
  • Member Since: April 17th, 2022
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  • Posted a reply to Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Good to know. I did ran into some issues after posting this review. Most field…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Works like a charm and beautifully integrated in ACF. …

  • Created a topic, Edit data in ‘WP Custom Fields’ meta box, on the site Forums:
    Hi, is there a way to edit or paste data directly into…

  • Posted a reply to fatal errors, on the site Forums:
    yes 100%. with the plugin installed fatal errors occur on member registration and editing.

  • Created a topic, fatal errors, on the site Forums:
    on member registration :(

  • Posted a reply to How to hide « notes » in the admin bar ?, on the site Forums:
    Please don't force us to use what we don't need. Come on @ricav, you're better…

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, email sent!

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator, on the site Forums:
    Too bad. What if I sponsored the development? Are you open to that?

  • Posted a reply to Change start day of the week?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, much appreciated :)

  • Created a topic, Change start day of the week?, on the site Forums:
    Can the start day of the week be changed? Thank you.

  • Created a topic, Compatibility with Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator, on the site Forums:
    Hello, thanks for offering this plugin for free! Is…

  • Posted a reply to partial Elementor support, some functions broken, on the site Forums:
    Elementor support is unwilling to do anything. So I created a shortcode to output the…

  • Posted a reply to partial Elementor support, some functions broken, on the site Forums:
    There are no hooks in the widget file, I checked. I asked support if they…

  • Posted a reply to partial Elementor support, some functions broken, on the site Forums:
    Sure, it's called 'Product stock':

  • Posted a reply to partial Elementor support, some functions broken, on the site Forums:
    Hello, You are right, it does work with TTF theme for example. I edited my…

  • Created a topic, essential for hack recovery, on the site Forums:
    kudos to the developer!

  • Created a topic, partial Elementor support, some functions broken, on the site Forums:
    The plugin doesn't support displaying the global or pr…

  • Posted a reply to Discontinued Message not showing on Elementor-designed Product Page, on the site Forums:
    Still no support for displaying the message when using Elementor...

  • Posted a reply to Support of ACF fields within ACF groups, on the site Forums:
    Good question! Any insight on this?

  • Created a topic, Top notch development, excellent support, on the site Forums:
    Super easy connection to any API. We can pull in data …

  • Posted a reply to Doesn’t work with background images, on the site Forums:
    Bad review. Background images and images are 2 completely different things. You can't expect this…

  • Posted a reply to Incompatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS), on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Incompatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS), on the site Forums:
    Hello, Will you add support for WooCommerce’s High-…

  • Created a topic, Incompatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS), on the site Forums:
    Hello, Will you add support for WooCommerce's High-…

  • Created a topic, house number, on the site Forums:
    Hello, regarding the Google Address Autocomplete: is t…

  • Created a topic, doesn’t work on Woo checkout, on the site Forums:
    Checkout form has no id so it cannot be activated. Als…

  • Created a topic, Adds all data to billing_address_1, on the site Forums:
    Therefor unusable

  • Posted a reply to disable Variation Gallery, on the site Forums:
    Of course I'm interested, that was the reason I posted here :)

  • Created a topic, Nice plugin & developer, on the site Forums:
    I've used other plugins for similar purposes but this …

  • Created a topic, disable Variation Gallery, on the site Forums:
    Hello, how can I disable the variation gallery? As soo…

  • Posted a reply to High-Performance Order Storage, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for following up!

  • Posted a reply to High-Performance Order Storage, on the site Forums:
    Appreciated, thank you!

  • Created a topic, High-Performance Order Storage, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Will the plugin add support for WooCommerce's …

  • Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for this. I use it to disable lazy loading …

  • Posted a reply to getting Local SEO values, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. I ended up creating a shortcode: function get_rm_phone() { $result = get_option('rank-math-options-titles'); echo $result['phone_numbers']['0']['number'];…

  • Posted a reply to getting Local SEO values, on the site Forums:
    I tried that, as mentioned above. Using the shortcode with phone attribute outputs a lot…

  • Created a topic, getting Local SEO values, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I've tried using the rank_math_contact_info sh…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor fonts missing, on the site Forums:
    That worked perfectly. Thank you for fixing this so quickly.

  • Created a topic, Elementor fonts missing, on the site Forums:
    Elementor.css refers to some fonts in /seo-by-rank-mat…

  • Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
    Free, easy to use and fast. Well done.

  • Posted a reply to GTM integration missing noscript block, on the site Forums:
    Yes :) But them I'm dealing with potential caching issues, development costs... Can the Complianz…

  • Posted a reply to GTM integration missing noscript block, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I can add the GTM code myself but then it has to be defined…

  • Created a topic, GTM integration missing noscript block, on the site Forums:
    Hello, When the GTM integration is activated the nosc…

  • Created a topic, woocommerce & date issue, on the site Forums:
    Plugin didn't catch a WC email triggerd by manual stat…

  • Posted a reply to post type archive: single object, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, all good now. I'm using Timber and a CPT called 'exhibitions' so I had…

  • Created a topic, post type archive: single object, on the site Forums:
    Hello, In stead of looping over all post type archive…