How to Compare and Select Fast Managed WordPress Hosting

Rocket Taking Off

Imagine sitting in front of your computer, watching a website load at a snail’s pace, feeling like you’ve aged ten years in the process. In the modern age we live in, seconds make all the difference.

Nobody wants to visit a slow website – and, as a result, nobody wants to own a slow website. The impact on your website’s goals can be pretty astronomical since users are extremely likely to click away from a website that doesn’t load soon enough.

Don’t worry, though. An excellent hosting provider can rescue you from this crisis. In this article, we’ll explore managed WordPress hosting services that keep your site speedy and, ideally, make your life easier along the way.

What Drives WordPress Hosting Speed?

Underneath the surface of a fast WordPress website lie various factors that determine its speed and performance.

Server Infrastructure

When you look closer at server infrastructure, you’ll find components like Solid-State Drives (SSDs), the number of CPUs, and memory size influencing how fast your website loads. Before choosing a hosting provider, make sure they offer infrastructure that aligns with your website’s needs. SSDs, with their rapid data retrieval capabilities, can significantly enhance loading times while ample CPU power and memory ensure smooth operations, especially during traffic spikes.

Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)

Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) are a global network of servers positioned to reduce latency and accelerate content delivery. CDNs work by ensuring that your website’s data is distributed across multiple locations worldwide, allowing users to access your site swiftly, regardless of their geographical location.

Pressable takes this a step further with its edge caching, a combination of caching and edge-computing concepts. This innovative feature optimizes content delivery, making it faster than traditional CDNs.

PHP Worker Allocation

PHP worker allocation determines how many simultaneous requests your server can handle. Pressable flexibly allocates PHP workers based on server needs, adapting instead of rigidly prescribing set limits based on price points.

Resource Sharing

Shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing resources on a single server. If one site gets a traffic boost, others might be affected. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, provides an exclusive server for your website, ensuring consistent performance regardless of other sites’ traffic. Pressable helps users choose between shared and dedicated hosting based on their specific needs, emphasizing optimal performance.

Choosing Top-speed WordPress Hosting

Choosing the right WordPress hosting service can boost website performance and improve the user experience.

When considering a high-speed WordPress hosting service, it’s not just about velocity. Sure, speed is important, but other factors contribute to the overall performance too:

  • Robust security features: Guard your website against cyber threats with features that protect against malware, hacking, and other online dangers.
  • Uptime guarantee: A reliable host promises 99.9% or better uptime, ensuring your website is consistently accessible to users.
  • Customer support: Accessible, responsive, and knowledgeable customer support is essential. Make sure your host provides 24/7 support through multiple channels.
  • Automatic backups: Protect your data with regular automatic backups and a hassle-free restore process.
  • WordPress optimization: Look for features tailored to WordPress, like one-click installs, optimized performance (such as through web server monitoring tools), and specialized support.
  • Pricing structure: Evaluate the hosting costs to ensure they align with your budget, and beware of hidden fees.
  • Geographic considerations: Choose a host with data centers strategically located for optimal speed in your target audience’s region.
  • Reputation check: Investigate the host’s reputation through customer reviews and testimonials, gaining insights into service quality and reliability.

Comparing Review Signal’s for Top Managed Hosting Services

Among the elite WordPress hosting services, only a few made the Review Signal’s 2023 WordPress Performance Benchmarks. It’s worth mentioning that all services featured in this comparison have achieved top-tier status, and their ranking does not imply any bias. These results were derived from an independent source that used an identical WordPress dummy website across website hosts.

1. Pressable

Maybe it’s obvious, but we think we bring a certain something special to the WordPress hosting game. We use WP Cloud’s infrastructure to load sites at super-fast speeds and 100% uptime, thanks to features like the Edge Cache and free automatic failover.

Moreover, we take the busy work of running a website off your shoulders along the way. For example, even at our introductory tier, we offer free managed migration, daily backups, and unlimited test sites, among other services. Our managed hosting platform, which starts at $45/month is rooted in helping make running a website as easy for people as possible, so they can focus on bigger things.

2. GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks is top in the eco-friendly WordPress hosting market. Known for their dedication to sustainability, GreenGeeks offers strong performance, security, and excellent customer service. GreenGeeks also offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee!

They’re very affordable, starting at $11.99/month, but they don’t offer as many services as other managed hosting providers. For example, at the introductory tier they offer free backups, but not on-demand backups – and you don’t get their best performance until you reach the highest price tier.

3. Presslabs

Presslabs prioritizes performance and security, tailoring its services specifically for WordPress sites. With a focus on enhancing the WordPress user experience, Presslabs seeks to “reinvent the wheel” of hosting infrastructure and provide a high-speed, scalable hosting environment. With a slightly higher starting price – $33/month – than most of the other entries on the list, Presslabs is a B2B solution, setting its sights specifically on publishers, agencies, and enterprise clients.


A household name, provides a suite of services, from custom domain names to a diverse array of themes and built-in SEO tools. It runs on WP Cloud, the Automattic-created infrastructure behind Pressable. This means it gets the same benefits from that infrastructure we do – the Edge Cache, automatic failover, and incredible speeds – so it’s a great choice for anyone looking for a fast, high-performing website.

It technically has extremely low introductory prices, but the first two tiers – which cost $4/month and $8/month respectively – don’t include major features most WordPress site owners looking for a high-performing site will need, such as the ability to install plugins. For that you’d need to, at minimum, invest in the Creator tier, which starts at $25/month.

5. Siteground

Siteground comes with a rich set of features and services. For example, SuperCacher Technology boosts website speed by storing frequently accessed content closer to users, ensuring lightning-fast loading times.

Highlights of the Comparison Data

Hosting ProviderMonthly Pricing for
Starter Managed Tier
Disc Space LimitsMonthly Visit or
Page View Limits
Pressable$4520 GB50,000 Visits
GreenGeeks$25.95No LimitNo Limit
Presslabs$3330 GiB (About 32 GB)30,000 Page Views$25*200 GBNo Limit
Siteground$39.9940 GB400,000 Visits

*As discussed above, technically has lower starter tiers than this: For the sake of this comparison, we’ve chosen to instead use the minimum pricing tier that allows plugin downloads, as this will be a required feature for most users looking to run a WordPress website.

Pressable Offers Speedy Sites & Great Services

Pressable stands out as one of the best options for fast WordPress hosting, providing not only excellent loading times but also a range of services that take user experience to new levels.


Using a global content delivery network (CDN) and an innovative edge cache, sites hosted on Pressable experience lightning-fast loading times. This results in remarkable user experiences and a boost in SEO optimization, which search engines love.

Pressable also goes beyond promises, guaranteeing a flawless experience with a 100% uptime guarantee and free automatic failover, ensuring your site remains operational at all times.

Flexible Resource Management

Unlike the conventional practice of throttling performance when websites surpass plan limits, Pressable adopts a dynamic reallocation strategy. This means rather than penalizing success by reducing performance, they reallocate resources and charge a small overage fee. This unique approach prevents websites from experiencing downtime or any negative impact on their performance when traffic surges beyond expectations.

Efficient Site Management

Take advantage of free staging environments to effortlessly test and smoothly sync changes to your live site. The Titan professional email integration adds a touch of professionalism, and the ability to handle multiple domains from one dashboard simplifies your operations. Along with this, plugin management and reporting make managing your WordPress a piece of cake.

Robust Security Measures

Security is taken very seriously at Pressable. DDoS protection, a Web-Application Firewall, free SSL certificates, managed WordPress updates, malware scanning, threat monitoring, and hack recovery assistance from a safe and secure site. At Pressable, users benefit from the added layer of security with free Jetpack Security Daily.

Effortless Migrations

Starting a migration journey can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. Jessica Frick, Director of Operations at Pressable, says, “Obviously, migrations can be a huge pain and we like to make sure joining us is as easy as possible.”

So, once you’ve come to the point where your website could use the performance boost that Pressable provides, we’re here to help. We understand that many site owners stick with underperforming hosting to avoid the hassle of migration. But don’t worry; at Pressable, we focus on making your migration smooth and stress-free.

Our fully managed site migration is the showstopper here, and guess what? It’s free with all Pressable plans. No need to worry about data loss, plugin clashes, or SEO hiccups. We handle the migration hustle, ensuring a successful website migration within 24 hours.

So, in the words of Jessica Frick, “There’s no better time than now, so let’s get you rockin’ on a high-performing hosting service today!”

Accelerate Your WordPress Journey With Pressable Hosting

Elevate your WordPress experience with Pressable Hosting. Unleash the power of exceptional site speed for optimal user experience, SEO, and increased conversions.

Ready to accelerate your WordPress journey? Explore our hosting plans and make the switch today for a faster, more reliable website. Choose speed, security, and reliability – choose Pressable.

Amanda Tsourakis

With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, Amanda's experience demonstrates her sales expertise. Her commitment to building, training, and guiding high-performing teams has been instrumental in driving Pressable's success. Amanda's extensive background in sales and marketing, coupled with her sharp business acumen, has made her an invaluable asset to the tech community. Her ability to identify and foster talent, combined with her passion for developing winning sales strategies, has propelled her to the forefront of the industry. When she's not expertly navigating the tech sales landscape, she loves spending quality time with her family, loves travel and adventure, lounging pool/beach-side, playing tennis, working out, and meeting people/making friends all along the way!

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