
  • Member Since: August 18th, 2013
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  • Posted a reply to [Category Specific RSS feed Subscription] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “count” on bool, on the site Forums:
    yes fixed, many thanks!

  • Posted a reply to [Category Specific RSS feed Subscription] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “count” on bool, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “count” on bool, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i found this warning on my log file : AH01071: Got…

  • Created a topic, Fantastic Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Very good Job! really very useful plugin

  • Created a topic, Very Good Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin for including external content. Just what…

  • Created a topic, Please update this wonderful plugin, on the site Forums:
    please ask the author if he could make an update of th…

  • Created a topic, PERFECT, on the site Forums:
    very nice solution with fantastic support thanks

  • Created a topic, Fantastic Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Very nice plugin!

  • Created a topic, class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: explode, on the site Forums:
    I found a solution to fix this error: class-wc-prod…

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error on Products Page in Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    I found a solution to fix this error: class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: explode(): Argument…

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error on Products Page in Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply.Can I send you the data privately?

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error on Products Page in Dashboard, on the site Forums:
    I get the same error : class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php. Error message: Uncaught TypeError: explode(): Argument #2 ($string)…

  • Created a topic, PERFECT, on the site Forums:
    Very nice plugin and fast and competent assistance

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Excellent plugin and impeccable support service.Well d…

  • Created a topic, Fantastic Plugin, on the site Forums:
    Very Highly recommended. Really well done and very use…

  • Created a topic, AMP for WP and this plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i'm using AMP for WP that is not ready for GA4. I …

  • Posted a reply to Critical ERROR, on the site Forums:
    Very kind! thanks

  • Posted a reply to Critical ERROR, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot for the advice. I appreciate it. However, I don't have the time…

  • Posted a reply to Critical ERROR, on the site Forums:
    waiting for your fix I applied this solution and the plugin is back to working…

  • Posted a reply to Critical ERROR, on the site Forums:
    Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_value() on string not a php version problem

  • Created a topic, Critical ERROR, on the site Forums:
    Breadcrumb NavXT LAST UPDATE give a critical error bre…

  • Created a topic, The turbo to your site, on the site Forums:
    I have tried all the plugins to optimize the site. Nob…

  • Created a topic, Fantastic, on the site Forums:
    Very nice work! My compliment

  • Created a topic, Menu hidden, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i can't see the menu. How can i do to change the s…

  • Posted a reply to Character encoding not working for symbol on title tag, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply. I understand the problem perfectly. I wrote here to find out…

  • Posted a reply to Character encoding not working for symbol on title tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi, did you check the problem ? I try to put some text on article…

  • Posted a reply to [Custom Simple Rss] Character encoding not working for symbol on title tag, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply. Check from my web blog the rss generated :…

  • Created a topic, Character encoding not working for symbol on title tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi, very nice plugin. My compliment I have only a prob…

  • Posted a reply to custom home page not work, on the site Forums:
    Perfect. Thanks!

  • Created a topic, good work, on the site Forums:
    very nice ! I am very satisfied

  • Created a topic, great plugin, on the site Forums:
    skilful and competent assistance service. recommended

  • Posted a reply to custom home page not work, on the site Forums:
    I send you by email the access to my site right now. Please check it.…

  • Posted a reply to custom home page not work, on the site Forums:
    I reply many times to this email ticket "R: Ticket #3971" 5 email : Inviato:…

  • Posted a reply to custom home page not work, on the site Forums:
    I wrote many time to and but nobody reply me i send many…

  • Created a topic, custom home page not work, on the site Forums:
    There are many problems with custom home page selector…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is compatible with all theme ?, on the site Forums:
    Ok thanks

  • Posted a reply to How to Change permalink appending “AMP” at the end, on the site Forums:
    Please there are somebody can help me ? Thanks !

  • Posted a reply to Start with … 2 words, on the site Forums:
    Ok thanks

  • Created a topic, Start with … 2 words, on the site Forums:
    Hi, is need to use the start_with with 2 words but not…

  • Created a topic, How to Change permalink appending “AMP” at the end, on the site Forums:
    I have created a new template for AMP pages. I need to…

  • Posted a reply to Category pages with no structural data and seo tag, on the site Forums:
    ok thanks. please not reference my webiste.

  • Posted a reply to Category pages with no structural data and seo tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for the reply. I write you personally. Thanks

  • Created a topic, Your plugin is compatible with all theme ?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, is possible to know if your plugin is compatible w…

  • Created a topic, Category pages with no structural data and seo tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i have a question. Under google search console i s…

  • Posted a reply to How to show page by page title with filter, on the site Forums:
    Yes thanks, i have solved with taxonomy. Have a good new year

  • Created a topic, How to show page by page title with filter, on the site Forums:
    Hi, how can we display the list of pages by page title…

  • Posted a reply to SMTP with multi step form, on the site Forums:
    Founded a plugin compatible "SMTP Mailer". Solved

  • Posted a reply to SMTP with multi step form, on the site Forums:
    hi, thanks for the reply. very simple question. I need to send the form from…

  • Created a topic, SMTP with multi step form, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i try to install…

  • Posted a reply to Upload file, on the site Forums:
    Many thanks for the reply. I'm very interested on your product so is ok to…