Plugin Directory

Changeset 2694761

03/16/2022 11:08:02 AM (2 years ago)

Update to version 2.2.3 from GitHub

10 edited
1 copied


  • rtsocial/tags/2.2.3/js/rtss-main.js

    r2464698 r2694761  
    1515        var rtsocial_urls = { }; // create an associative array of url as key and counts.
    1616        var sep           = '"'; // URL separatore initial value.
    17         var tempFbUrl     = ""; // temp variable for url.
     17        var temp.
    1919        jQuery( '.rtsocial-container' ).each(
    2121                var facebookSocial     = this;
    2222                var rtsocial_url_count = 0;
    23                 tempFbUrl              = jQuery( this ).find( 'a.perma-link' ).attr( 'href' );
    24                 if ( tempFbUrl !== '' || tempFbUrl !== 'undefined' ) {
    26                     // Fetch share count by Facebook Graph API.
    27                     var rtsocial_fburl = '' + tempFbUrl + '&fields=og_object{engagement}';
    29                     /**
    30                      * Facebook Data.
    31                      */
    32                     jQuery.getJSON(
    33                         rtsocial_fburl,
    34                         function ( fbres ) {
    35                             if ( typeof fbres.og_object !== 'undefined' && fbres.og_object.engagement.count ) {
    36                                 rtsocial_url_count = fbres.og_object.engagement.count; // Setting value.
    37                             }
    38                             jQuery( facebookSocial ).find( '.rtsocial-fb-count' ).text( rtsocial_url_count );
     23                tempPostId             = jQuery( this ).find( '.rts_id' ).val();
     24                security               = jQuery( this ).find( '#rts_media_nonce' ).val();
     25                if ( '' !== tempPostId || 'undefined' !== tempPostId ) {
     26                    jQuery.ajax({
     27                        type: 'GET',
     28                        url: ajaxurl,
     29                        data: {
     30                            "action"  : "rtss_wp_get_shares",
     31                            "post_id" : tempPostId,
     32                            "security": security
     33                        },
     34                        success: function(data){
     35                            jQuery( facebookSocial ).find( '.rtsocial-fb-count' ).text( data );
    3936                        }
    40                     ); /* End of Callback function in JSON. */
    4138                }
    4239            }
  • rtsocial/tags/2.2.3/readme.txt

    r2623131 r2694761  
    11=== rtSocial ===
    2 Contributors: rtcamp, rahul286, faishal, rittesh.patel, sanketparmar, pranalipatel, UmeshSingla, rutwick, saurabhshukla, HarishChaudhari, 5um17, JoshuaAbenazer, paddyohanlon, chandrapatel, 1naveengiri, bhargavbhandari90, coderboy007, vaishu.agola27, pooja1210, milindmore22
     2Contributors: rtcamp, rahul286, faishal, rittesh.patel, sanketparmar, pranalipatel, UmeshSingla, rutwick, saurabhshukla, HarishChaudhari, 5um17, JoshuaAbenazer, paddyohanlon, chandrapatel, 1naveengiri, bhargavbhandari90, coderboy007, vaishu.agola27, pooja1210, milindmore22
    33Tags: rtcamp, social, sharing, share, social links, twitter, facebook, pin it, pinterest, linkedin, linked in, linked in share, plus one button, social share, social sharing
    44Requires at least: 3.0
    5 Tested up to: 5.8.1
    6 Stable tag: 2.2.2
     5Tested up to: 5..1
     6Stable tag: 2.2.
    77License: GPLv2 or later (of-course)
    88License URI:
    3232Install rtSocial plugin from the 'Plugins' section in your dashboard (Plugins > Add New > Search for rtSocial).
    34 Alternatively you can [download latest version]( of rtSocial plugin from the repository. Unzip it and upload it to the plugins folder of your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation).
     34Alternatively you can [download latest version]( of rtSocial plugin from the repository. Unzip it and upload it to the plugins folder of your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation).
    3636Activate it through the 'Plugins' section.
    6060== Changelog ==
    6275= 2.2.2 =
  • rtsocial/tags/2.2.3/source.php

    r2464698 r2694761  
    1212 * Text Domain: rtSocial
    1313 * Domain Path: /languages
    14  * Version:     2.2.2
     14 * Version:     2.2.
    1515 * License:     GPLv2 or later
    1616 * License URI:
    9898 */
    9999add_filter( 'the_content', 'rtsocial_counter' );
    100 add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'rtsocial_counter' );
     100add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'rtsocial_counter' );
    425425        if ( 'horizontal' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    426426            $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    427                 '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     427                '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    428428                $options['display_options_set'],
    429429                rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    435435            if ( 'vertical' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    436436                $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    437                     '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     437                    '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    438438                    $options['display_options_set'],
    439439                    rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    445445                if ( 'icon' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    446446                    $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    447                         ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%3$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     447                        ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    448448                        $options['display_options_set'],
    449449                        rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    456456                        $lin_layout  = '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon">';
    457457                        $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    458                             '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%2$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>',
     458                            '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>',
    459459                            rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    460460                            rawurlencode( $rtatitle ),
    833833        if ( 'horizontal' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    834834            $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    835                 '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>%5$s',
     835                '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>%5$s',
    836836                $options['display_options_set'],
    837837                $rtslink,
    844844            if ( 'vertical' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    845845                $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    846                     '%1$s <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%2$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%4$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %5$s"></a></div>',
     846                    '%1$s <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%2$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %5$s"></a></div>',
    847847                    $lin_count,
    848848                    $options['display_options_set'],
    855855                if ( 'icon' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    856856                    $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    857                         ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%3$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     857                        ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    858858                        $options['display_options_set'],
    859859                        $rtslink,
    867867                        $lin_count   = ( empty( $options['hide_count'] ) || 1 !== (int) $options['hide_count'] ) ? '<div class="rtsocial-horizontal-count"><div class="rtsocial-horizontal-notch"></div><span class="rtsocial-linkedin-count"></span></div>' : '';
    868868                        $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    869                             ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%2$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>%4$s',
     869                            ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>%4$s',
    870870                            $rtslink,
    871871                            $rtstitle,
    928928                'active'                => array( 'tw', 'fb', 'lin', 'pin' ),
    929929                'inactive'              => array(),
    930931            );
    946947            'active'                => array( 'tw', 'fb', 'lin', 'pin' ),
    947948            'inactive'              => array(),
    948950        );
    11541156 * @param string $feed_url Feed URL.
    11551157 */
    1156 function rtsocial_get_feeds( $feed_url = '' ) {
     1158function rtsocial_get_feeds( $feed_url = '' ) {
    11571159    // Get RSS Feed(s).
    11581160    require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
    12901292    update_post_meta( $post_id, '_rtsocial_visibility', $my_data );
  • rtsocial/tags/2.2.3/styles/style.css

    r2464698 r2694761  
    7676/* Metaboxes inner div */
    7777#rtsocial .inside { font-family: "Lucida Grande",Verdana,Arial,"Bitstream Vera Sans",sans-serif; line-height: 1.2em; }
    7980/* Manual code info style */
    124 .rtsocial-linkedin-icon{ margin: 0 10px 0 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; }
     125.rtsocial-linkedin-icon{ margin: 0 15px 0 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; }
     135.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     136.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     137.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover,
     138.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     139.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     140.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     141.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover,
     142.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     143.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     144.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     145.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     146.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover {
     147    position: relative;
     148    animation-name: wobble-up-down;
     149    animation-duration: 1s;
     150    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
     151    animation-iteration-count: 1;
     154@keyframes wobble-up-down {
     155    16.65% {
     156        transform: translateY(8px);
     157    }
     159    33.3% {
     160        transform: translateY(-6px);
     161    }
     163    49.95% {
     164        transform: translateY(4px);
     165    }
     167    66.6% {
     168        transform: translateY(-2px);
     169    }
     171    83.25% {
     172        transform: translateY(1px);
     173    }
     175    100% {
     176        transform: translateY(0);
     177    }
    127180/* Counts display styles */
    211264/*Facebook Button Frontend Styles*/
    212265.rtsocial-fb-button{ background-position: 0 -172px; display: block; height: 24px; width: 50px; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0 auto;}
    213267.rtsocial-fb-button:hover{ background-position: 0 -128px }
    232286#rtsocial-ord-tw label { background-position: 0 -557px;  display: block; float: left; height: 21px; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 58px; text-indent: -9999px; }
    234289#rtsocial-ord-tw label{ float: none; display: inline-block; }
    241296#rtsocial-ord-pin label { background-position: 0 -598px; border: 1px solid #c9c5c5; border-color: #E8E4E4 #C9C5C5 #C9C5C5; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; display: block; height: 22px; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 47px; margin: 0 auto; }
    248304#rtsocial-ord-lin label{ background-position: 0 -682px; border-color: #E2E2E2 #BFBFBF #B9B9B9; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 2px; display: block; height: 18px; margin: 0 auto; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 59px; }
    333390.rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link{ background-position: -130px -398px; }
    336396 * End of rtSocial Plugin Style
  • rtsocial/tags/2.2.3/template/rtsocial-setting-form.php

    r2464698 r2694761  
    246246                                        <th><?php esc_html_e( 'Twitter Handle', 'rtSocial' ); ?>:</th>
    247247                                        <td>
    248                                             <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_handle]" />
     248                                            <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_handle]" />
    249249                                        </td>
    250250                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    253253                                        <th><?php esc_html_e( 'Related Twitter Handle', 'rtSocial' ); ?>:</th>
    254254                                        <td>
    255                                             <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_related_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_related_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_related_handle]" />
     255                                            <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_related_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_related_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_related_handle]" />
    256256                                        </td>
    257257                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    310310                                        </td>
    311311                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    312327                                    </tr>
    313328                                </table>
    380395                        </span>
    381396                    </h3>
    382                     <div class="inside"><?php esc_html_e( 'If you have any problems with this plugin or good ideas for improvements, please talk about them in the', 'rtSocial' ); ?> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'free support forums', 'rtSocial' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'free support forums.', 'rtSocial' ); ?></a></div>
     397                    <div class="inside"><?php esc_html_e( 'If you have any problems with this plugin or good ideas for improvements, please talk about them in the', 'rtSocial' ); ?> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'free support forums', 'rtSocial' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'free support forums.', 'rtSocial' ); ?></a></div>
    383398                </div>
    384399                <div class="postbox" id="latest_news">
  • rtsocial/trunk/js/rtss-main.js

    r2464698 r2694761  
    1515        var rtsocial_urls = { }; // create an associative array of url as key and counts.
    1616        var sep           = '"'; // URL separatore initial value.
    17         var tempFbUrl     = ""; // temp variable for url.
     17        var temp.
    1919        jQuery( '.rtsocial-container' ).each(
    2121                var facebookSocial     = this;
    2222                var rtsocial_url_count = 0;
    23                 tempFbUrl              = jQuery( this ).find( 'a.perma-link' ).attr( 'href' );
    24                 if ( tempFbUrl !== '' || tempFbUrl !== 'undefined' ) {
    26                     // Fetch share count by Facebook Graph API.
    27                     var rtsocial_fburl = '' + tempFbUrl + '&fields=og_object{engagement}';
    29                     /**
    30                      * Facebook Data.
    31                      */
    32                     jQuery.getJSON(
    33                         rtsocial_fburl,
    34                         function ( fbres ) {
    35                             if ( typeof fbres.og_object !== 'undefined' && fbres.og_object.engagement.count ) {
    36                                 rtsocial_url_count = fbres.og_object.engagement.count; // Setting value.
    37                             }
    38                             jQuery( facebookSocial ).find( '.rtsocial-fb-count' ).text( rtsocial_url_count );
     23                tempPostId             = jQuery( this ).find( '.rts_id' ).val();
     24                security               = jQuery( this ).find( '#rts_media_nonce' ).val();
     25                if ( '' !== tempPostId || 'undefined' !== tempPostId ) {
     26                    jQuery.ajax({
     27                        type: 'GET',
     28                        url: ajaxurl,
     29                        data: {
     30                            "action"  : "rtss_wp_get_shares",
     31                            "post_id" : tempPostId,
     32                            "security": security
     33                        },
     34                        success: function(data){
     35                            jQuery( facebookSocial ).find( '.rtsocial-fb-count' ).text( data );
    3936                        }
    40                     ); /* End of Callback function in JSON. */
    4138                }
    4239            }
  • rtsocial/trunk/readme.txt

    r2623131 r2694761  
    11=== rtSocial ===
    2 Contributors: rtcamp, rahul286, faishal, rittesh.patel, sanketparmar, pranalipatel, UmeshSingla, rutwick, saurabhshukla, HarishChaudhari, 5um17, JoshuaAbenazer, paddyohanlon, chandrapatel, 1naveengiri, bhargavbhandari90, coderboy007, vaishu.agola27, pooja1210, milindmore22
     2Contributors: rtcamp, rahul286, faishal, rittesh.patel, sanketparmar, pranalipatel, UmeshSingla, rutwick, saurabhshukla, HarishChaudhari, 5um17, JoshuaAbenazer, paddyohanlon, chandrapatel, 1naveengiri, bhargavbhandari90, coderboy007, vaishu.agola27, pooja1210, milindmore22
    33Tags: rtcamp, social, sharing, share, social links, twitter, facebook, pin it, pinterest, linkedin, linked in, linked in share, plus one button, social share, social sharing
    44Requires at least: 3.0
    5 Tested up to: 5.8.1
    6 Stable tag: 2.2.2
     5Tested up to: 5..1
     6Stable tag: 2.2.
    77License: GPLv2 or later (of-course)
    88License URI:
    3232Install rtSocial plugin from the 'Plugins' section in your dashboard (Plugins > Add New > Search for rtSocial).
    34 Alternatively you can [download latest version]( of rtSocial plugin from the repository. Unzip it and upload it to the plugins folder of your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation).
     34Alternatively you can [download latest version]( of rtSocial plugin from the repository. Unzip it and upload it to the plugins folder of your WordPress installation (wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation).
    3636Activate it through the 'Plugins' section.
    6060== Changelog ==
    6275= 2.2.2 =
  • rtsocial/trunk/source.php

    r2464698 r2694761  
    1212 * Text Domain: rtSocial
    1313 * Domain Path: /languages
    14  * Version:     2.2.2
     14 * Version:     2.2.
    1515 * License:     GPLv2 or later
    1616 * License URI:
    9898 */
    9999add_filter( 'the_content', 'rtsocial_counter' );
    100 add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'rtsocial_counter' );
     100add_filter( 'the_excerpt', 'rtsocial_counter' );
    425425        if ( 'horizontal' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    426426            $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    427                 '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     427                '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    428428                $options['display_options_set'],
    429429                rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    435435            if ( 'vertical' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    436436                $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    437                     '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     437                    '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    438438                    $options['display_options_set'],
    439439                    rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    445445                if ( 'icon' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    446446                    $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    447                         ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%3$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     447                        ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    448448                        $options['display_options_set'],
    449449                        rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    456456                        $lin_layout  = '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon">';
    457457                        $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    458                             '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%2$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>',
     458                            '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>',
    459459                            rawurlencode( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ),
    460460                            rawurlencode( $rtatitle ),
    833833        if ( 'horizontal' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    834834            $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    835                 '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>%5$s',
     835                '<div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://=%3$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>%5$s',
    836836                $options['display_options_set'],
    837837                $rtslink,
    844844            if ( 'vertical' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    845845                $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    846                     '%1$s <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%2$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "$s&title=%4$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %5$s"></a></div>',
     846                    '%1$s <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%2$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-button" href= "https://$s" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share: %5$s"></a></div>',
    847847                    $lin_count,
    848848                    $options['display_options_set'],
    855855                if ( 'icon' === $options['display_options_set'] ) {
    856856                    $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    857                         ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%3$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
     857                        ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-%1$s-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %4$s"></a></div>',
    858858                        $options['display_options_set'],
    859859                        $rtslink,
    867867                        $lin_count   = ( empty( $options['hide_count'] ) || 1 !== (int) $options['hide_count'] ) ? '<div class="rtsocial-horizontal-count"><div class="rtsocial-horizontal-notch"></div><span class="rtsocial-linkedin-count"></span></div>' : '';
    868868                        $lin_layout .= sprintf(
    869                             ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "$s&title=%2$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>%4$s',
     869                            ' <div class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-button"><a class="rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link" href= "https://$s" target= "_blank" title="Share: %3$s"></a></div>%4$s',
    870870                            $rtslink,
    871871                            $rtstitle,
    928928                'active'                => array( 'tw', 'fb', 'lin', 'pin' ),
    929929                'inactive'              => array(),
    930931            );
    946947            'active'                => array( 'tw', 'fb', 'lin', 'pin' ),
    947948            'inactive'              => array(),
    948950        );
    11541156 * @param string $feed_url Feed URL.
    11551157 */
    1156 function rtsocial_get_feeds( $feed_url = '' ) {
     1158function rtsocial_get_feeds( $feed_url = '' ) {
    11571159    // Get RSS Feed(s).
    11581160    require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php';
    12901292    update_post_meta( $post_id, '_rtsocial_visibility', $my_data );
  • rtsocial/trunk/styles/style.css

    r2464698 r2694761  
    7676/* Metaboxes inner div */
    7777#rtsocial .inside { font-family: "Lucida Grande",Verdana,Arial,"Bitstream Vera Sans",sans-serif; line-height: 1.2em; }
    7980/* Manual code info style */
    124 .rtsocial-linkedin-icon{ margin: 0 10px 0 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; }
     125.rtsocial-linkedin-icon{ margin: 0 15px 0 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; }
     135.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     136.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     137.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover,
     138.rtsocial-container-align-right .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     139.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     140.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     141.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover,
     142.rtsocial-container-align-left .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     143.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-twitter-vertical:hover,
     144.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-fb-vertical:hover,
     145.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-linkedin-vertical:hover,
     146.rtsocial-container-align-none .rtsocial-pinterest-vertical:hover {
     147    position: relative;
     148    animation-name: wobble-up-down;
     149    animation-duration: 1s;
     150    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
     151    animation-iteration-count: 1;
     154@keyframes wobble-up-down {
     155    16.65% {
     156        transform: translateY(8px);
     157    }
     159    33.3% {
     160        transform: translateY(-6px);
     161    }
     163    49.95% {
     164        transform: translateY(4px);
     165    }
     167    66.6% {
     168        transform: translateY(-2px);
     169    }
     171    83.25% {
     172        transform: translateY(1px);
     173    }
     175    100% {
     176        transform: translateY(0);
     177    }
    127180/* Counts display styles */
    211264/*Facebook Button Frontend Styles*/
    212265.rtsocial-fb-button{ background-position: 0 -172px; display: block; height: 24px; width: 50px; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0 auto;}
    213267.rtsocial-fb-button:hover{ background-position: 0 -128px }
    232286#rtsocial-ord-tw label { background-position: 0 -557px;  display: block; float: left; height: 21px; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 58px; text-indent: -9999px; }
    234289#rtsocial-ord-tw label{ float: none; display: inline-block; }
    241296#rtsocial-ord-pin label { background-position: 0 -598px; border: 1px solid #c9c5c5; border-color: #E8E4E4 #C9C5C5 #C9C5C5; border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; display: block; height: 22px; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 47px; margin: 0 auto; }
    248304#rtsocial-ord-lin label{ background-position: 0 -682px; border-color: #E2E2E2 #BFBFBF #B9B9B9; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 2px; display: block; height: 18px; margin: 0 auto; text-indent: -9999px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 59px; }
    333390.rtsocial-linkedin-icon-link{ background-position: -130px -398px; }
    336396 * End of rtSocial Plugin Style
  • rtsocial/trunk/template/rtsocial-setting-form.php

    r2464698 r2694761  
    246246                                        <th><?php esc_html_e( 'Twitter Handle', 'rtSocial' ); ?>:</th>
    247247                                        <td>
    248                                             <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_handle]" />
     248                                            <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_handle]" />
    249249                                        </td>
    250250                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    253253                                        <th><?php esc_html_e( 'Related Twitter Handle', 'rtSocial' ); ?>:</th>
    254254                                        <td>
    255                                             <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_related_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_related_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_related_handle]" />
     255                                            <input type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $options['tw_related_handle'] ); ?>" id="tw_related_handle" name="rtsocial_plugin_options[tw_related_handle]" />
    256256                                        </td>
    257257                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    310310                                        </td>
    311311                                        <td>&nbsp;</td>
    312327                                    </tr>
    313328                                </table>
    380395                        </span>
    381396                    </h3>
    382                     <div class="inside"><?php esc_html_e( 'If you have any problems with this plugin or good ideas for improvements, please talk about them in the', 'rtSocial' ); ?> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'free support forums', 'rtSocial' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'free support forums.', 'rtSocial' ); ?></a></div>
     397                    <div class="inside"><?php esc_html_e( 'If you have any problems with this plugin or good ideas for improvements, please talk about them in the', 'rtSocial' ); ?> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'free support forums', 'rtSocial' ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'free support forums.', 'rtSocial' ); ?></a></div>
    383398                </div>
    384399                <div class="postbox" id="latest_news">
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