Plugin Directory

Changeset 3100359

06/10/2024 07:49:20 AM (7 weeks ago)

Update text in changelog

1 edited


  • booking/tags/10.1/readme.txt

    r3100345 r3100359  
    313313    * **Under hood**: Added the ability to auto-select dates in the calendar based on URL parameters. For example, ?wpbc_select_check_in=2024-05-16&wpbc_select_check_out=2024-05-19&wpbc_select_calendar_id=1 will automatically select the specified dates. (
    314314    * **Under hood**: Removed most global JavaScript variables in the plugin and defined them under the _wpbc JS variable. Redefined the loading of JavaScript variables and some JS files.
    315     * **Fix** Correctly display a white background for the header of admin pages on small resolutions where the top menu shifts to the second row. (
    316     * **Fix** If you set a number of months to scroll from today on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page, the system will show the last scrolled month's exact date as available, based on today's date. (
    317     * **Fix** Addressed an issue with exporting booking links to Google Calendar when the start time is 00:00 and the end time is a specific time. In this scenario, the system incorrectly set the date one day lower than it should have. (
    318     * **Fix** Improved top menu border and background colors for a sleeker look. This update ensures a more cohesive appearance, especially when other plugins or themes display warning messages at the top of the page. The background gradient of the top menu will now appear more organic and clear. (
    319     * **Fix** Display the green bar correctly based on the WordPress timezone rather than GMT time on the Calendar Overview page in Day view mode. (
    320     * **Fix** Compatibility with jQuery 3.0 replaced deprecated .unbind() to .off() and .andSelf() to .addBack() methods. (
    321     * **Fix** Resolved an issue where the end time in the booking form was set to 24:00 (midnight), causing a booking date issue like "30 Nov -0001." The system now adjusts the end time to 23:59 if it is set to 24:00. (
    322     * **Fix** Resolved an issue where the rangetime field was incorrectly selected during booking editing in the free version when using the AM/PM time format. (
    323     * **Fix** Resolved some conflicts with other plugins,  where the Array.prototype contains unexpected enumerable properties: nectarGetKeyByValue; thus breaking e.g. loops. (
    324     * **Fix** Replace default values from select-one to selectbox-one and from select-multiple to selectbox-multiple. It can resolve 403 Error in some servers, which block request, where exist select term.
    325     * **Fix** Replace default shortcode [select ...] to [selectbox ...]. It can resolve 403 Error in some servers, which block request, where exist select term.
     315    * **Fix** 11 different fixes of the issues. Find more information at this page:
    326316- Changes in **Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser** versions:
    327317    * **New** "**Searchable Resource Setup**" for easy customization of search availability. This feature allows users to personalize search visibility and attributes for booking resources. Customize search options like **summary text and thumbnail images** to improve visibility and user engagement in search results. Additionally, configure specific **parameters for resource filtering in search forms**, providing users with targeted search options for finding relevant booking resources. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    354344    * **Under hood**: Deprecated the following shortcodes in the Search Form: [search_visitors], [additional_search "3"], [search_category], [search_tag]
    355345    * **Under hood**: Deprecated the following shortcodes in the Search Results: [booking_resource_title], [link_to_booking_resource "Book now"], [book_now_link], [num_available_resources], [booking_featured_image], [booking_info], [booking_resource_id], [standard_cost], [max_visitors]
    356     * **Fix** Updated styles for the message "There is a new version of Booking Calendar available" in the WordPress Plugins menu. (
    357     * **Fix** Resolved the error message: 'These dates and times in this calendar are already booked or unavailable...' that appeared when using a custom booking form with time slots different from the standard booking form. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    358     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of incorrectly displaying status for change-over dates when there were check-in/out dates with pending and approved statuses on the same date in booking resources with specific capacities. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    359     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of incorrectly parsing "simple HTML tags" in custom booking forms on the Booking Listing page. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    360     * **Fix** Corrected the display of booking resource ID = 1 in WordPress Blocks when configuring the booking resource differently from the default resource. ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    361     * **Fix** Resolved PHP Fatal error that occurred in PHP 8.1 or 8.2 when using complex arithmetic operations at the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string in ../wpbc-calc-string.php on line 68. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    362     * **Fix** Addressed the warning message about an undefined array key "cost" on line 624 of the page-resources.php file. *(Personal)*
    363     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of the "bank" selection table not displaying correctly for the iDeal payment system on mobile devices in the payment form. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    364     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of the search field for Seasons being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Seasons page. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    365     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of the search field for Coupons being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Discount Coupons page. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    366     * **Fix** Resolved the issue of the search field for Users being hidden on the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Users page. ( *(MultiUser)*
    367     * **Fix** Improved the styles for date descriptions in season filters on the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Seasons page. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    368     * **Fix** Fixed the selection filter for [visitors] in the old legacy search engine to accurately display search results. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    369     * **Fix** Corrected the email notification sent when a booking was duplicated at the WP Booking Calendar > Add Booking page. It now sends a New booking email instead of a Modification email. (
    370     * **Fix** Get correctly empty options for regular users in Booking Calendar MultiUser version (
     346    * **Fix** Resolved more than 15 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    372348= 10.0 =
    381357    * **Translation**. Hungarian translation [96% completed] by VinczeI.
    382358    * **Translation**. German translation [96% completed] by Wibias.
    383     * **Fix** Resolved possible PHP 8 incompatibility issue (
    384     * **Fix** Resolved issue of showing top messages (
    385     * **Fix** Corrected the issue of incorrectly showing today's date as an unavailable date in the calendar on servers with a timezone different from UTC, especially in American timezones (
    386     * **Fix** Addressed the issue of incorrectly showing bookings in Calendar Overview and Timeline when the timezone was incorrectly defined by themes (in functions.php file) or other plugins via incorrectly defined the timezone via this PHP functions: like date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); Even it is not correct way of defining timezone, relative to . Now plugin correctly resolve this issue. (
    387     * **Fix** Re-created the "Thank you" confirmation page (such  as if the confirmation booking page was previously defined as follow: (
    388     * **Fix** Resolved fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Cannot access offset of type string on string in ../wpbc-class-timeline_v2.php on line 3100 (
     359    * **Fix** Resolved more than 6 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    389360    * **Support**  WordPress 6.5
    390361- Changes in **Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser** versions:
    406377    * **Under hood**: Update the URLs for send transactions for Opayo - Elavon (former SagePay) to an Elavon domain on 31st March 2024. For more details, please refer to the following link: ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    407378    * **Under hood**: Option to **Hide Payment Form After Visitor Edits Own Booking** - You now have the ability to define not to show the payment form after a visitor edits their own booking. This can be achieved by using the shortcode **[visitorbookingediturl]&is_show_payment_form=Off** in the New (visitor) email template at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings > Emails page. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    408     * **Fix**: **Search Availability** Functionality Issue - An issue has been resolved in the Search Availability functionality. Previously, it was not possible to find pages with booking form shortcodes when the booking resource was defined using the 'resource_id' parameter instead of 'type'. This fix ensures that the search functionality now works as expected, allowing users to locate pages with booking forms accurately. ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    409     * **Fix**: **Correct Sorting Order for Booking Resources** - An issue has been addressed where the sorting order for booking resources in select-boxes was not defined correctly during the change of booking resource for a specific booking. This fix ensures that booking resources are displayed in the correct order. ( *(Personal, Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    410     * **Fix**: Correction of Start Day Definition - An issue has been **resolved where Sunday was incorrectly defined as the start day for selection** in specific seasons when using conditions in the shortcode. For example, when using a shortcode like [booking resource_id=1 options='{start-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="0"},{select-day condition="season" for="myHighSeason" value="8,15,22,29"}'], Sunday was inaccurately identified as the start day. This fix ensures that the start day for selection in specific seasons is correctly determined. (  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    411     * **Fix**: Corrected Saving of Booking Dates - An issue has been resolved where booking dates were incorrectly saved if the option "Set check out date as available" was activated at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in the "Calendar" section. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    412     * **Fix**: Corrected Redirect Issue for Failed Payments - An issue has been addressed where users were incorrectly redirected to the home page instead of the failed URL when **payments failed via iDeal (Buckaroo)**.  ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    413     * **Fix**: Resolved an issue causing a possible PHP Fatal error has been resolved. This error, specifically the Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: null + string, occurred in the wpbc-calc-string.php file when non-standard shortcodes with arithmetic operations were used on the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page. ( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    414     * **Fix**: Corrected Minimum Date Selection Issue - An issue has been addressed where the minimum number of dates in the calendar was incorrectly selected if a user clicked twice on the same date, and the system had a minimum number defined higher than 1 day. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    415     * **Fix**: Corrected End Time Selection Issue - An issue has been resolved where, if the option "Use selected times for each booking date" was deactivated, the system incorrectly blocked end times when a user selected multiple dates. For example, if the start time was booked from 00:00 to 15:00, the system would block the end time until 15:00, even if the end date was fully available. ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    416     * **Fix**: Corrected Display Issue with Check-In/Out Dates - An issue has been resolved where the check-in/out dates (triangles) were incorrectly shown as fully available dates in booking resources with specific capacity. This occurred when one of the child booking resources had a change-over dates situation rather than being fully booked.  ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    417     * **Fix**: Resolved issue in MultiUser version for sending approval "regular email" to visitors, for the booking that belong to regular user, and was activated this option "Receive all payments only to Super Booking Admin account" at the WP Booking Calendar > Settings General page in "Multiuser Options" section.  ( *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
     379    * **Fix** Resolved more than 10 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    419381= 9.9.1 =
    420382- Changes in **all** versions:
    421     * **Fix** Resolve the issue of showing Notice: Undefined index: aggregate_type in ../includes/_capacity/capacity.php (
    422     * **Fix** vulnerability of possible unauthenticated sql injection (
    423 - Changes in **Personal / Business Small / Business Medium / Business Large / MultiUser** versions:
    424     * **Improvement** Server performance improvement by preventing of sending request to server for cost calculations, if in the booking form there is no dates or cost hints. It's prevent from 504 Error at some servers (  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
     383    * **Fix** Resolved 2 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    426385= 9.9 =
    483442    - **Support for WordPress 6.4:** Added support for WordPress version 6.4.
    484443* **Bug Fixes**:
    485     - Fixed an issue with not correctly showing creation and modification booking times on some servers.
    486     - Corrected the problem of showing the calendar with an incorrectly defined Start week date at Booking > Availability page.
    487     - Resolved the issue of not translating some terms in the plugin (
    488     - Fixed a color issue of daily cost in calendar date cells for the "Light-01" calendar skin (
    489     - Fixed an Uncaught TypeError related to the wpbc-gcal-class.php file (
     444    - **Fix** Resolved 5 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    490445* **Translations**:
    491446    - Translation: Improved German (94% completed) by Reinhard Kappen and French (93% completed) by Roby.
    517472    - Deprecated shortcode '[max_visitors]' in search results at the Booking > Settings > Search page. *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    518473* **Bug Fixes**:
    519     - Fixed an issue of redirection to the "Unknown-Stripe-Payment" page after Stripe payment in Booking Calendar MultiUser version, if the option "Receive all payments only to Super Booking Admin account" was activated. ( *(MultiUser)*
    520     - Corrected the issue of not showing conditional time slots, which depend on Seasons.  Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # jQuery 10( *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    521     - Resolved the problem of removing duplicate days' selections at the "Specific days" selection option under range days selection mode using 2 mouse clicks. *(Business Small/Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
    522     - Fixed the issue of showing available dates in the search form, while such dates were defined as unavailable at Booking > Availability page  ( *(Business Large, MultiUser)*
    523     - Eliminated the issue when used conditional days selection logic, and some weekdays were not defined in seasons. In this case, the system will use the default days selection settings.  *(Business Medium/Large, MultiUser)*
     474    - **Fix** Resolved 5 different issues. Find more information at this page:
    525476For more information, see the [full release notes](
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