbym, żeby wyświetlało też obrazek wyróżniający w…

  • Created a topic, Idealna wtyczka dla perfekcjonistów, on the site Forums:
    Świetnie działa, wykonuje zadanie bez błędów. No i le…

  • Created a topic, [Limit Login Attempts Reloaded] Elegancko działa, on the site Forums:
    Wtyczka robi co powinna. Wyloguje nas jak sami zapomni…

  • Created a topic, Elegancko działa, on the site Forums:
    I jest licencja dożywotnia dostępna. W promocji pasuje…

  • Created a topic, Great, light plugin, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this great idea. It should be native option…

  • Created a topic, Free version = waste space on host, on the site Forums:
    All page builders have free contact form. Registration…

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