
  • Member Since: October 3rd, 2016
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  • Posted a reply to Beautiful – with a few caveats, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I really didn't mean to diss Super Socializer, it's more that I decided…

  • Posted a reply to Ajax refresh on pagination click?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for all your help! Also to @agengpd for a useful question.

  • Created a topic, WOW!!, on the site Forums:
    I wanted something simple: the current post's excerpt …

  • Created a topic, Beautiful – with a few caveats, on the site Forums:
    Super Socializer creates very good-looking share butto…

  • Created a topic, has been deprecated., on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this extremely time-saving plugin :) My co…

  • Created a topic, Ajax refresh on pagination click?, on the site Forums:
    OK, I know this is a big ask - and I'm already delirio…

  • Created a topic, Twenty stars!, on the site Forums:
    OMG, this plugin's INCREDIBLE! I initially thought it …

  • Created a topic, Still working with 4.9.5, on the site Forums:
    This tiny plugin enables tab navigation through the Wo…

  • Created a topic, Thanks!, on the site Forums:
    I didn't notice for ages that Twenty Seventeen doesn't…

  • Created a topic, No sidebar on front page ‘panels’, on the site Forums:
    I regret to report the plugin's only half working. Sid…

  • Created a topic, Nice one, on the site Forums:
    Simply and efficiently replaces media. I agree it shou…

  • Created a topic, Lol, on the site Forums:
    The reason Pinterest verification doesn't work with Je…

  • Posted a reply to The resulting image of 0x0 is smaller than the minimum of 400×160 allowed by the, on the site Forums:
    I know this is a bit old - but I've just been through the same…

  • Created a topic, More hassle than it’s worth, on the site Forums:
    This is a ghastly plugin. I've persisted with it for a…

  • Created a topic, Top work, on the site Forums:
    Did the job really fast, no errors.

  • Posted a reply to Suggestion / Feature request, on the site Forums:
    OK, thanks! I'll have to figure out how to do that ... maybe later :D…

  • Created a topic, Suggestion / Feature request, on the site Forums:
    While trying (and failing) to absorb the Schema guidel…

  • Created a topic, Amateur grateful to ‘set & forget’ it, on the site Forums:
    We're ready to raise our SEO game but - like most peop…

  • Created a topic, Simple as advertised!, on the site Forums:
    I loved the author's "Ajax Edit Comments" but it stopp…

  • Created a topic, Now I can update my theme!, on the site Forums:
    Really happy to have my favourite widget back. I've be…

  • Created a topic, Gloriously simple, on the site Forums:
    It works, and is very light. Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Nice! – and a typo in the code, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this! Just one tiny niggle - you have two d…

  • Posted a reply to Insufficient Permissions: Indicates that the user does not have sufficient permi, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. You were right, the problem wasn't with Analytify. It turned out that Google…

  • Posted a reply to Insufficient Permissions, on the site Forums:
    Sorry for multiple posts, I kept getting a 'page not found' after submitting my query.

  • Posted a reply to Insufficient Permissions: Indicates that the user does not have sufficient permi, on the site Forums:
    Sorry for multiple posts, I kept getting a 'page not found' after submitting my query.

  • Created a topic, Insufficient Permissions, on the site Forums:
    Just installed the free version of Analytify. It says …

  • Created a topic, Insufficient Permissions: Indicates that the user does not have sufficient permi, on the site Forums:
    Just installed the free version of Analytify. It says …

  • Created a topic, Really straightforward, on the site Forums:
    There are very few settings to think about, but they i…

  • Created a topic, Yes, it works, on the site Forums:
    I love this. Thank you so much! For those with doubts…

  • Created a topic, Just works, on the site Forums:
    Jetpack was getting more & more awkward, and vario…

  • Posted a reply to FTS CSS rules are on every page, on the site Forums:
    Sounds exciting :) Thanks for the reply!

  • Created a topic, FTS CSS rules are on every page, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this helpful plugin! I'm trying to tidy up…

  • Posted a reply to REST API – Too much exposure!, on the site Forums:
    OK, I consider my wrist slapped. I don't know anything like enough about this API…

  • Posted a reply to REST API – Too much exposure!, on the site Forums:
    - Realised I may not have made my request clear: Please will you explain in…

  • Created a topic, REST API – Too much exposure!, on the site Forums:
    I accidentally read something about the new Json WP (v…

  • Posted a reply to OK, on the site Forums:
    Fair comment :) I've upped it to 4 stars.

  • Created a topic, Brilliant!, on the site Forums:
    I'm REALLY happy with Contextual Related Posts, not le…

  • Posted a reply to How to make plugin search posts by Tag, on the site Forums:
    That's exactly what I wanted, too! Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Ace :), on the site Forums:
    Took five minutes to set up, works like a charm. The p…

  • Created a topic, Worked automagically, on the site Forums:
    I actually thought this wasn't working, as there were …

  • Created a topic, Worked automagically, on the site Forums:
    I actually thought this wasn't working, as there were …

  • Created a topic, Free version: no frills, but IT WORKS!, on the site Forums:
    I didn't want anything fancy, just a one-page snapshot…

  • Created a topic, [exhales deeply] Thank you!, on the site Forums:
    If I'd found your library a week ago, I'd have got a l…

  • Created a topic, Sanity saver, on the site Forums:
    A normally reliable & essential plugin has started…

  • Created a topic, I just sent you a long & desperate email, on the site Forums:
    ... saying CTC has stopped working. However, I now thi…

  • Created a topic, Brilliant!, on the site Forums:
    That was easy :) Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Quite nice, on the site Forums:
    Worked out of the box for me - I had to re-upload a co…

  • Created a topic, Works great, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! Must admit I didn't expect it to be so easy. W…

  • Created a topic, Conflict with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro, on the site Forums:
    I'm using the Colormag Free theme - thank you very muc…

  • Created a topic, Proceed with caution, on the site Forums:
    This worked brilliantly for colour-coding the categori…