
  • Created a topic, Can removing site kit remove a sites header and footer?, on the site Forums:
    A client's seo company asked me to remove site kit. A …

  • Created a topic, How many websites can Premium be used with?, on the site Forums:
    I think Care and Responsce can be used on up to 5 site…

  • Created a topic, Multiple plugins with the same name, on the site Forums:
    It's very frustrating trying to figure out which popup…

  • Posted a reply to [Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security] Plugin Has a Security Vulnerability, Needs Updating –, on the site Forums:
    Posting the solution in case anyone else has this issue. I was using the Avada…

  • Posted a reply to [Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security] Plugin Has a Security Vulnerability, Needs Updating –, on the site Forums:
    I think I found the problem, checking on that now with theme support.

  • Created a topic, Plugin Has a Security Vulnerability, Needs Updating –, on the site Forums:
    ... however, when I log in, all plugins are updated. T…

  • Created a topic, Can’t see entries in WordPress without paying, on the site Forums:
    So you better hope your email doesn't miss any notific…

  • Created a topic, Horrible confusing UI, on the site Forums:
    I've been doing wordpress for over ten years and I've …

  • Created a topic, How do you add a popup to WordPress?, on the site Forums:
    Ive installed the plugin and created my first popup. I…

  • Posted a reply to Popup Not Showing, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Rohit, for taking the time to replay and record the video. I watched…

  • Created a topic, Popup Not Showing, on the site Forums:
    Hi - I created a new section on the test page, enabled…

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
    Easy to set up.

  • Posted a reply to Can’t remember migrated sites password, on the site Forums:
    I was able to change it via phpadmin.

  • Created a topic, Can’t remember migrated sites password, on the site Forums:
    The content at is from late las…

  • Created a topic, Sort Gallery Button Missing, on the site Forums:
    The 'sort gallery' button is missing, so I upgraded to…

  • Created a topic, Gallery thumbnails not centered, on the site Forums:
    Hi - On this site, I've noticed if I have my chrome, e…

  • Posted a reply to No SSL Cert so can’t preview site on temp domain, on the site Forums:
    Then I received an email that said "you can preview your migrated site here" that…

  • Created a topic, No SSL Cert so can’t preview site on temp domain, on the site Forums:
    Why isn't an SSL Certificate installed with the temp s…

  • Posted a reply to Increase font size of certain areas, on the site Forums:
    That worked great, thank you!

  • Created a topic, Increase font size of certain areas, on the site Forums:
    In the scrolling area of the page next to the map, the…

  • Posted a reply to How to change the “Phone” & “Fax” wording?, on the site Forums:
    Nevermind, I got it to work. Thank you.

  • Created a topic, How to change the “Phone” & “Fax” wording?, on the site Forums:
    They have two phone numbers, one called "Admissions Ph…

  • Created a topic, Markers have disappeared and API key is entered, on the site Forums:
    A few months ago the markers disappeared. We have the …

  • Posted a reply to “Sitemap could not be read”, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the reply!

  • Created a topic, “Sitemap could not be read”, on the site Forums:
    Yoast is generating 5 xml files, author, category, pag…

  • Created a topic, Text area field only half the width of other fields, on the site Forums:
    ... and only one row tall, even though its set at it's…

  • Created a topic, Easy HTTPS breaks all pages except home page, on the site Forums:
    I disabled Easy Https because it broke all non-home pa…

  • Posted a reply to Deleted galleries still showing, on the site Forums:
    I actually hadn't deleted one of them... it's gone now, this post can be deleted.

  • Created a topic, Deleted galleries still showing, on the site Forums:
    There was an issue with old galleries images not loadi…

  • Posted a reply to Various errors in WordPress control panel, on the site Forums:
    I figured out part of the problem, posting it here in case anyone else has…

  • Posted a reply to Various errors in WordPress control panel, on the site Forums:
    Also, I tried to create a basic gallery in wordpress on the site and got…

  • Posted a reply to Various errors in WordPress control panel, on the site Forums:
    Flagallery folder has permissions granted except Group & All can not Write to it. Could…

  • Created a topic, Various errors in WordPress control panel, on the site Forums:
    Recently gallery photos stopped showing in the site. I…

  • Created a topic, Export Failed – Forbidden, on the site Forums:
    I'm trying to back it up, but keep getting the Failed …

  • Created a topic, Reduce space between sections?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to reduce the space between the title a…

  • Created a topic, Whats the best way to contact flippercode?, on the site Forums:
    I've emailed them twice and have not heard back about …

  • Created a topic, Works great and…, on the site Forums:
    ...excellent support!

  • Created a topic, One of the best…, on the site Forums: plugins I've ever used.

  • Created a topic, An admin user with the username admin was created outside of WordPress., on the site Forums:
    Wordfence emailed me with the message: "An admin user …

  • Created a topic, Parent company with many locations vs subsidiary with fewer locations, on the site Forums:
    I'm working for a parent company that has 5 smaller co…

  • Posted a reply to Deactivated plugin, can’t log in, on the site Forums:
    Also, I don't have access to the sites directory/hosting because it's hosted by a former…

  • Created a topic, Deactivated plugin, can’t log in, on the site Forums:
    I wasn't thinking when I temporarily deactivated the p…

  • Created a topic, How to know if we have an unlimited license?, on the site Forums:
    I've taken over web development for a company that has…

  • Posted a reply to Email Notification, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Is it the "WP Mail SMTP" plugin by WPForms?

  • Created a topic, Should I sign up for a full account?, on the site Forums:
    As I'm creating a project, the top of the page says: "…

  • Posted a reply to Exporting form data, on the site Forums:
    The data people enter when they fill out a form.

  • Created a topic, Exporting form data, on the site Forums:
    We are no longer using the CF7 forms though would like…

  • Created a topic, Frequent logins without a username, on the site Forums:
    The plugin is showing registered logins, as it should,…

  • Posted a reply to Entries only received via email when sender logged in, on the site Forums:
    The link i posted was imcomplete: Now it seems the notification emails are inconsistent,…

  • Created a topic, Entries only received via email when sender logged in, on the site Forums:
    I was notified that their contact forms entries stoppe…