
  • Member Since: March 25th, 2014
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  • Posted a reply to “Duplicator Tooltip is not defined” Error, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for an answer. Seems everything is ok now, the error disappeared.

  • Created a topic, “Duplicator Tooltip is not defined” Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Duplicator stopped working after the site was r…

  • Posted a reply to When will the plugin be available again??, on the site Forums:
    Great, can't wait :)

  • Created a topic, When will the plugin be available again??, on the site Forums:
    When will the plugin be available again?? What is h…

  • Posted a reply to The order is not created, although the payment is made, on the site Forums:
    Hi, this is my report Or it is one payment gateway overall?  The essence…

  • Created a topic, The order is not created, although the payment is made, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I manage a website with the Woocommerce stor…

  • Posted a reply to The process hangs when trying to export a particular form’s submissions, on the site Forums:
    Hello,thank you for your answer. I followed all the preliminary steps recommended by your support…

  • Posted a reply to The process hangs when trying to export a particular form’s submissions, on the site Forums:
    When trying to export, for example, the last two submissions ( ), the export…

  • Created a topic, The process hangs when trying to export a particular form’s submissions, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I have a form with quite a large number of fields (…

  • Posted a reply to The message “The model predicted a completion…”, on the site Forums:
    Same problem with the other similar plugin. Same website/hosting), so probably Russian hosting is the…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Error in chatbot, on the site Forums:
    I am using AI Engine v1.9.99. Here is my settings: I tried to…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Error in chatbot, on the site Forums:
    The error in php error log is: [17-Nov-2023 09:00:14 UTC] PHP Warning: Trying to access…

  • Created a topic, PHP Error in chatbot, on the site Forums:
    Hi,since some time ago I get an error message "Got an …

  • Created a topic, The message “The model predicted a completion…”, on the site Forums:
    I am trying to use ChatGPT mode and no matter what I w…

  • Created a topic, How to show vertical menu closed initially on page load?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using the "Vertical Menu" widget, and I nee…

  • Created a topic, Backup termination with “Directive ‘allow_url_include’ is deprecated”, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I have set up an automatic backup in Amazon S3-c…

  • Created a topic, Full height menu and vertical scrolling, on the site Forums:
    Hello,is it possible (for example, if the list of cate…

  • Created a topic, Custom taxonomies base permalink fix (for v2.0.2.), on the site Forums:
    Hello, After updating to 2.0.2 this fix https://wor…

  • Posted a reply to The bug in the CSS for the Tab widget, on the site Forums:
    In tthis way, please explain me how it is a valid syntax.

  • Created a topic, The bug in the CSS for the Tab widget, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have Elementor v3.15.1.Recently I found in 'f…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicator and Redis Object Cache, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for help, @mohammedeisa. I will definitely try it. Before this I have changed this…

  • Created a topic, Duplicator and Redis Object Cache, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have Redis Object Cache installed and working. I…

  • Created a topic, Post type name in the search results, on the site Forums:
    I would like to implement a search across multiple pos…

  • Created a topic, ‘Overflow-y’ problem when editing page in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I found that when the plugin is enabled in Eleme…

  • Posted a reply to Error on 5% of Backup Creation, on the site Forums:
    You already answered this through my ticket on the site. Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to Error on 5% of Backup Creation, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Here is the log

  • Created a topic, Error on 5% of Backup Creation, on the site Forums:
    Hi, my backup process is stalling on 5%. This is error…

  • Created a topic, Qi Addons and OoohBoi Steroids compatibility, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I just noticed some incompatibility between Qi …

  • Created a topic, Qi Addons and OoohBoi Steroids compatibility, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I just noticed some incompatibility between Gli…

  • Posted a reply to Merging databases on pulling staging website to live, on the site Forums:
    Hi Rene, glad to read your answer. So what it int the essense? Now my…

  • Created a topic, Merging databases on pulling staging website to live, on the site Forums:
    Hello,I have a pre-sale question regarding the WP Stag…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with the link in the mail, on the site Forums:
    The problem is solved. Settings in Perfmatters turned off Rest API.

  • Created a topic, Problem with the link in the mail, on the site Forums:
    Hi,I created a form (Gravity Forms) with an additional…

  • Posted a reply to Scan Stop Request Receiving, on the site Forums:
    I uninstalled WF, deleted all the datatables and re-installed it. Problem disappared. Thahks and sorry…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with ‘Checkout Payment Method’ widget – methods are not loaded, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, wrong thread.

  • Created a topic, Problem with ‘Checkout Payment Method’ widget – methods are not loaded, on the site Forums:
    Hi, when I add ‘Checkout Payment Method’ widget on che…

  • Created a topic, Problem with ‘Checkout Payment Method’ widget – methods are not loaded, on the site Forums:
    Hi, when I add 'Checkout Payment Method' widget on che…

  • Created a topic, Scan Stop Request Receiving, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have installed Wordfence 7.8.2 and can not in…

  • Created a topic, Restricted access based on date range, on the site Forums:
    Hi,my client needs a membership system where a member …

  • Posted a reply to Glider for flexbox please, on the site Forums:
    Sorry as far as I can see it is already supported. My bad.

  • Created a topic, Glider for flexbox please, on the site Forums:
    Hello OoohBoi, Is tthere Glider for flexbox on hori…

  • Posted a reply to Создать сайт на Woocommerce/Elementor Pro, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Написал на почту.

  • Created a topic, Создать сайт на Woocommerce/Elementor Pro, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Необходимо разработать онлайн-киоск электронных журнал…

  • Created a topic, New GLIDER in v2.0.5: prev/next buttons need full padding seetings, on the site Forums:
    Hi OoohBoi, new settings for next/prev buttons in Gli…

  • Posted a reply to Cache is generated erratically on multisite’s subsite, on the site Forums:
    I did not find any Cron strings in wp-config.php. I added define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', false); and will…

  • Posted a reply to Recaptha and hCaptcha in WPForms are not working, on the site Forums:
    Ok, thanks, I will address this question to WPforms developers.

  • Created a topic, Captcha is not working in Elementor popup, on the site Forums:
    Neither Gcaptchas nor Hcaptchas are not working when t…

  • Posted a reply to Recaptha and hCaptcha in WPForms are not working, on the site Forums:
    No, it is not

  • Created a topic, Cache is generated erratically on multisite’s subsite, on the site Forums:
    I experienced some random problems on my several multi…

  • Posted a reply to Recaptha and hCaptcha in WPForms are not working, on the site Forums: