
  • Member Since: January 12th, 2015
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  • Created a topic, Default related category / tag on cart, on the site Forums:
    Is there any way to set the Default related category /…

  • Posted a reply to Cash app loads two time, on the site Forums:
    I can share you the website via email. What's your email address?

  • Created a topic, Cash app loads two time, on the site Forums:
    The cash app and card load two time, and the Afterpay …

  • Created a topic, Cs and js files are loaded everywhere, on the site Forums:
    Can you please only load the cs and js files on blog p…

  • Created a topic, Error with Php 8.3.x, on the site Forums:
    I got tone of error like this 2024/05/04 01:41:16 [err…

  • Created a topic, A better Size Chart Plugin, on the site Forums:
    This is the best one I've found. If you support the mu…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with mobile scroll, on the site Forums:
    Can anyone look at this?

  • Created a topic, Problem with mobile scroll, on the site Forums:
    If the rows on size chart are over 10, it won't show t…

  • Posted a reply to Delete metadata, on the site Forums:
    Thank you so much. Do you have the exact query to delete them?

  • Created a topic, Delete metadata, on the site Forums:
    I have a website that is not digital store. No downloa…

  • Posted a reply to Bad Performance, on the site Forums:
    I can't agree with you more. It's a bit slower

  • Posted a reply to PHP 8.3 Deprecation notices, on the site Forums:
    I got the warning *168816725 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  Undefined array…

  • Created a topic, Good Idea but terrible issue, on the site Forums:
    I would say thank you for your works. However, I lost …

  • Created a topic, My email was overwritten without being enabled, on the site Forums:
    I got the issue when it sent yaymail default template …

  • Posted a reply to Sometimes mails sent as WC default emails. Sometimes not, on the site Forums:
    I got the same issue when it sent yaymail default template with someone named John…

  • Posted a reply to Missing Transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    I switched back to my previous Paypal plugin and no such issue. I bet your…

  • Posted a reply to Missing Transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    I think I only have Pixelyoursite/Automatewoo/Stripe/Paypal and Woo Blocks only.

  • Posted a reply to Missing Transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    Transaction type is capture. You have a plugin active that’s redirecting the customer to the…

  • Created a topic, Ajax disappeared forever, on the site Forums:
    I installed in 3 of my stores and ajax disappeared eve…

  • Posted a reply to Support Woo Blocks, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. This is the beast. Please release it.

  • Created a topic, Missing Transaction ID, on the site Forums:
    Many orders doesn't have Transaction ID like this. How…

  • Posted a reply to Phone No missing, on the site Forums:
    I got the same issue with any payment via Paypal. Please take it seriously.

  • Created a topic, Support Woo Blocks, on the site Forums:
    I installed it but not showing on Woo Blocks Checkout …

  • Posted a reply to How can I enter the key, on the site Forums:
    I've been using stripe for 7 years using key and nothing's happened to me so…

  • Posted a reply to How can I enter the key, on the site Forums:
    Our rev is about 15M / a month. I think you'll miss one of the…

  • Posted a reply to How can I enter the key, on the site Forums:
    Please support the key. I think you miss a lot of users due to this.…

  • Created a topic, How can I enter the key, on the site Forums:
    How can I enter the key without connecting stripe?

  • Created a topic, Setting memcached error, on the site Forums:
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Redis::connect() expects …

  • Created a topic, Does it still work with WooCommerce?, on the site Forums:
    Chatgpt tell me it's useful. Does it still work with W…

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    I used that function but nothing work. I got the error:  is currently unable to…

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    All of those products were deleted. I was so surprise where they were?

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    Until today i figured out that there are 10k items disapproved. I was surprised that…

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    Well finally I had to disconnect it, delete the api and reconnect it again. Thank…

  • Created a topic, Essential Plugin but unwanted recapcha, on the site Forums:
    This is good plugin but it loads capcha 3 everywhere a…

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    so when I sync them back, will they be reviewed again like fresh account?

  • Posted a reply to Thumbnail Size Issue, on the site Forums:
    Well it's been a month and no one cares?

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    I tried it but I have 100k items in Merchant Center. Now it's been taking…

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with Related Products for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Yes, your plugin should set the permission for specific users/groups

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with Related Products for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    they can see it, can find the tag but when they submit it, nothing saved.…

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with Related Products for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    I need to allow a group that has permission to use this plugin along with…

  • Posted a reply to :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I really don't want to mess up all the synced products by "Delete…

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with PublishPress Capabilities?, on the site Forums:
    I just want to know the function that allow to set the permission for your…

  • Created a topic, Compatible with Related Products for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Can you please allow to set the permission for Related…

  • Created a topic, :filter_valid_statuses A Google ID was not found in Merchant Center., on the site Forums:
    Describe the bug: I delete products are no deleted …

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with PublishPress Capabilities?, on the site Forums:
    Please help me. This is important

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with PublishPress Capabilities?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for getting back to my. I would like to give permission for a…

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with PublishPress Capabilities?, on the site Forums:
    Can anyone help me?

  • Created a topic, Compatible with PublishPress Capabilities?, on the site Forums:
    How can I make it work with PublishPress Capabilities?…

  • Posted a reply to Priority of highlight set after add to cart button, on the site Forums:
    Can anyone help me please?

  • Created a topic, Priority of highlight set after add to cart button, on the site Forums:
    [error] 2895276#2895276: *61614156 FastCGI sent in std…