
  • Member Since: December 17th, 2011
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  • Posted a reply to Changing the color of the blue stripe in the product curvey widget, on the site Forums:
    I found it now thank you.

  • Posted a reply to Removing wishsuite and evercompare buttons in the product curvey widget, on the site Forums:
    When I turned compare and wishlist off in the modules settings, the buttons disappeared. Thanks…

  • Posted a reply to Changing the color of the blue stripe in the product curvey widget, on the site Forums:
    In the place you mentioned, only the button colors are changed. I want to change…

  • Created a topic, Removing wishsuite and evercompare buttons in product curvey tool, on the site Forums:
    I want to remove wishsuite and evercompare buttons in …

  • Created a topic, Changing the color of the blue stripe in the product curvey widget, on the site Forums:
    I want to change the color of the blue stripe under th…

  • Posted a reply to remove the search icon that appears in the search by text box, on the site Forums:
    I changed the page link as follows / Please consider this page.

  • Posted a reply to Delete cross next to attribute not working on mobile, on the site Forums:
    I changed the page link as follows / Please consider this page.

  • Created a topic, remove the search icon that appears in the search by text box, on the site Forums:
    When entering the search box based on the text at the …

  • Created a topic, Delete cross next to attribute not working on mobile, on the site Forums:
    If you make a wrong selection in any multidropdown box…

  • Posted a reply to I can’t generate unique code, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, I can’t generate unique code, on the site Forums:
    I added [woof_front_builder] as a shortcode to the sea…

  • Created a topic, There is too much space between search boxes:(, on the site Forums:
    There is too much space between search boxes. The sear…

  • Created a topic, I can’t translate the two texts on the payment page, on the site Forums:
    I could not find the following texts neither in loco t…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove the text next to the attribute name?, on the site Forums:
    I solved the problem with loco translate. thanks.

  • Posted a reply to I want to change ‘filter’ text in the button, on the site Forums:
    I solved the problem with loco translate. thanks.

  • Created a topic, I want to change ‘filter’ text in the button, on the site Forums:
    How can I change the 'filter' text in the button under…

  • Created a topic, How can I remove the text next to the attribute name?, on the site Forums:
    I made a search form based on product features. In the…

  • Created a topic, When I make a selection, it does not redirect to the search page, on the site Forums:
    I installed the plugin YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product F…

  • Posted a reply to Links are not working!, on the site Forums:
    Only product category links do not open. I can give links to different pages on…

  • Created a topic, Links are not working!, on the site Forums:
    I created a navigation menu in container by using elem…

  • Created a topic, Links are not working!, on the site Forums:
    I created a navigation menu in container by using elem…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove the space at the top of the product page?, on the site Forums:
    I was able to make the gap by decreasing the value of the following code…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove the space at the top of the product page?, on the site Forums:
    Yes, that's the gap I'm talking about. I added the codes to the style.css file,…

  • Posted a reply to How can I remove the space at the top of the product page?, on the site Forums:
    I couldn't see the option to add a screenshot file here. The space I'm talking…

  • Created a topic, How can I remove the space at the top of the product page?, on the site Forums:
    I installed the Shoplentor plugin. Only Gütenberg edit…