
  • Member Since: April 2nd, 2020
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  • Created a topic, Best WordPress Plugin By Far, on the site Forums:
    I could not image building a site without WS Form. It …

  • Created a topic, Only Show On Mobile, on the site Forums:
    How to display the side cart button ONLY on mobile? Th…

  • Created a topic, Style Override, on the site Forums:
    Can't seem to override this on my site: .wpgmza-store…

  • Created a topic, Prioritize Exact Matches, on the site Forums:
    When I do a search for a product such as "Tea" I get a…

  • Posted a reply to Alignment Off In Cart On Mobile, on the site Forums:
    Looks like that is going to do it for me. Thank you!!

  • Created a topic, Alignment Off In Cart On Mobile, on the site Forums:
    When viewing the cart on mobile, the qty buttons are a…

  • Posted a reply to Center With Button On Shop Page, on the site Forums:
    Perfect! I need to learn more CSS. Thank you!!

  • Posted a reply to Center With Button On Shop Page, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to just center it in the qib-container div without having to…

  • Posted a reply to Center With Button On Shop Page, on the site Forums:
    Yeah. So when I applied your code, the first time, it stacked the buttons and…

  • Posted a reply to Center With Button On Shop Page, on the site Forums:
    I got an email reply but don't see the reply on this thread?? The suggested…

  • Created a topic, Center With Button On Shop Page, on the site Forums:
    I can't seem to get the input and button centered on m…

  • Posted a reply to Grouped Product, on the site Forums:
    That worked..thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Updated And Now Can’t Add Items, on the site Forums:
    No that did not work. I use Oxygen Builder, so I don't have a theme.…

  • Posted a reply to Grouped Product, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the update. That didn't seem to work though?

  • Posted a reply to Grouped Product, on the site Forums:
    Fixed this..thanks.

  • Created a topic, Grouped Product, on the site Forums:
    The quantity field is wrapping on grouped products. I…

  • Created a topic, Updated And Now Can’t Add Items, on the site Forums:
    Updated plugin and now I can't add any items???

  • Posted a reply to Quantity Not Showing In Side Bar, on the site Forums:
    That didn't work. This seems to be working: input[type=number].xoo-wsc-qty { border: 0!important; text-align: center; display:…

  • Created a topic, Quantity Not Showing In Side Bar, on the site Forums:
    When items are added to the cart, the quantity is not …

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    Perfect..thank you very much! Great support. Will be buying the pro version today.

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    Here is my code: add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'calculate_price_by_multiplier', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_item_price', 'custom_cart_price_display', 10, 3);…

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    The woocommerce_before_cart_contents hook didn't work at all. It used the no altered prices. Also, in…

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, just noticed I was referencing the woocommerce_before_calculate_totals hook. I'll try your recommendation. Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    Only the line total.

  • Posted a reply to Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    I did that and it works fine, until the page is refreshed. Then it reverts…

  • Created a topic, Line Total Not Showing Altered Price, on the site Forums:
    I made some edits to WooCommerce in which I multiply t…

  • Posted a reply to Full Screen Modal On Mobile, on the site Forums:
    Weird, it works fine for me. Try this one.

  • Created a topic, Hash Links, on the site Forums:
    What is powering the has links from the categories? Tr…

  • Created a topic, Full Screen Modal On Mobile, on the site Forums:
    Would be nice to get a full screen modal on the mobile…

  • Created a topic, Category Toggles, on the site Forums:
    As I added all of the menu items, it became overwhelmi…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicate Food Items, on the site Forums:
    Can confirm this is happening for me as well. Had to create 2 separate food…