
  • Member Since: May 27th, 2009
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  • Created a topic, Excellent tool — and great support!, on the site Forums:
    I'd looked at PWA options for WordPress in the past an…

  • Posted a reply to Session not maintained – need to log-in every time, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your reply. I'll send through an email with the details given the website…

  • Created a topic, Session not maintained – need to log-in every time, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Hoping someone can assist with this. I've set-u…

  • Posted a reply to Customising fixedheader for more rows, on the site Forums:
    Thanks again, Tobias. I'll mark this as resolved so as to not clutter up the…

  • Posted a reply to Customising fixedheader for more rows, on the site Forums:
    Many thanks for the quick reply, @tobiasbg -- I appreciate your advice in relation to…

  • Created a topic, Customising fixedheader for more rows, on the site Forums:
    I've been using TablePress alongside the 'DataTables F…