
  • Member Since: May 31st, 2018
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  • Created a topic, more manual payments it is,, on the site Forums:
    no option to insert API... like this will be great for…

  • Posted a reply to info icon and animation, on the site Forums:
    oh i already tried that it does not work even used !important somehow if you…

  • Created a topic, info icon and animation, on the site Forums:
    would be nice if the INFO icon woocs_price_info_icon.p…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    thanks for your time, but i think you could have mentioned this last week lol...…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    i already did google search for 4 days only options they give to open all…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    correct, regarding redirection, YOAST plugin does as of now the redirection however it does not…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    ah ok now i understand the main page and the shop page and…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    screenshot of what of my products? because that is only what i can make a…

  • Posted a reply to how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    i have for example 200 services however 2 of these services/products i want to open…

  • Created a topic, how to open a specific product in a new tab?, on the site Forums:
    i have digital service and my other services are on an…

  • Created a topic, good plugin tried them all, on the site Forums:
    i tried many square plugins this one is ok to me i do …

  • Posted a reply to not showing the gateway, on the site Forums:
    thank you i submitted a request for this, and thank you for the fast response…

  • Posted a reply to not showing the gateway, on the site Forums:
    first one of country is fixed, still with currency as you said square can convert…

  • Created a topic, not showing the gateway, on the site Forums:
    in admin area it says WooCommerce Square: Your base co…

  • Created a topic, not showing gateway names, on the site Forums:
    it does not show the gateway names

  • Posted a reply to no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    you too and you more then welcome, well deserved

  • Created a topic, best and simple plugin, on the site Forums:
    very nice plugin i tried many and this one is for me t…

  • Posted a reply to no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    wow that worked out perfectly thank you so much, second issue i already know i…

  • Posted a reply to no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    if it can be done like in the image (i edited the image to show…

  • Posted a reply to no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    as you can see extra subtotal and total price are not correctly displayed to close…

  • Posted a reply to no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    i need a shortcode as not every theme is the same and it does not…

  • Created a topic, no shortcode?, on the site Forums:
    no shortcode available seems a bit unprofessional... c…

  • Created a topic, documentation not available, on the site Forums:
    documentation is not available https://divengine.ticks…

  • Created a topic, Genius and simple, on the site Forums:
    genius and simple plugin, saves you loads of time! tha…

  • Posted a reply to nice but fails, on the site Forums:
    sorry i am a very busy man, i already took another one i think these…

  • Created a topic, nice but fails, on the site Forums:
    nice simple plugin however it interfere with many gate…

  • Posted a reply to content pushed down, on the site Forums:
    yep but they do not care, because no response

  • Created a topic, Very nice plugin indeed, on the site Forums:
    very nice plugin, very smart to be honest to avoid to …

  • Posted a reply to content pushed down, on the site Forums:
    ???? i think the screenshot says enough... i do not even understand why 1 work…

  • Posted a reply to content pushed down, on the site Forums:
    yes i did not had a choice, because with flags it does what it shows…

  • Posted a reply to content pushed down, on the site Forums:
    i did not figure it out i wanted to use the one with the flags,…

  • Created a topic, content pushed down, on the site Forums:
    when installing and click the dropdown all content is …

  • Created a topic, nice plugin but useless gateways, on the site Forums:
    this could be a great plugin if you add all mayor gate…

  • Created a topic, brizy breaks my website, on the site Forums:
    since the latest update Brizy v 2.4.31 breaks my websi…

  • Created a topic, question, on the site Forums:
    can you also make this for wpjobster script? i would b…

  • Created a topic, shortcode, on the site Forums:
    hello, will be nice if there is a shortcode to add on…

  • Created a topic, good plugin, on the site Forums:
    nice does what it states, wish there was a shortcode o…

  • Created a topic, not working short code, on the site Forums:
    shortcode is not working in a JOB (what is like post o…

  • Created a topic, [Smart Floating / Sticky Buttons - Call, Sharing, Chat Widgets & More – Buttonizer] tidio, on the site Forums:
    i try to add tidio with javascript they provide but it…

  • Posted a reply to [Brizy - Page Builder] website breaking after latest update, on the site Forums:
    whatever is just bad and plain bad and that is the fact, why list it…

  • Posted a reply to website breaking after latest update, on the site Forums:
    awesome.. NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER, great customer service

  • Posted a reply to [Brizy - Page Builder] website breaking after latest update, on the site Forums:
    no response… great

  • Created a topic, [Brizy - Page Builder] website breaking after latest update, on the site Forums:
    when i updated to Brizy 2.2.14 all images that are hos…

  • Posted a reply to <span class=\"resolved\" aria-label=\"Resolved\" title=\"Topic is resolved.\"></span>[User Switching] switch back bar and link not there, on the site Forums:
    already had it resolved forgot to update here, and yes that was exactly it thank…

  • Created a topic, [User Switching] switch back bar and link not there, on the site Forums:
    hi, i have several sites always working well however o…

  • Created a topic, [UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin] Yandex drive, on the site Forums:
    will ever Yandex drive be added? regards

  • Created a topic, [WP Email Users] some bugs, on the site Forums:
    hi i notice it does not add emails from DOT online (.o…

  • Created a topic, [WP Email Users] Exactly what i look for, on the site Forums:
    was searching and this plugin is exactly what i look f…

  • Created a topic, remember emails send, on the site Forums:
    will be great if it remembers the emails as well for e…

  • Created a topic, [Quick Mail] remembering emails, on the site Forums:
    will be great if it remembers the emails as well for e…