
  • Member Since: September 21st, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Glider multiple slides, on the site Forums:
    Fixed it, if anyone reads this you can achieve it using CSS

  • Created a topic, Glider multiple slides, on the site Forums:
    Hello i would like to know if its possible to show a b…

  • Created a topic, Player title text language, on the site Forums:
    Hello Currently the text when you highlight text fo…

  • Posted a reply to Use elementor Search results template instead of Product Archive, on the site Forums:
    Fixed it by my own

  • Posted a reply to Use elementor Search results template instead of Product Archive, on the site Forums:
    Any other solution?

  • Posted a reply to Use elementor Search results template instead of Product Archive, on the site Forums:
    Had to copy search.php from main theme to child theme but its not working, its…

  • Created a topic, Use elementor Search results template instead of Product Archive, on the site Forums:
    So i'm trying to get fibosearch to display the search …

  • Created a topic, Signature not appearing in PDF, on the site Forums:
    Hello The plugin works fine, but i can't get it to …

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to also add states of a country?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the answer

  • Created a topic, Is there a way to also add states of a country?, on the site Forums:
    Im trying to change prices based on state/province/zip…

  • Posted a reply to Apply coupon based on product data, on the site Forums:
    No, those options come from a extra select field from the product

  • Created a topic, Apply coupon based on product data, on the site Forums:
    Hello I want to apply a specific coupon based on a …

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Yes i read the message and its quite clear Maybe the IT guy doesn't quite…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    It's unfortunate yes Still i went back since i was not satisfied with the solution…

  • Created a topic, Bad if you are using Nginx, on the site Forums:
    If you are on a hosting that uses Nginx and can't conf…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, we will search for an alternative

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Yes i saw the reply but i think the url have nothing to do with…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    I agree but then passthru can handle background images or not?

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Doing another testing it seems the plugin cannot serve webp images on backgrounds using PassThru…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Checked the url on other websites using revolution slider and all of them have the…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    I see, but that data-lazyload url is no longer present in the html of the…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Alright, couldn't correct it but i disabled lazy loading for revolution slider so that part…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    The domain does use www but i removed it from the slide image url of…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Damn im stupid, didn't see that, replaced the 2 images with the correct domain, but…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Oh, then its passthru fault for those images in the other website for not being…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    The website we are trying right now is this one Its not serving images coming…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Hello again, im testing the plugin on another website and we are again seeing images…

  • Posted a reply to How to block tag manager from plugin, on the site Forums:
    Its working now Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to How to block tag manager from plugin, on the site Forums:
    Saw the image, does this means i have to uninstall GTM4WP since we are inserting…

  • Posted a reply to How to block tag manager from plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello, is this feature already available?

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Alright, thanks for the clear explanation, it makes sense that it does not convert images…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    So hosting did the changes to the server, i can see now that pagespeed complains…

  • Created a topic, Basic usage locked on PRO version, on the site Forums:
    Users can't enter their desired sizes, thats locked be…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    I trust whoever helps me fix the problem. Yes, usually hosting is reluctant to change…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Alright, hosting says Pass Thru mode is the configuration they have confirmed it works with…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Im letting them know this, see whats their response and will get back to you

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Using the default method we were getting errors about nginx cachin/reverse proxy and it wouldn't…

  • Posted a reply to Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Im using pass thru as per hosting guidance since other methods won't work with their…

  • Posted a reply to [Converter for Media - Optimize images | Convert WebP & AVIF] Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Sure, theres 10 images i can check on network that did not convert, i think…

  • Created a topic, Somes images not converted, on the site Forums:
    Hello Im trying the plugin, converted all the image…

  • Created a topic, How to block tag manager from plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello We are using GTM4WP to manage tag manager, an…

  • Posted a reply to Reviews downloaded with rating 0, on the site Forums:
    That seemed to work, had to download the reviews a couple of times cause it…

  • Created a topic, Reviews downloaded with rating 0, on the site Forums:
    When i download new reviews, all of them appear with r…

  • Posted a reply to Sudden burst of 404s listed, on the site Forums:
    Same here, updated the plugin and now it shows 45k redirects for no reason

  • Posted a reply to Where to override header scripts?, on the site Forums:
    Okay, lets say i want to add google tag manager scripts on the header, the…

  • Posted a reply to URLs of downloads disappear when saving, on the site Forums:
    Installed new version of the plugin and its working for now, added a new download…

  • Posted a reply to URLs of downloads disappear when saving, on the site Forums:
    @raldea89 sure: ### Active Plugins (23) ### Clean Image Filenames: por Upperdog – 1.3 Click…

  • Created a topic, Where to copy header scripts?, on the site Forums:
    Im using header footer elementor and Hello elementor t…

  • Posted a reply to URLs of downloads disappear when saving, on the site Forums:
    @raldea89 i did the installation myself using wordpress zip from so there shouldnt be…

  • Posted a reply to URLs of downloads disappear when saving, on the site Forums:
    I don't think so since i can go to the folder using ftp or our…