
  • Member Since: December 9th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, Recaptcha woes, on the site Forums:
    Trying to get the recaptcha to work for the review sub…

  • Posted a reply to Pie Calendar classic editor metabox conflict resolved, on the site Forums:
    You bet! Your plugin is great :) I do have a few ideas about how…

  • Created a topic, Pie Calendar classic editor metabox conflict resolved, on the site Forums:
    Wordpress 6.5.2, ACF 6.2.9After first installing the P…

  • Posted a reply to Foreach array crash using display conditions, newest vers, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the prompt attention to this! Does appear to have fixed the issue…

  • Posted a reply to Foreach array crash using display conditions, newest vers, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Foreach array crash using display conditions, newest vers, on the site Forums:
    Wordpress 6.5.2 Elementor free 3.21.0EHFB 1.6.27(all t…

  • Posted a reply to Customising Templates, on the site Forums:
    Thanks blackspiral... good to know. Doesn't help me much right now though. I need to…

  • Created a topic, Templating documentation doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    HelloI've been trying to implement custom templating a…

  • Posted a reply to Customising Templates, on the site Forums:
    Same problem here; I cannot make any of it work, no matter how many times…

  • Posted a reply to ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    and I have figured that problem out; turning on ajax for form submission broke that…

  • Posted a reply to ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    No, using the pdf creator that comes with Forminator. Now I have another related issue…

  • Posted a reply to ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    Hello again... due to delays with the client I haven't gotten back to this. Ok…

  • Posted a reply to ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    I changed the hidden field to 4200 as you suggested, exact same result. Form on…

  • Posted a reply to ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    Hi AdamHere's the link to the changed form of the form front-end and the email…

  • Posted a reply to ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    Hi Dmytro;I removed the visibility rule, same result as before. No change.

  • Posted a reply to ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    This works in the email notification! Thank you! I haven't built the PDF for this…

  • Posted a reply to ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, I will try that today and let you know what happens.

  • Posted a reply to ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    Here you are, Nebu, thank you! (just a side note, I did not get an…

  • Posted a reply to ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    I imagine it's something dumb I'm doing on my part. But I can take this…

  • Created a topic, ACF calculation showing different result in form and in email, on the site Forums:
    I have a form which has a calculation field that displ…

  • Created a topic, ACF custom text field to show up in submission email, on the site Forums:
    Hi Currently I have an ACF custom text field render…

  • Created a topic, Can’t remove Customize option, on the site Forums:
    Hi I cannot seem to remove the Customize option und…

  • Created a topic, Datepicker difference – need zero initial value, on the site Forums:
    Hi I followed the instructions here https://wordpre…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Steven, but I would have appreciated it if this forum TOLD PEOPLE THAT…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    At this point we are 7 weeks into this with no resolution (although some of…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    Steven, where did I do that or offer to do that? I suggested direct contact…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    Nithin, I have permission to let you log in and look at it directly. Contact…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    It would help a lot if you could walk me through this so we can…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Would it help if you login and look at the site directly? I have permission…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Darn it, missed that. No more critical error, but it still doesn't give me any…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Nithin for all your help, appreciate it a lot! Here you are

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Ok here we go. Here's the form link here's the mu-plugin code - which…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    I am still having issues. The code runs but I get no images in the…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    #1 The shortcode is not in the calculations fields, like I said it's in an…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Grrr, I thought I had made it public. Try

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    image url won't work in image block

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Maybe this might help. see the screenshot below :)The "total rent" field is taken from…

  • Created a topic, Are you going to fix the plugin?, on the site Forums:
    I was using it for a project and am wondering if this …

  • Posted a reply to Remove post data column from csv export but preserve post_title, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Open User Map backend access for Editor user role, on the site Forums:
    HiI have a site where I need the Editor user role to h…

  • Posted a reply to Editor role and admin menu item Future, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thanks for the prompt response. Worked perfectly :)

  • Created a topic, Editor role and admin menu item Future, on the site Forums:
    Hi! I am having an issue. I enabled the Editor rol…

  • Created a topic, Remove post data column from csv export but preserve post_title, on the site Forums:
    I am wondering if there is a way to modify the submiss…

  • Created a topic, Wrecks Elementor Loop grid, on the site Forums:
    When plugin is activated, Elementor loop grids just go…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    One quick question, is it possible to do multiple fields with this, or is a…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, I will give this a try and let you know how it works…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Thank you Saurabh. I hope so, otherwise we will have to find a different solution…

  • Posted a reply to Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    More information: I'm getting the ACF field via shortcode and putting the shortcode into an…

  • Created a topic, Using data from ACF fields in Calculations, on the site Forums:
    Hi How would I pull existing data from an ACF field…

  • Posted a reply to Mapping Forminator upload field to ACF Gallery field, on the site Forums:
    Hi Adam and thank you! I have been very ill for the last week+ and…