Plugin Directory

Changeset 3056457

03/22/2024 01:38:00 AM (4 months ago)

Version 1.7.1

2 added
1 deleted
10 edited


  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Functions.php

    r3012662 r3056457  
    7777                update_option( YAY_SMTP_AMAZONSES_PREFIX . '_settings', $yaysmtpSettings );
    79                 wp_send_json_success( array( 'mess' => __( 'Settings saved.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
    80             }
    81             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Settings Failed.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     79                wp_send_json_success( array( 'mess' => __( 'Settings saved.', 'ses' ) ) );
     80            }
     81            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Settings Failed.', 'ses' ) ) );
    8282        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
    8383            LogErrors::getMessageException( $ex, true );
    9494                // check email
    9595                if ( ! is_email( $emailAddress ) ) {
    96                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Invalid email format!', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     96                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Invalid email format!', 'ses' ) ) );
    9797                }
    9999                $headers      = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n";
    100                 $subjectEmail = __( 'YaySMTP - Test email was sent successfully!', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' );
    101                 $html         = __( 'Yay! Your test email was sent successfully! Thanks for using <a href="">YaySMTP</a><br><br>Best regards,<br>YayCommerce', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' );
     100                $subjectEmail = __( 'YaySMTP - Test email was sent successfully!', 'ses' );
     101                $html         = __( 'Yay! Your test email was sent successfully! Thanks for using <a href="">YaySMTP</a><br><br>Best regards,<br>YayCommerce', 'ses' );
    103103                if ( ! empty( $emailAddress ) ) {
    105105                    if ( $sendMailSucc ) {
    106106                        Utils::setYaySmtpSetting( 'succ_sent_mail_last', true );
    107                         wp_send_json_success( array( 'mess' => __( 'Email has been sent.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     107                        wp_send_json_success( array( 'mess' => __( 'Email has been sent.', 'ses' ) ) );
    108108                    } else {
    109109                        Utils::setYaySmtpSetting( 'succ_sent_mail_last', false );
    120120                                'mess'      => __(
    121121                                    'Email sent failed.',
    122                                     'yay-smtp-amazonses'
     122                                    'ses'
    123123                                ),
    124124                            )
    127127                }
    128128            } else {
    129                 wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Email Address is not empty.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
    130             }
    131             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Error send mail!', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     129                wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Email Address is not empty.', 'ses' ) ) );
     130            }
     131            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Error send mail!', 'ses' ) ) );
    132132        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
    133133            LogErrors::getMessageException( $ex, true );
    236236                        'limit'           => $limit,
    237237                        'showColSettings' => $showColSettings,
    238                         'mess'            => __( 'Successful', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     238                        'mess'            => __( 'Successful', 'ses' ),
    239239                    )
    240240                );
    241241            }
    242             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Failed.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     242            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Failed.', 'ses' ) ) );
    243243        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
    244244            LogErrors::getMessageException( $ex, true );
    258258                wp_send_json_success(
    259259                    array(
    260                         'mess' => __( 'Save Settings Successful', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     260                        'mess' => __( 'Save Settings Successful', 'ses' ),
    261261                    )
    262262                );
    263263            }
    264             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Save Settings Failed.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     264            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Save Settings Failed.', 'ses' ) ) );
    265265        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
    266266            LogErrors::getMessageException( $ex, true );
    280280                if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
    281                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     281                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found', 'ses' ) ) );
    282282                }
    286286                if ( '' !== $wpdb->last_error ) {
    287                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( $wpdb->last_error, 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     287                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( $wpdb->last_error, 'ses' ) ) );
    288288                }
    290290                if ( ! $deleted ) {
    291                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Something wrong, Email logs not deleted', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     291                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'Something wrong, Email logs not deleted', 'ses' ) ) );
    292292                }
    294294                wp_send_json_success(
    295295                    array(
    296                         'mess' => __( 'Delete successful.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     296                        'mess' => __( 'Delete successful.', 'ses' ),
    297297                    )
    298298                );
    299299            }
    300             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     300            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found.', 'ses' ) ) );
    302302        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
    315315            wp_send_json_success(
    316316                array(
    317                     'mess' => __( 'Delete successful.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     317                    'mess' => __( 'Delete successful.', 'ses' ),
    318318                )
    319319            );
    336336                if ( empty( $id ) ) {
    337                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     337                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found', 'ses' ) ) );
    338338                }
    342342                if ( '' !== $wpdb->last_error ) {
    343                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( $wpdb->last_error, 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     343                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( $wpdb->last_error, 'ses' ) ) );
    344344                }
    368368                    wp_send_json_success(
    369369                        array(
    370                             'mess' => __( 'Get email log #' . $id . ' successful.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     370                            'mess' => __( 'Get email log #' . $id . ' successful.', 'ses' ),
    371371                            'data' => $resultArr,
    372372                        )
    373373                    );
    374374                } else {
    375                     wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log found.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
    376                 }
    377             }
    378             wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) ) );
     375                    wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log found.', 'ses' ) ) );
     376                }
     377            }
     378            wp_send_json_error( array( 'mess' => __( 'No email log id found.', 'ses' ) ) );
    380380        } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Page/Settings.php

    r3012662 r3056457  
    3535    public function settingsMenu() {
    3636        $this->hook_suffix[ YAY_SMTP_AMAZONSES_PREFIX . '_main_page' ] = add_menu_page(
    37             __( 'YaySMTP for Amazon SES', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    38             __( 'YaySMTP', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     37            __( 'YaySMTP for Amazon SES', 'ses' ),
     38            __( 'YaySMTP', 'ses' ),
    3939            'manage_options',
    4040            'yaysmtp-amazonses',
    4646    public function pluginActionLinks( $links ) {
    4747        $action_links = array(
    48             'settings' => '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=yaysmtp-amazonses' ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'YaySMTP', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) . '">' . esc_html__( 'Settings', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ) . '</a>',
     48            'settings' => '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=yaysmtp-amazonses' ) . '" aria-label="' . esc_attr__( 'YaySMTP', 'ses' ) . '</a>',
    4949        );
    5050        return array_merge( $action_links, $links );
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Views/mail-logs.php

    r2781678 r3056457  
    145145                        </div>
    146146                        <div class="toggle-label">
    147                           <span class="yay-smtp-delete-all-mail-logs"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Delete All Mail Logs', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?></span>
     147                          <span class="yay-smtp-delete-all-mail-logs"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Delete All Mail Logs', 'ses' ); ?></span>
    148148                        </div>
    149149                      </label>
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Views/template-part/amazonses-tpl.php

    r2982850 r3056457  
    1010$mailer          = 'amazonses';
    1111$regionArr       = array(
    12     'us-east-1'      => __( 'US East (N. Virginia)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    13     'us-east-2'      => __( 'US East (Ohio)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    14     'us-west-1'      => __( 'US West (N. California)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    15     'us-west-2'      => __( 'US West (Oregon)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    16     'af-south-1'     => __( 'Cape Town South Africa', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    17     'ca-central-1'   => __( 'Canada (Central)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    18     'eu-west-1'      => __( 'EU (Ireland)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    19     'eu-west-2'      => __( 'EU (London)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    20     'eu-west-3'      => __( 'EU (Paris)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    21     'eu-central-1'   => __( 'EU (Frankfurt)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    22     'eu-south-1'     => __( 'EU (Milan)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    23     'eu-north-1'     => __( 'EU (Stockholm)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    24     'ap-south-1'     => __( 'Asia Pacific (Mumbai)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    25     'ap-northeast-2' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Seoul)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    26     'ap-southeast-1' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Singapore)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    27     'ap-southeast-2' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Sydney)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    28     'ap-northeast-1' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Tokyo)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    29     'ap-northeast-3' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Osaka)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    30     'sa-east-1'      => __( 'South America (São Paulo)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
    31     'me-south-1'     => __( 'Middle East (Bahrain)', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ),
     12    'us-east-1'      => __( 'US East (N. Virginia)', 'ses' ),
     13    'us-east-2'      => __( 'US East (Ohio)', 'ses' ),
     14    'us-west-1'      => __( 'US West (N. California)', 'ses' ),
     15    'us-west-2'      => __( 'US West (Oregon)', 'ses' ),
     16    'af-south-1'     => __( 'Cape Town South Africa', 'ses' ),
     17    'ca-central-1'   => __( 'Canada (Central)', 'ses' ),
     18    'eu-west-1'      => __( 'EU (Ireland)', 'ses' ),
     19    'eu-west-2'      => __( 'EU (London)', 'ses' ),
     20    'eu-west-3'      => __( 'EU (Paris)', 'ses' ),
     21    'eu-central-1'   => __( 'EU (Frankfurt)', 'ses' ),
     22    'eu-south-1'     => __( 'EU (Milan)', 'ses' ),
     23    'eu-north-1'     => __( 'EU (Stockholm)', 'ses' ),
     24    'ap-south-1'     => __( 'Asia Pacific (Mumbai)', 'ses' ),
     25    'ap-northeast-2' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Seoul)', 'ses' ),
     26    'ap-southeast-1' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Singapore)', 'ses' ),
     27    'ap-southeast-2' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Sydney)', 'ses' ),
     28    'ap-northeast-1' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Tokyo)', 'ses' ),
     29    'ap-northeast-3' => __( 'Asia Pacific (Osaka)', 'ses' ),
     30    'sa-east-1'      => __( 'South America (São Paulo)', 'ses' ),
     31    'me-south-1'     => __( 'Middle East (Bahrain)', 'ses' ),
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Views/template-part/debug-card.php

    r2781678 r3056457  
    2121    <div class="yay-smtp-card-title-wrapper">
    2222      <h3 class="yay-smtp-card-title yay-smtp-card-header-item">
    23         <?php echo esc_html__( 'Email Delivery Issue', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?>
     23        <?php echo esc_html__( 'Email Delivery Issue', 'ses' ); ?>
    2424      </h3>
    2525    </div>
    2727  <div class="yay-smtp-card-body">
    2828    <p class="setting-description">
    29       <?php echo esc_html__( 'YaySMTP noticed this error (yikes!) while trying to send the most recent emails:', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?>
     29      <?php echo esc_html__( 'YaySMTP noticed this error (yikes!) while trying to send the most recent emails:', 'ses' ); ?>
    3030    </p>
    3131    <p class="setting-description yay-smtp-card-debug-text">
    3333    </p>
    3434    <p class="setting-description" style="font-weight: 450;">
    35       <?php echo wp_kses_post( 'Please fix it and send a test email afterwards. <a href="" target="_blank">Contact us</a> if you need any helps.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?>
     35      <?php echo wp_kses_post( 'Please fix it and send a test email afterwards. <a href="" target="_blank">Contact us</a> if you need any helps.', 'ses' ); ?>
    3636    </p>
    3737  </div>
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/includes/Views/yay-smtp.php

    r2781678 r3056457  
    114114              <div class="yay-tooltip icon-tootip-wrap">
    115115                <span class="icon-inst-tootip"></span>
    116                 <span class="yay-tooltiptext yay-tooltip-bottom"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Always send emails with the above From Email address, overriding other plugins settings.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?></span>
     116                <span class="yay-tooltiptext yay-tooltip-bottom"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Always send emails with the above From Email address, overriding other plugins settings.', 'ses' ); ?></span>
    117117              </div>
    118118            </div>
    143143              <div class="yay-tooltip icon-tootip-wrap">
    144144                <span class="icon-inst-tootip"></span>
    145                 <span class="yay-tooltiptext yay-tooltip-bottom"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Always send emails with the above From Name, overriding other plugins settings.', 'yay-smtp-amazonses' ); ?></span>
     145                <span class="yay-tooltiptext yay-tooltip-bottom"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Always send emails with the above From Name, overriding other plugins settings.', 'ses' ); ?></span>
    146146              </div>
    147147            </div>
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/readme.txt

    r3038302 r3056457  
    44Requires at least: 4.0
    55Requires PHP: 5.3
    6 Tested up to: 6.4.3
    7 Stable tag: 1.7
     6Tested up to: 6.
     7Stable tag: 1.7
    88License: GPL-2.0+
    99License URI:
    7373== Screenshots ==
    74 1.
    75 2.
    7777== Changelog ==
    7982= 1.7 - Dec 21, 2023 =
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/vendor_amazon/Aws/Api/Serializer/QuerySerializer.php

    r2535235 r3056457  
    3939            $body += call_user_func($this->paramBuilder, $operation->getInput(), $params);
    4040        }
    41         $body = http_build_query($body, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
     41        $body = http_build_query($body, , '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
    4242        return new \YaySMTPAmazonSES\Aws3\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('POST', $this->endpoint, ['Content-Length' => strlen($body), 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'], $body);
    4343    }
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/vendor_amazon/Aws/Credentials/Credentials.php

    r2535235 r3056457  
    5959    public function serialize()
    6060    {
    61         return json_encode($this->toArray());
     61        return ());
    6262    }
    6363    public function unserialize($serialized)
    6464    {
    65         $data = json_decode($serialized, true);
     65        $data = \json_decode($serialized, \true);
     66        $this->__unserialize($data);
     67    }
     68    public function __serialize()
     69    {
     70        return $this->toArray();
     71    }
     72    public function __unserialize($data)
     73    {
    6674        $this->key = $data['key'];
    6775        $this->secret = $data['secret'];
  • smtp-amazon-ses/trunk/yay-smtp.php

    r3012662 r3056457  
    3  * Plugin Name: SMTP for AmazonSES - YaySMTP
     3 * Plugin Name: SMTP for Amazon YaySMTP
    44 * Plugin URI:
    55 * Description: This plugin helps you send emails from your WordPress website via your Amazon SES SMTP.
    6  * Version: 1.7
     6 * Version: 1.7
    77 * Author: YayCommerce
    88 * Author URI:
    9  * Text Domain: yaysmtp_amazonses
     9 * Text Domain: ses
    1010 * Domain Path: /i18n/languages/
    1111 */
    2020if ( ! defined( 'YAY_SMTP_AMAZONSES_VERSION' ) ) {
    21     define( 'YAY_SMTP_AMAZONSES_VERSION', '1.7' );
     21    define( 'YAY_SMTP_AMAZONSES_VERSION', '1.7' );
    8282    Schedule::getInstance();
    8383    Plugin::getInstance();
    8586add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'YaySMTPAmazonSES\\init' );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.