WOOT - WooCommerce Active Products Tables


This tab is for adding columns to the current table. “Prepend column” adds new column on the table top, “Append column” adds new column to the table bottom. After new column creation use drag-and-drop icon to change its position if necessary.

Each column has its own options such as color and background color.

  • Move: for columns reordering
  • Title: set column title on the site front
  • Active: allows to disable the column without its deletion
  • Mobile: allows to hide the column on mobile devices if necessary
  • Field: select what woocommerce field display in the column
  • Width: column width. Examples: auto, 200px
  • Notes: any text notes for admin
  • Actions:
    • Edit options button:
      • Font size: Example: 16px OR 1.2em
      • Font family: The column text font family. Include them in the tab Settings!
      • Color: Example: #00ff00
      • Background: Example: #000000 OR url(__IMG_URL__) center top
      • Hide on small screen: If you want to hide this column on small screens, set here width, lower which its will be hidden. Example: 500. Leave it empty to disable.
    • Delete button

Some of the columns can has its personalized options, for example title also has column options:

  • Show labels: If enabled in the title cell will be able to shown such labels as: featured, on sale, out of stock
  • Display as text: Display as text instead of link to the product

Personalized columns options can be added by hook woot_ext_column_fields_options.

More than 40 predefined column fields is possible to display:

  • ID
  • thumbnail
  • title
  • excerpt
  • content
  • single
  • post_status
  • author
  • post_date
  • post_modified
  • comment_count
  • price
  • regular_price
  • sale_price
  • on_sale
  • sku
  • downloadable
  • gallery
  • weight
  • length
  • height
  • width
  • manage_stock
  • stock_status
  • stock_quantity
  • sold_individually
  • total_sales
  • review_count
  • tax_status
  • average_rating
  • grouped
  • upsell
  • cross_sell
  • variations
  • product_type
  • featured
  • products categories
  • attributes
  • custom taxonomies
  • meta fields
  • custom columns