
  • Created a topic, wrapper link malfunction, on the site Forums:
    Trying to make a link back to last page in the Element…

  • Posted a reply to Units of Measurement, on the site Forums:
    Yes, thank you.   I was interested in the VH unit, which has been replaced by…

  • Created a topic, Units of Measurement in Image Carousel, on the site Forums:
    The Units of Measurement article explains what PX, EM,…

  • Posted a reply to Happy Addon Wrapper Link malfunction, on the site Forums:
    The whole thing started when I wanted to make a Back Button the usual way,…

  • Created a topic, Happy Addon Wrapper Link malfunction, on the site Forums:
    Just trying out the Happy Addon Wrapper Link feature t…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Image Carousel link nonfunction, on the site Forums:
    I re-read that GitHub forum thread a couple times and decided to try my hand…

  • Posted a reply to www. and multisite, on the site Forums:
    Here's a clue, from my hosting service's settings toggles: Force WWW WWW and non-WWW domain…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Image Carousel link nonfunction, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the clue to the workaround.   I am not sure this will work…

  • Created a topic, syntax for exclude uri, on the site Forums:
    Under LiteSpeed Cache Settings tab [4] Excludes, for t…

  • Posted a reply to How To Put Different Background Images for Different Pages?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, aracelil. But, sadly, all my Page Settings Style Tab offers for background is…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Image Carousel link nonfunction, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, aracelil.   So, to be clear, you are saying that, while there is a…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor Image Carousel link nonfunction, on the site Forums:
    Yes, thank you. The carousel is at

  • Posted a reply to How To Put Different Background Images for Different Pages?, on the site Forums:
    Not really. I had tried that page Featured Image thing before, and no image showed…

  • Created a topic, Elementor Image Carousel link nonfunction, on the site Forums:
    Hi.   I have the General Image Carousel going, with th…

  • Created a topic, How To Put Different Background Images for Different Pages?, on the site Forums:
    Under Site Settings>Background, I have defined a ba…

  • Posted a reply to Editing Template messes up footer, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I edit the Footer Template Part, which is found under AdminPanel>Appearance>Editor>Patterns>Footer, setting content width…

  • Created a topic, Editing Template messes up footer, on the site Forums:
    I created a new custom template, and set the content w…

  • Created a topic, url syntax for list by category link, on the site Forums:
    When I have the core WordPress Categories block in a p…

  • Posted a reply to link to category archives, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, threadi. I looked at the documentation for the GenerateBlocks plugin, and it appears like…

  • Created a topic, link to category archives, on the site Forums:
    When I have the Categories block in a pattern, and put…

  • Posted a reply to plugin compatibility, on the site Forums:
    That sounds easy enough. Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to www. and multisite, on the site Forums:
    Ok, thanks. So, is this thread resolved or not?

  • Posted a reply to www. and multisite, on the site Forums:
    It looks like I don't have multisite according to the definitions you linked me to.  …

  • Posted a reply to plugin compatibility, on the site Forums:
    Yes, the reviews are most helpful, and the threads. Deleting the plugin's files sounds so…

  • Posted a reply to plugin compatibility, on the site Forums:
    So, the Honor System, then. How does one tell if a not-tested plugin is or…

  • Created a topic, plugin compatibility, on the site Forums:
    What is the testing process for a plugin to be labeled…

  • Created a topic, www. and multisite, on the site Forums:
    One of the tips for best practices of SEO said to make…

  • Posted a reply to link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    So, I set it to give three login attempts before lockout, and there's a typo…

  • Posted a reply to No Access for Header/Footer modification in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I have sent a query to Automatic, the manager of the Fewer theme.…

  • Posted a reply to link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    On the site lockout question, yes, I did go back to the site through the…

  • Posted a reply to link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    Actually, I have been typing that www. in by hand, because the SEO documentation says…

  • Posted a reply to link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    That seems to have done the trick. So, apparently, when I copy-paste the header-footers from…

  • Posted a reply to link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    Yes, thank you, hjogiupdraftplus, I did try that already and that's why I was asking…

  • Created a topic, link button images not displaying, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I have created buttons out of images with link…

  • Posted a reply to No Access for Header/Footer modification in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Wow, a site builder that doesn't allow header and footer customization, imagine that.  Ok, can you…

  • Created a topic, No Access for Header/Footer modification in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I have built a header and footer in core WordP…

  • Posted a reply to more help with grid container, on the site Forums:
    Yes, thank you, that enables me to come up with a workaround. Ideally, I would…

  • Created a topic, more help with grid container, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to have a grid container not break and …

  • Posted a reply to Site Logo Block not working in Patterns, on the site Forums:
    I don't know what happened, but when I tried it again this morning, the Site…

  • Created a topic, Site Logo Block not working in Patterns, on the site Forums:
    In my practice page, the site logo block worked perfec…

  • Posted a reply to Help with grid container, on the site Forums:
    Oh, how embarrassing. Apologies for asking too soon. I did not really notice that little…

  • Created a topic, Help with grid container, on the site Forums:
    In core WordPress, I can put an Image block and Paragr…

  • Posted a reply to Special Characters, on the site Forums:
    I found a way with Microsoft ALT codes that works for the website. I will…

  • Posted a reply to How to Indent a Line, or Insert TAB character?, on the site Forums:
    I found a way with Microsoft ALT codes that works for the website. I will…

  • Posted a reply to How to Indent a Line, or Insert TAB character?, on the site Forums:
    The question is not about how to handle whitespace, it is about how to insert…

  • Posted a reply to Special Characters, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to just attach an image from my snipping tool? But I…

  • Created a topic, Special Characters, on the site Forums:
    Hi. I use ellipses sometimes, which is three dots wit…

  • Created a topic, How to Indent a Line, or Insert TAB character?, on the site Forums:
    Hi. In a paragraph block, I'd like to indent the seco…

  • Created a topic, Content Width in Site Editor Different Than in Preview, on the site Forums:
    I have customized my Pages template, header, and foote…

  • Posted a reply to How to swap header or footer in Elementor pages, on the site Forums:
    Sadly, I don't know how to attach things to the forum post. Basically, I just…