

नमस्कार दोस्तों मेरा नाम कमोध्द सिंह हैं, और मैं उत्तर प्रदेश के कुशीनगर जिले से हूँ। मैं साईट का संस्थापक और एक कुशल ब्लॉगर हूँ ।

इस वेबसाइट को बनाने का मेरा म��ख उद्देश्य युवाओं को डिजिटल दुनिया और ब्लॉग्गिंग के बारे में सही और सटीक जानकारी देना है, जिससे की वो इन्टरनेट की दुनिया को भलीभाती समझ सकें।

दोस्तों आपको इस ब्लॉग पर ब्लॉगर, ब्लॉग्गिंग, वर्डप्रेस , एसईओ , इन्टरनेट, नईं तकनिकी, सोशल मीडिया, गूगल, फेसबुक, ट्विटर, लेटेस्ट टेक्नोलॉजी और देश दुनिया से जुडी रोचक चीजें सिखने को मिलेंगी।

  • Member Since: August 21st, 2019
  • Location: kushinagar
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  • Posted a reply to Releted Post Thumbnail, on the site Forums:
    Hi Amit, Thank you for your reply please see screenshot and page. screenshot- page…

  • Posted a reply to Releted Post Thumbnail, on the site Forums:
    hi sir plz help me Problem Screenshot

  • Created a topic, Releted Post Thumbnail, on the site Forums:
    Hi team, Releted Post Thumbnail features image is not …

  • Posted a reply to Change Color of Footer Widget Background, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, we have fixed it.

  • Created a topic, Change Color of Footer Widget Background, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I want to change footer widgets background and foo…

  • Created a topic, High Quality, on the site Forums:
    Hueman theme is great wordpress theme for beginners bl…

  • Created a topic, work with eliminator, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I want to know Hueman work with eliminator or not …

  • Posted a reply to The site is experiencing technical difficulties, on the site Forums:
    We fixed. Thanks...

  • Created a topic, The site is experiencing technical difficulties, on the site Forums:
    Hi, After installing hueman theme my site not opening …

  • Posted a reply to Remove Default Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I want to use google font like: Laila, kurle without any plugins plz help…

  • Posted a reply to login / register link in menu, on the site Forums:
    You Can Use Wordpress Plugin- User Registration – Custom Registration Form, Login And User Profile…

  • Created a topic, Change Color of Footer Widget Background, on the site Forums:
    I want to change the background color of the footer wi…

  • Created a topic, Remove Default Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I want to completely remove the all default theme …

  • Created a topic, Google Font, on the site Forums:
    Hi Team, I won't use google fonts in my blog can you p…

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