
  • Member Since: February 3rd, 2015
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  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Hello David, yes, all is clear now thank you and I have my variables working…

  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Agree, although there are nuances to adding the variable in the customiser. Having been used…

  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    ***Update*** I found a missing semi-colon in the stylesheet, which has fixed the problem on…

  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the link to the generator David, I use a similar but different tool…

  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I would say it's partially resolved. Everything works fine, when I enter the CSS…

  • Posted a reply to Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, yes this is clear and just to clarify my question, I want to…

  • Created a topic, Fluid Typography, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I see the new feature: Allow CSS variables and …

  • Posted a reply to ACF Options page, on the site Forums:
    We've used the free theme and blocks to create two projects now and despite their…

  • Created a topic, Credit and thanks, where due, on the site Forums:
    To create a plug-in, which makes Gutenberg "useable" a…

  • Posted a reply to ACF Options page, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have figured it out. I added a shortcode function to my functions.php file…

  • Posted a reply to ACF Options page, on the site Forums:
    Okay, so if I can't use Generate blocks, am I able to enter the ACF…

  • Created a topic, ACF Options page, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Am I able to connect the fields from my ACF opt…

  • Posted a reply to Single post template, on the site Forums:
    Gutenberg as a standalone product is incapable for our use as reasonably well experienced designers,…

  • Posted a reply to Single post template, on the site Forums:
    Thanks David, as many others indeed, I've avoided Gutenberg at all costs, since trying it…

  • Posted a reply to Single post template, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the additional links David, I'll digest these and will more than likely…

  • Posted a reply to Single post template, on the site Forums:
    Hi David, great response time and thanks for the heads up.Okay, so could you point…

  • Posted a reply to Single post template, on the site Forums:
    PS, To be clear, I want to override the current template and make my own…

  • Created a topic, Single post template, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'm really confused, to the point where I don't…

  • Posted a reply to Featured image, when categorising CPTs, on the site Forums:
    Hello Michael, thank you first of all, for the very quick response. I also appreciate…

  • Created a topic, Featured image, when categorising CPTs, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have a question, regarding the operation of C…

  • Created a topic, filter and sort by custom field, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to filter and sort posts within custom …

  • Created a topic, Plug-in Not Supported, on the site Forums:
    We have the Oxy Power Pack plug-in, which is the paid …

  • Posted a reply to Pro version, on the site Forums:
    I have located the problem by using an IP from a different ISP provider and…

  • Posted a reply to Pro version, on the site Forums:
    Hi, You might want to check the server logs if you have access to them…

  • Posted a reply to Pro version, on the site Forums:
    I cannot access using any browser. I have tried most of them

  • Posted a reply to Pro version, on the site Forums:
    Najeeb, I'm still unable to reach your site and the failure message is as follows…

  • Created a topic, Pro version, on the site Forums:
    I've used the plug-in and think I might benefit better…

  • Posted a reply to Extended use of TML, on the site Forums:
    I like the sound of your other find, the "reusable content and text blocks" and…

  • Posted a reply to Extended use of TML, on the site Forums:
    Malcolm, Thank you for taking an interest in this and for suggesting the plug-in "insert…

  • Created a topic, Extended use of TML, on the site Forums:
    Hello, This is a great plug-in and is working fine on…

  • Created a topic, Additional feature, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've tried this out on a test site and it does al…

  • Posted a reply to Why am I facing issue of uploads folder?, on the site Forums:
    Try this in your admin dashboard, go to Settings > Media and change the upload…

  • Created a topic, A good fit with WordPress and a solid investment, on the site Forums:
    We hand code many of our projects using the Genesis fr…

  • Posted a reply to Height adjustment, on the site Forums:
    Hello Naa, Sorry to hear that, but thank you for letting me know.

  • Created a topic, Height adjustment, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, Using the shortcode, there isn't a way to a…

  • Posted a reply to Slider full width but not for videos, on the site Forums:
    Hi there Fabiorino, Thank you for your reply and my apologies for the late response…

  • Created a topic, Slider full width but not for videos, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I wonder if you can help. The slider is wor…