Plugin Directory

Changeset 2114335

06/28/2019 04:38:05 PM (5 years ago)

1.1.1 HotFix

1 added
13 edited


  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/README.txt

    r2114195 r2114335  
    3535== Changelog ==
    3740= 1.1.0 =
    3841* New Design Features
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/class-steeply-ref-admin.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    133133    }
    135139    public function add_plugin_pages() {
    143147        add_submenu_page( 'steeply-ref-general-settings', 'SteeplyRef - FAQ', 'FAQ', 'manage_options', 'steeply-ref-faq', array( $this, 'render_page_faq' ) );
    145151    }
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/js/steeply-ref-admin.js

    r2114195 r2114335  
    1 (function( $ ) {
    2     'use strict';
     1(function) {
     2'use strict';
    4     /**
    5     * All of the code for your admin-facing JavaScript source
    6     * should reside in this file.
    7     *
    8     * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the
    9     * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope
    10     * of this function.
    11     *
    12     * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready:
    13     *
    14     * $(function() {
    15     *
    16     * });
    17     *
    18     * When the window is loaded:
    19     *
    20     * $( window ).load(function() {
    21     *
    22     * });
    23     *
    24     * ...and/or other possibilities.
    25     *
    26     * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a
    27     * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page.
    28     * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be
    29     * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work.
    30     */
     5 * All of the code for your admin-facing JavaScript source
     6 * should reside in this file.
     7 *
     8 * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the
     9 * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope
     10 * of this function.
     11 *
     12 * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready:
     13 *
     14 * $(function() {
     15 *
     16 * });
     17 *
     18 * When the window is loaded:
     19 *
     20 * $( window ).load(function() {
     21 *
     22 * });
     23 *
     24 * ...and/or other possibilities.
     25 *
     26 * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a
     27 * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page.
     28 * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be
     29 * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work.
     30 */
    32 })( jQuery );
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/partials/dashboard-widget.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    1212<div class="no-ref-activity">
    13     <p class="dashicons dashicons-nametag no-ref-activity__icon" aria-hidden="true"></p>
    14     <p class="no-ref-activity__text">За последние 30 дней активности пока не было.</p>
     13<p class="dashicons dashicons-nametag no-ref-activity__icon" aria-hidden="true"></p>
     14<p class="no-ref-activity__text">За последние 30 дней активности пока не было.</p>
    1616<!--<div class="ref-activity"></div>-->
    1717<div class="st-widget-links">
    18     <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-general-settings" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">General Settings</a>
    19     <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-faq" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">FAQ</a>
    20     <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-analytics" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">Detailed Analytics</a>
     18    <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-general-settings" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">General
     19        Settings</a>
     20    <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-faq" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">FAQ</a>
     21    <a href="/wp-admin/admin.php?page=steeply-ref-analytics" class="button button-primary st-widget-links__link">Detailed
     22        Analytics</a>
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/partials/page-analytics.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    3333<div class="wrap">
    35     <h1><?php _e('SteeplyRef - Analytics', 'steeply-ref'); ?></h1>
     35); ?></h1>
    3737    <div class="st-flex">
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/partials/page-faq.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    1212<div class="wrap">
    14     <h1><?php _e('SteeplyRef - FAQ', 'steeply-ref'); ?></h1>
     14); ?></h1>
    1616    <div class="st-flex">
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/admin/partials/page-general-settings.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    6161<div class="wrap">
    63     <h1><?php _e('SteeplyRef - General Settings', 'steeply-ref'); ?></h1>
     63); ?></h1>
    6565    <div class="st-flex">
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/includes/class-steeply-ref-i18n.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    3737        load_plugin_textdomain(
    38             'steeply-ref',
     38            'steeply',
    3939            false,
    4040            dirname( dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/languages/'
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/includes/class-steeply-ref-loader.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    2929     * @since    1.0.0
    3030     * @access   protected
    31      * @var      array    $actions    The actions registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
     31     * @var      array The actions registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
    3232     */
    3333    protected $actions;
    3838     * @since    1.0.0
    3939     * @access   protected
    40      * @var      array    $filters    The filters registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
     40     * @var      array The filters registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
    4141     */
    4242    protected $filters;
    4747     * @since    1.0.6
    4848     * @access   protected
    49      * @var      array    $shortcodes    The shortcodes registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
     49     * @var      array The shortcodes registered with WordPress to fire when the plugin loads.
    5050     */
    5151    protected $shortcodes;
    5858    public function __construct() {
    60         $this->actions = array();
    61         $this->filters = array();
     60        $this->actions = array();
     61        $this->filters = array();
    6262        $this->shortcodes = array();
    6767     * Add a new action to the collection to be registered with WordPress.
    6868     *
    6975     * @since    1.0.0
    70      * @param    string               $hook             The name of the WordPress action that is being registered.
    71      * @param    object               $component        A reference to the instance of the object on which the action is defined.
    72      * @param    string               $callback         The name of the function definition on the $component.
    73      * @param    int                  $priority         Optional. The priority at which the function should be fired. Default is 10.
    74      * @param    int                  $accepted_args    Optional. The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. Default is 1.
    7576     */
    7677    public function add_action( $hook, $component, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) {
    8081    /**
    81      * Add a new filter to the collection to be registered with WordPress.
    82      *
    83      * @since    1.0.0
    84      * @param    string               $hook             The name of the WordPress filter that is being registered.
    85      * @param    object               $component        A reference to the instance of the object on which the filter is defined.
    86      * @param    string               $callback         The name of the function definition on the $component.
    87      * @param    int                  $priority         Optional. The priority at which the function should be fired. Default is 10.
    88      * @param    int                  $accepted_args    Optional. The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. Default is 1
    89      */
    90     public function add_filter( $hook, $component, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) {
    91         $this->filters = $this->add( $this->filters, $hook, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args );
    92     }
    94     /**
    95      * Add a new shortcode to the collection to be registered with WordPress
    96      *
    97      * @since     1.0.6
    98      * @param     string        $tag           The name of the new shortcode.
    99      * @param     object        $component      A reference to the instance of the object on which the shortcode is defined.
    100      * @param     string        $callback       The name of the function that defines the shortcode.
    101      * @param    int                  $priority         Optional. The priority at which the function should be fired. Default is 10.
    102      * @param    int                  $accepted_args    Optional. The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback. Default is 1
    103      */
    104     public function add_shortcode( $tag, $component, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 2 ) {
    105         $this->shortcodes = $this->add( $this->shortcodes, $tag, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args );
    106     }
    108     /**
    10982     * A utility function that is used to register the actions and hooks into a single
    11083     * collection.
    11184     *
    11293     * @since    1.0.0
    11394     * @access   private
    114      * @param    array                $hooks            The collection of hooks that is being registered (that is, actions or filters).
    115      * @param    string               $hook             The name of the WordPress filter that is being registered.
    116      * @param    object               $component        A reference to the instance of the object on which the filter is defined.
    117      * @param    string               $callback         The name of the function definition on the $component.
    118      * @param    int                  $priority         The priority at which the function should be fired.
    119      * @param    int                  $accepted_args    The number of arguments that should be passed to the $callback.
    120      * @return   array                                  The collection of actions and filters registered with WordPress.
    12195     */
    12296    private function add( $hooks, $hook, $component, $callback, $priority, $accepted_args ) {
    136110    /**
    137141     * Register the filters and actions with WordPress.
    138142     *
    143147        foreach ( $this->filters as $hook ) {
    144             add_filter( $hook['hook'], array( $hook['component'], $hook['callback'] ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] );
     148            add_filter( $hook['hook'], array(
     149                $hook['component'],
     150                $hook['callback']
     151            ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] );
    145152        }
    147154        foreach ( $this->actions as $hook ) {
    148             add_action( $hook['hook'], array( $hook['component'], $hook['callback'] ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] );
     155            add_action( $hook['hook'], array(
     156                $hook['component'],
     157                $hook['callback']
     158            ), $hook['priority'], $hook['accepted_args'] );
    149159        }
    151161        foreach ( $this->shortcodes as $hook ) {
    152             add_shortcode(  $hook['hook'], array( $hook['component'], $hook['callback'] ));
     162            add_shortcode( );
    153163        }
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/includes/class-steeply-ref.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    7373            $this->version = '1.0.0';
    7474        }
    75         $this->plugin_name = 'steeply-ref';
     75        $this->plugin_name = 'steeply';
    7777        $this->define_static();
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/public/js/steeply-ref-public.js

    r2114195 r2114335  
    1 (function( $ ) {
    2     'use strict';
     1(function) {
     2'use strict';
    4     /**
    5     * All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source
    6     * should reside in this file.
    7     *
    8     * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the
    9     * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope
    10     * of this function.
    11     *
    12     * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready:
    13     *
    14     * $(function() {
    15     *
    16     * });
    17     *
    18     * When the window is loaded:
    19     *
    20     * $( window ).load(function() {
    21     *
    22     * });
    23     *
    24     * ...and/or other possibilities.
    25     *
    26     * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a
    27     * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page.
    28     * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be
    29     * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work.
    30     */
     5 * All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source
     6 * should reside in this file.
     7 *
     8 * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the
     9 * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope
     10 * of this function.
     11 *
     12 * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready:
     13 *
     14 * $(function() {
     15 *
     16 * });
     17 *
     18 * When the window is loaded:
     19 *
     20 * $( window ).load(function() {
     21 *
     22 * });
     23 *
     24 * ...and/or other possibilities.
     25 *
     26 * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a
     27 * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page.
     28 * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be
     29 * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work.
     30 */
    32 })( jQuery );
  • steeplyref-affiliate-referral/trunk/steeply-ref.php

    r2114195 r2114335  
    1111 * Plugin Name:       SteeplyRef - Affiliate & Referral
    1212 * Description:       Affiliate & Referral System for easy integration into your website.
    13  * Version:           1.1.0
     13 * Version:           1.1.
    1414 * Author:            Artur Khylskyi
    1515 * Author URI:
    1616 * License:           GPL-2.0+
    1717 * License URI:
    18  * Text Domain:       steeply-ref
     18 * Text Domain:       steeply
    1919 * Domain Path:       /languages
    2020 */
    2828 * Currently plugin version.
    2929 */
    30 define( 'STEEPLY_REF_VERSION', '1.1.0' );
     30define( 'STEEPLY_REF_VERSION', '1.1.' );
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