
  • Member Since: July 3rd, 2008
  • Location: Australia
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  • Created a topic, Integration with WS Form, on the site Forums:
    Great little membership system, as the name says it is…

  • Posted a reply to Feature Request: Line graphs of logs, on the site Forums:
    hi @georgiganchev Certainly, it would be good to be able to view the logs week…

  • Created a topic, Feature Request: Line graphs of logs, on the site Forums:
    Any chance of adding line graphs of the logs for a qui…

  • Created a topic, Support subject and body in mailto?, on the site Forums:
    This currently does not protect emails that have a sub…

  • Created a topic, How to check if Email 1 = Email 2, if not Show Message, on the site Forums:
    As per my title, how can I have 2 email fields that Em…

  • Posted a reply to How can I display a single product on a page, on the site Forums:
    OK, might be hard to explain. We use WooCommerce with WS Form where we have…

  • Posted a reply to How can I display a single product on a page, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for getting back to me, this however posts the summary version of the product,…

  • Created a topic, How can I display a single product on a page, on the site Forums:
    How can I display a single product on a WordPress page…

  • Posted a reply to Use different min height and width for image attribute, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, never noticed that setting in there.

  • Posted a reply to Use different min height and width for image attribute, on the site Forums:
    I can see that, but that applies to every swatch type, default, label and image.…

  • Posted a reply to Use different min height and width for image attribute, on the site Forums:
    I was able to figure it out in css by using .cfvsw-image-option {min-width: 100px!important;min-height: 100px!important;}…

  • Created a topic, Use different min height and width for image attribute, on the site Forums:
    By default the setting for the variation swatches is 2…

  • Posted a reply to Move the OUM stylesheets to top, on the site Forums:
    OK I was able to fix this. I used wp_enqueue_scripts and then wp_enqueue_style for each…

  • Posted a reply to Move the OUM stylesheets to top, on the site Forums:
    This is why they need to be at the top so a website theme can…

  • Posted a reply to Override template files?, on the site Forums:
    Can I request a future update to enable template over-rides like most other plugins I…

  • Created a topic, Add class to custom fields, on the site Forums:
    Can I make a request for custom fields to get a class …

  • Created a topic, Override template files?, on the site Forums:
    Am I able to over-ride the template files in my child …

  • Posted a reply to Custom link field with icon?, on the site Forums:
    All good I worked it out, used a[href^="http"] Cheers

  • Created a topic, Custom link field with icon?, on the site Forums:
    Is there something I can add to a custom field (and th…

  • Created a topic, Move the OUM stylesheets to top, on the site Forums:
    I note that the stylesheets for the map are loaded at …

  • Posted a reply to Map with Leaflet (OpenStreetMap) cannot be saved, on the site Forums:
    I have the same issue, new install today.

  • Posted a reply to Add full product to page?, on the site Forums:
    Hmm ... when i use this and go to edit the page that the shortcode…

  • Posted a reply to Add full product to page?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your reply. After several attempts to get this working I ended up…

  • Created a topic, Add full product to page?, on the site Forums:
    I know there is a block to add a product to a page, bu…

  • Created a topic, Display both Parent and Archive category child titles together?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way on category archive pages for the page …

  • Posted a reply to How to remove category slug?, on the site Forums:
    Found Solution here - Remove the Category Base from your URLs in WordPress (

  • Created a topic, How to remove category slug?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way that I can get the category slug to be …

  • Created a topic, Does SEO Framework work with IndexNow?, on the site Forums:
    As per title does SEO Framework work with IndexNow? …

  • Posted a reply to Compatible with WooCommerce?, on the site Forums:
    Excellent, I will try that out over the next couple of days and report back…

  • Created a topic, Compatible with WooCommerce?, on the site Forums:
    The description of Forminator suggest that the plugin …

  • Posted a reply to 441 errors, on the site Forums:
    OK, try this link :)Thanks

  • Created a topic, 441 errors, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have just installed Updraft Plus on a new websit…

  • Posted a reply to Message when xml-rpc is disabled?, on the site Forums:
    Had to use add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' );

  • Posted a reply to Message when xml-rpc is disabled?, on the site Forums:
    Tried that and that does not work, possibly due to using an OpenLiteSpeed server?

  • Created a topic, Message when xml-rpc is disabled?, on the site Forums:
    When the xmlrpc file is set to be disabled, what shoul…

  • Posted a reply to Not enough config options on 2FA, on the site Forums:
    This would be a great addition to the plugin to select users for the 2FA

  • Created a topic, Works great, on the site Forums:
    Easy to install and use. It provides more than login …

  • Created a topic, Use local time in logs, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way i can set it to show the log times in l…

  • Created a topic, It just works, a really great plugin, on the site Forums:
    As my title says this just works, install, activate, s…

  • Posted a reply to Really old site update – how?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, I will give that a go :)

  • Created a topic, Really old site update – how?, on the site Forums:
    I have been given a site that is no longer working and…

  • Posted a reply to &#8211 is in TITLE instead of a Dash, on the site Forums:
    @lucaswscharf where or how is that used?

  • Posted a reply to &#8211 is in TITLE instead of a Dash, on the site Forums:
    If it worked for me I would. but hey if it works for you then…

  • Created a topic, Limit one person to 3 bookings on a day, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to limit bookings for anyone per day, i…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Version Support?, on the site Forums:
    Hi yes I have the latest version, this has now happened on three sites

  • Created a topic, PHP Version Support?, on the site Forums:
    Recently upgraded our VPS to a new server with PHP8.1 …

  • Created a topic, Still supported or abandoned?, on the site Forums:
    Before I dive right in to this plugin, can I ask if th…

  • Created a topic, Use contact details of logged in user, on the site Forums:
    How can I get Woocommerce to auto populate user data t…

  • Created a topic, Not accept certain email domains?, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to not accept email addresses from cert…

  • Posted a reply to Integrate with Ultimate Member to contact members, on the site Forums:
    Sorry I have just been swamped with work and other things, I have not yet…