
  • Member Since: March 2nd, 2008
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  • Created a topic, How to remove from Google Authenticator?, on the site Forums:
    I don't use this plugin any longer but it still shows …

  • Created a topic, Site Scan Fails, on the site Forums:
    • An error occurred while running the scheduled site s…

  • Created a topic, Makes life easy, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Saved me hours of work.

  • Created a topic, Makes life easy, on the site Forums:
    When you need to provide a developer or similar temp a…

  • Created a topic, Best Help & Support, on the site Forums:
    They are understanding and considerate. No matter how …

  • Created a topic, Plugin De-actives all other plugins, on the site Forums:
    Just like a previous reviewer said: "I still have t…

  • Posted a reply to Not PHP v.8.1 compatible, on the site Forums:
    Same here

  • Created a topic, Doesn’t work in Chrome, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the great plugin but I have a strange probl…

  • Posted a reply to AV Software = Major Problems, on the site Forums:
    Thanks (@schmidt25) Plugin looks great, support seems great - I'll be purchasing very soon!

  • Created a topic, AV Software = Major Problems, on the site Forums:
    I'm using Kaspersky KIS and it took me over an hour to…

  • Created a topic, Places an Ad on the Home Pge, on the site Forums:
    I've never seen a plugin insert (INJECT) a promo on an…

  • Created a topic, Question before purchase, on the site Forums:
    Ready to pull the trigger on the offer to upgrade to P…

  • Created a topic, Does this or the pro version remove the DB references?, on the site Forums:
    media library has one row in the wp_posts table and tw…

  • Created a topic, Your sites contact form not working, on the site Forums:
    I tried to send the below but your form returns an err…

  • Created a topic, Not Banning user Admin Login, on the site Forums:
    There's someone with a google sites ip …

  • Created a topic, Broke my Chat plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using a self hosted chat plugin which worked …

  • Created a topic, Hide Adminize after use, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Your plugin was referred to me on another forum. …

  • Created a topic, Hide Clearfy after use, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Your plugin was referred to me on another forum. …

  • Created a topic, Doesn’t seem to work, on the site Forums:
    Using free version. The user gets an email to click a …

  • Created a topic, Change color of underline on side menu, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I've set the background on the Header and Sideb…

  • Posted a reply to Can I restore/move site to a new multisite setup, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, I've run into glitches every now and then with export/import but I may try…

  • Created a topic, Can I restore/move site to a new multisite setup, on the site Forums:
    I've done my homework and am ready to install WP Multi…

  • Created a topic, Deleted my Domain but Cleantalk is still in WPAdmin, on the site Forums:
    How do I remove all traces of Cleantalk. Went to your …

  • Created a topic, Is this really free and difference between paid, on the site Forums:
    Working on my localhost but went to https://cleantalk.…

  • Created a topic, Copy Style > re-use on another element?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the great plugin. But before purchasing the…

  • Posted a reply to 7.6.1 Broke part of site, on the site Forums:
    Correct. Knee jerk reaction. But keep in mind sites with an average # of plugins…

  • Created a topic, 7.6.1 Broke part of site, on the site Forums:
    I deleted and re-installed 7.6.0 and all's fine. It's …

  • Created a topic, Where is the sql file created with the plugin stored?, on the site Forums:
    When you tell it to ceate an sql file, where is it sto…

  • Created a topic, How to >.Form Sent to Commentor or such, on the site Forums:
    I'm working on a listing site and I'd like to have a f…

  • Created a topic, Invalid activation Key, on the site Forums:
    Where do I place the shortcode [user_verification_chec…

  • Posted a reply to Sharing API Keys, on the site Forums:
    agreenstreet Good to know, sort of. I noticed it again a day or so ago…

  • Posted a reply to Sharing API Keys, on the site Forums:
    Thanks g0tr00t <head slap> Guess they are different keys Did you happen to look at…

  • Created a topic, Sharing API Keys, on the site Forums:
    So I put up a new site for my daughter, installed Sucu…

  • Posted a reply to Last update(?) breaks site, on the site Forums:
    Just an update. I was only using two rename options, for the theme and the…

  • Posted a reply to Last update(?) breaks site, on the site Forums:
    TDGU - not certain what you want. This?

  • Posted a reply to Last update(?) breaks site, on the site Forums:
    Thanks tdgu! I've got an email into the dev. Also, this may be the issue.…

  • Created a topic, Last update(?) breaks site, on the site Forums:
    I'm using the above theme and wp-hide for quite some t…

  • Created a topic, I’ll Donate Soon!, on the site Forums:
    Green Lock! Had to apply most off the options but it d…

  • Created a topic, Can’t configure on LocalHost, on the site Forums:
    On WIN10, using wamp, No SMTP on the localhost. no ma…

  • Posted a reply to How to move “Twenty Seventeen” text on Home page, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Manoj - Seems counter intuitive not to be able to move that block

  • Created a topic, How to move “Twenty Seventeen” text on Home page, on the site Forums:
    IMHO "Twenty Seventeen" "Just another WordPress site" …