

Hello, my name is Debra and live in Moldova. I’m cute at cooking cakes and reading books 🙂 When i doing something my brother tells me that i’m crazy as i love doing crazy things even when i do serious things. I also like quotes about life very much as they reach to our heart and make it more sensible. So, i’m very crazy person 🙂


Racing, Dancing, Swimming, Shooting

  • Member Since: June 18th, 2013
  • Location: Moldova
  • Job Title: Teacher
  • Employer: SGR
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  • Created a topic, Must have, on the site Forums:
    That’s must have plugin. It can find all the bug…

  • Created a topic, Not good enough, on the site Forums:
    I like that plugin but not good enough to be the favor…

  • Created a topic, Flexible, on the site Forums:
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