Easily Manage Multiple WordPress Sites from One Dashboard

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Why remember a dozen passwords when you could remember just one? Keeping things simple is one reason developers like to manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard.

Managing multiple WordPress sites can be challenging. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of managing your sites from one dashboard and what to look for in a single dashboard for multiple WordPress sites.

Challenges of Managing Multiple WordPress Sites

Whether you’re with an agency, you’re a freelancer, or you own multiple businesses, managing more than one WordPress website can be difficult. Let’s look at the challenges of managing multiple sites.

Multiple site challenges include:

  • Demands on Time. Managing multiple sites independently robs you of taking advantage of economies of scale. From updates to backups, manual tasks require logging in to a different site or dashboard and repeating the work.
  • Increased Cost. Your time isn’t the only thing you’re wasting managing multiple sites. You could be missing out on vital cost savings. Managing your sites from one dashboard and platform allows you to use one security or backup service instead of paying for each one separately. Many services also offer multi-site discounts.
  • Lack of Support. You could have to manage various support systems if your sites aren’t on one dashboard. You might have different support contacts and options, depending on which site you’re working on.
  • Need for Continual Updates and Monitoring. Keeping every site updated and monitoring for security or performance issues is cumbersome. You’re more likely to miss something if you manage each site independently.

Benefits When You Manage Multiple WordPress Sites from One Dashboard

If you’ve ever wondered if there was a better way to manage multiple WordPress sites, the answer is “yes.” Let’s look at why savvy WordPress users opt to manage all their sites from one dashboard.

Simultaneous Updates

Never miss a vital WordPress update. The dashboard lets you update your core software, plugins, and themes. Keeping your system up-to-date is a WordPress security best practice. When you neglect to update your sites, you leave them vulnerable to attack. Updates include security patches and performance enhancements. Up-to-date sites are safer and run better. Using a single dashboard to manage your sites enables simultaneous one-click or even automatic updates.

Perform Routine Maintenance

In addition to updates, a single dashboard simplifies performing other maintenance activities like cleaning up your site or monitoring its performance. Be sure to read about our 24/7 WordPress hosting support for our checklist of essential maintenance tasks.

Enhanced Security

A single dashboard allows you to monitor your site’s security better. Think of it like a control room where a security guard can watch all the cameras simultaneously. It would be much easier for the guard to miss something if he had to walk to each location instead of keeping an eye on every entrance at once.

Reduced Workload

Time is money. If you can do things in less time, you’re better off.

Using a single dashboard to manage multiple sites also can help freelancers increase their maintenance and support plan’s margin. If you’re running your own business or work for an agency, you can take advantage of the time saved by using a dashboard to work on other projects.

For more tips on reducing your workload and staying organized, download our e-book, Hosting 25+ WordPress Sites the Easy Way.

What to Look for in a Single Dashboard for Multiple WordPress Sites

At this point, it should be clear why a single dashboard will make your work life easier. So how do you pick the best one? Use this checklist as a guide when selecting a dashboard.

Essential features of a single dashboard for multiple WordPress sites:

  • User-Friendly. To reap the time-saving benefits of using a single dashboard, you need one that’s intuitive and easy to use.
  • Seamless Backups. Look for a dashboard that automates your backups and allows for fast restoration in case of a crash or security breach.
  • Integrated Security. The ideal dashboard allows you to monitor for security threats. Since dashboards will closely integrate with your site, you must also vet the dashboard’s security. Dashboards will have access to your core WordPress files. You need to ensure someone can’t exploit a weakness in the dashboard to gain unauthorized access to your site.
  • Quality Support. Evaluate what support the dashboard provider offers. Look for a WordPress expert who can help you troubleshoot the dashboard and any issues with your site.
  • Performance Optimization. Explore what ways the dashboard can monitor and improve your site’s performance.
  • Simple Migration. You won’t use a dashboard if it’s too cumbersome to add sites. Consider how easy it is to migrate existing and new sites into the dashboard when selecting a vendor.

Manage Multiple WordPress Sites With Pressable

Pressable includes all the tools you need to manage multiple WordPress sites. We offer an easy-to-use dashboard, so you can manage all your sites in one place.

The Pressable dashboard includes:

  • One-click closing
  • Easy migrations
  • Domain management
  • SFTP access
  • Automatic updates
  • Malware scans
  • Expert support

We’re experts in managing multiple WordPress sites at once. To see our dashboard in action, schedule a Pressable demo today.

Alfred Bassetti

With over a decade of invaluable experience. Alfred is not just about numbers; he's dedicated to bringing customers closer to their hosting needs through his expertise in Inbound sales, WordPress support, and Google Data Analytics Certifications. His skills in project planning, web design, and development make him a well-rounded contributor to the Pressable team. He focuses in helping people get the best possible experience with hosting by bringing customers closer to their needs!

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