

Senior Software Engineer with 15 years of experience in Software Development, Specially the web applications. With main responsibilities for software projects Planning, Designing, Development and Testing. I have developed over +50 website projects during my career.

Recently, My interests are designing and modeling the architecture of micro-services based systems. And, to apply such design patterns using Cloud Servers and AI technologies like GCP and AWS products.

I started coding my first J2SE and J2ME Software in 2008. Then, My passion moved to web development. Hence, I focused my efforts on implementing and writing the languages of the Full-stack development For PHP Frameworks( Like Angular and Laravel) and JavaScript Frameworks ( Like: React, NodeJS, for back-end and front-end. Including the RDBMS and nosql database models(like MongoDB).

Beside, Working using the development & Testing tools like: The Agile & Scrum Tools, Software Development Staging & Pipeline, Packaging and containerizing the delivery of the software.


WordPress, WooCommerce, WPML, Polylang, Paypal,

WordPress Origin Story

After creating +50 projects with wordpress, I believe it’s very solid CMS to create business website and web based applications.

It has all the required features and functionality of running a complete platform.

I believe that the WordPress could be the best choice for creating business websites.

Contributions Sponsored

Ahmed Basioni contributes 3 hours per week to the following teams: Accessibility, CLI, Community, Core, Design, Documentation, Marketing, Support, Test, Themes, and Training.

  • Member Since: April 8th, 2014
  • Location: Egypt
  • Website:
  • GitHub: basioni
  • Job Title: Senior Software Engineer - WordPress Consultant
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  • Posted a reply to Migrate blog to another LAMP/VPS Server, on the site Forums:
    Before moving the old website (using duplicator), Downgrade your new server to match the old…

  • Posted a reply to Migrate blog to another LAMP/VPS Server, on the site Forums:
    If you have a good hands on command shell/terminal, Try using the WP-CLI commands. and,…

  • Posted a reply to Trying to get property ‘post_status’ of non-object, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Firstly, You need to check the compatibility between WordPress version and PHP version (…

  • Posted a reply to Which file do I add meta tags too?, on the site Forums:
    That's good news. To learn more about WordPress theme hierarchy:

  • Posted a reply to Which file do I add meta tags too?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, You can add it to your header.php file in <head> section.

  • Posted a reply to Media attachments losing quality when uploaded to WordPress, on the site Forums:
    Hi, If your questions is about the Feature images, WordPress automatically generates different sizes for…

  • Posted a reply to Different data views for custom post types, on the site Forums:
    Hi, As an Admin, You can use Editors widgets to customize your view of specific…