
  • Member Since: March 20th, 2024
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  • Created a topic, elementor gpx file, on the site Forums:
    Good morning, i woul like to add a gpx file behind a b…

  • Posted a reply to html, on the site Forums:
    regarding the subject. i can see in the htmlcode. i can change the width and…

  • Posted a reply to image box text below, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. It fixed like that

  • Posted a reply to html, on the site Forums:
    thank you for your reply. I think i need to contact the html provider.

  • Posted a reply to wordpress homepage, on the site Forums:
    thanks a lot for your quick solution

  • Posted a reply to wordpress homepage, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thats indeed the symbol is see, but when i click on it the menu…

  • Created a topic, image box text below, on the site Forums:
    Hi, when i use an imagine box. How can i make the text…

  • Created a topic, wordpress homepage, on the site Forums:
    Newbie question :-) On the page of wordpress where …

  • Created a topic, html, on the site Forums:
    Good morning, Newbie question :-) I would like …

  • Posted a reply to enlarge picture, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your help

  • Created a topic, enlarge picture, on the site Forums:
    Hi, As a newbie i have a question ;-) How can i …

  • Created a topic, panel slider clickable picture, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon, i am still in the learning fase of bui…

  • Posted a reply to mobile menu trigger, on the site Forums:
    Hi Eduard, The problem was dat the plugin in max mega menu also creates a…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile width + different letter types, on the site Forums:
    thank you. it work!

  • Posted a reply to mobile menu trigger, on the site Forums:
    i found the solutions in the forums of the max mega menu plugin

  • Created a topic, mobile menu trigger, on the site Forums:
    Good morning, this is my first website and i am a comp…

  • Created a topic, Mobile width + different letter types, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am complet new to website making :-). I have 2 q…