Plugin Directory

Changeset 1181823

06/16/2015 11:54:51 AM (9 years ago)

Version 2.1.2

16 deleted
6 edited
24 copied


  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/

    r1181216 r1181823  
    11# Changelog #
    3 ## 2.1.1: 2015-06-xx ##
     3## 2.1.2: 2015-06-16 ##
     4* Fix bug which resulted in missing featured images when a post did not have a featured video. ([*](, [*](
     6## 2.1.1: 2015-06-15 ##
    47* Fix play and loading featured image overlay for some themes ([*](
    58* Fix broken `remove featured image` link. ([*](,  [*](, [*](
  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/

    r1179150 r1181823  
    16163. manually make use of the __PHP-functions__ in your theme's source files.
    18 > Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders - in general: Videos do not like sliders at all.
     18> <strong>Theme compatibility</strong><br>
     19> Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - those very likely break this plugin. Check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders: Videos, in general, do not like sliders at all.
    2021See the plugin in action on []( There is a button in the sidebar to switch between the different featured video display modes: [Automatic](, [lazy]( and [overlay](
    2425After installing the plugin check your site's *Media Settings* (`Settings -> Media` in the administration interface): The plugin adds quite some little helper options there. Change to lazy or overlay mode, tweak video sizing, individualize the look of the most prominent providers' video players and turn on autoplay or video looping. By default videos try to dynamically fit their parent containers width and adjust their size responsively.
    26 ### Support ###
    27 I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
     27> <strong>Support</strong><br>
     28I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
    80 ## Upgrade Notice ##
    82 ### 2.1.0 ###
    83 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher! Check your media settings after upgrading.
    85 ### 2.0.3 ###
    86 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher!
  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/featured-video-plus.php

    r1181216 r1181823  
    44Plugin URI:
    55Description: Add Featured Videos to your posts and pages.
    6 Version: 2.1.1
     6Version: 2.1.
    77Author: Alexander Höreth
    88Author URI:
    3333// CONSTANTS
    3434if ( ! defined( 'FVP_VERSION' ) ) {
    35     define( 'FVP_VERSION', '2.1.1' );
     35    define( 'FVP_VERSION', '2.1.' );
  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/js/frontend.js

    r1181216 r1181823  
    2929    // There might still be some empty .post-thumbnail links to be removed.
    30     $('').not('.fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay').remove();
     30    $('').not('.fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay').remove();
    3131  }
  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/js/frontend.min.js

    r1181216 r1181823  
    1 !function(a){"use strict";function t(){a(".has-post-video a>.featured-video-plus,.has-post-video a>.fvp-dynamic,.has-post-video a>.fvp-overlay,.has-post-video a>.wp-video,.has-post-video a>.wp-video-shortcode").unwrap(),a(".has-post-video .post-thumbnail>.post-thumbnail").removeClass("post-thumbnail"),a("").not(".fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay").remove()}function e(){fvpdata.fitvids&&a(".featured-video-plus.fvp-responsive").fitVids({customSelector:["iframe","object","embed"]})}function i(){if(fvpdata.width&&!fvpdata.fitvids){a(".fvp-local .wp-video").css({width:fvpdata.width,height:"auto"});var t=a(".fvp-local .wp-video .wp-video-shortcode");t.attr({width:fvpdata.width,height:fvpdata.width/t.attr("width")*t.attr("heigth")})}}function o(){void 0===r&&[fvpdata.playicon,fvpdata.loadicon].forEach(function(t){a("body").append(a("<img/>",{src:t}).hide())}),r=r===c?s:c,v.css({backgroundImage:r})}function d(t){var e=a(t.currentTarget).children("img");0===e.siblings(".fvp-loader").length?(v.addClass(e.attr("class")).css({height:e.height(),width:e.width(),margin:e.css("margin")}),e.animate({opacity:fvpdata.opacity}).before(v)):r!==s&&(e.animate({opacity:1}),v.remove())}function n(i){i.preventDefault();var d=a(i.currentTarget),n=parseInt(d.attr("data-id"),10);o(),,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:n},function(a){if(a.success){var i=d.parent();d.replaceWith(,i.find(".wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode").mediaelementplayer(),e(),t()}o()})}function p(t){t.preventDefault();var e=a(t.currentTarget),o=parseInt(e.attr("data-id"),10);e.openDOMWindow({eventType:null,windowPadding:0,borderSize:0,windowBGColor:"transparent",overlayOpacity:100*fvpdata.opacity,width:"100%",height:"100%"}),a("#DOMWindow").css({backgroundImage:s});var d=a("#fvp-cache-"+o);0===d.html().length?,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:o},function(t){t.success&&(d.html(,a("#DOMWindow").html(,i(),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}):(a("#DOMWindow").html(d.html()),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}var r,v=a("<div />").addClass("fvp-loader"),c="url('"+fvpdata.playicon+"')",s="url('"+fvpdata.loadicon+"')";a(document).ready(function(){t(),setTimeout(t,1e3),e(),i(),a(".fvp-overlay, .fvp-dynamic").hover(d,d),o(),a(".fvp-dynamic").click(n),a(".fvp-overlay").click(p)})}(jQuery);
     1!function(a){"use strict";function t(){a(".has-post-video a>.featured-video-plus,.has-post-video a>.fvp-dynamic,.has-post-video a>.fvp-overlay,.has-post-video a>.wp-video,.has-post-video a>.wp-video-shortcode").unwrap(),a(".has-post-video .post-thumbnail>.post-thumbnail").removeClass("post-thumbnail"),a("").not(".fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay").remove()}function e(){fvpdata.fitvids&&a(".featured-video-plus.fvp-responsive").fitVids({customSelector:["iframe","object","embed"]})}function i(){if(fvpdata.width&&!fvpdata.fitvids){a(".fvp-local .wp-video").css({width:fvpdata.width,height:"auto"});var t=a(".fvp-local .wp-video .wp-video-shortcode");t.attr({width:fvpdata.width,height:fvpdata.width/t.attr("width")*t.attr("heigth")})}}function o(){void 0===r&&[fvpdata.playicon,fvpdata.loadicon].forEach(function(t){a("body").append(a("<img/>",{src:t}).hide())}),r=r===c?s:c,v.css({backgroundImage:r})}function d(t){var e=a(t.currentTarget).children("img");0===e.siblings(".fvp-loader").length?(v.addClass(e.attr("class")).css({height:e.height(),width:e.width(),margin:e.css("margin")}),e.animate({opacity:fvpdata.opacity}).before(v)):r!==s&&(e.animate({opacity:1}),v.remove())}function n(i){i.preventDefault();var d=a(i.currentTarget),n=parseInt(d.attr("data-id"),10);o(),,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:n},function(a){if(a.success){var i=d.parent();d.replaceWith(,i.find(".wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode").mediaelementplayer(),e(),t()}o()})}function p(t){t.preventDefault();var e=a(t.currentTarget),o=parseInt(e.attr("data-id"),10);e.openDOMWindow({eventType:null,windowPadding:0,borderSize:0,windowBGColor:"transparent",overlayOpacity:100*fvpdata.opacity,width:"100%",height:"100%"}),a("#DOMWindow").css({backgroundImage:s});var d=a("#fvp-cache-"+o);0===d.html().length?,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:o},function(t){t.success&&(d.html(,a("#DOMWindow").html(,i(),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}):(a("#DOMWindow").html(d.html()),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}var r,v=a("<div />").addClass("fvp-loader"),c="url('"+fvpdata.playicon+"')",s="url('"+fvpdata.loadicon+"')";a(document).ready(function(){t(),setTimeout(t,1e3),e(),i(),a(".fvp-overlay, .fvp-dynamic").hover(d,d),o(),a(".fvp-dynamic").click(n),a(".fvp-overlay").click(p)})}(jQuery);
  • featured-video-plus/tags/2.1.2/readme.txt

    r1181216 r1181823  
    1111Requires at least: 3.7
    1212Tested up to: 4.2.2
    13 Stable tag: 2.1.1
     13Stable tag: 2.1.
    1515Add Featured Videos to your posts and pages. Works like magic with most themes which use Featured Images. Local Media, YouTube, Vimeo and many more.
    28283. manually make use of the __PHP-functions__ in your theme's source files.
    30 > Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders - in general: Videos do not like sliders at all.
     30> <strong>Theme compatibility</strong><br>
     31> Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - those very likely break this plugin. Check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders: Videos, in general, do not like sliders at all.
    3233See the plugin in action on []( There is a button in the sidebar to switch between the different featured video display modes: [Automatic](, [lazy]( and [overlay](
    3637After installing the plugin check your site's *Media Settings* (`Settings -> Media` in the administration interface): The plugin adds quite some little helper options there. Change to lazy or overlay mode, tweak video sizing, individualize the look of the most prominent providers' video players and turn on autoplay or video looping. By default videos try to dynamically fit their parent containers width and adjust their size responsively.
    38 = Support =
    39 I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
     39> <strong>Support</strong><br>
     40I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
    107 == Upgrade Notice ==
    109 = 2.1.0 =
    110 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher! Check your media settings after upgrading.
    112 = 2.0.3 =
    113 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher!
    116108== Changelog ==
    118 = 2.1.1: 2015-06-xx =
     110= 2.1.2: 2015-06-16 =
     111* Fix bug which resulted in missing featured images when a post did not have a featured video. ([*](, [*](
     113= 2.1.1: 2015-06-15 =
    119114* Fix play and loading featured image overlay for some themes ([*](
    120115* Fix broken `remove featured image` link. ([*](,  [*](, [*](
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/

    r1181216 r1181823  
    11# Changelog #
    3 ## 2.1.1: 2015-06-xx ##
     3## 2.1.2: 2015-06-16 ##
     4* Fix bug which resulted in missing featured images when a post did not have a featured video. ([*](, [*](
     6## 2.1.1: 2015-06-15 ##
    47* Fix play and loading featured image overlay for some themes ([*](
    58* Fix broken `remove featured image` link. ([*](,  [*](, [*](
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/

    r1179150 r1181823  
    16163. manually make use of the __PHP-functions__ in your theme's source files.
    18 > Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders - in general: Videos do not like sliders at all.
     18> <strong>Theme compatibility</strong><br>
     19> Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - those very likely break this plugin. Check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders: Videos, in general, do not like sliders at all.
    2021See the plugin in action on []( There is a button in the sidebar to switch between the different featured video display modes: [Automatic](, [lazy]( and [overlay](
    2425After installing the plugin check your site's *Media Settings* (`Settings -> Media` in the administration interface): The plugin adds quite some little helper options there. Change to lazy or overlay mode, tweak video sizing, individualize the look of the most prominent providers' video players and turn on autoplay or video looping. By default videos try to dynamically fit their parent containers width and adjust their size responsively.
    26 ### Support ###
    27 I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
     27> <strong>Support</strong><br>
     28I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
    80 ## Upgrade Notice ##
    82 ### 2.1.0 ###
    83 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher! Check your media settings after upgrading.
    85 ### 2.0.3 ###
    86 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher!
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/featured-video-plus.php

    r1181216 r1181823  
    44Plugin URI:
    55Description: Add Featured Videos to your posts and pages.
    6 Version: 2.1.1
     6Version: 2.1.
    77Author: Alexander Höreth
    88Author URI:
    3333// CONSTANTS
    3434if ( ! defined( 'FVP_VERSION' ) ) {
    35     define( 'FVP_VERSION', '2.1.1' );
     35    define( 'FVP_VERSION', '2.1.' );
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/js/frontend.js

    r1181216 r1181823  
    2929    // There might still be some empty .post-thumbnail links to be removed.
    30     $('').not('.fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay').remove();
     30    $('').not('.fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay').remove();
    3131  }
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/js/frontend.min.js

    r1181216 r1181823  
    1 !function(a){"use strict";function t(){a(".has-post-video a>.featured-video-plus,.has-post-video a>.fvp-dynamic,.has-post-video a>.fvp-overlay,.has-post-video a>.wp-video,.has-post-video a>.wp-video-shortcode").unwrap(),a(".has-post-video .post-thumbnail>.post-thumbnail").removeClass("post-thumbnail"),a("").not(".fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay").remove()}function e(){fvpdata.fitvids&&a(".featured-video-plus.fvp-responsive").fitVids({customSelector:["iframe","object","embed"]})}function i(){if(fvpdata.width&&!fvpdata.fitvids){a(".fvp-local .wp-video").css({width:fvpdata.width,height:"auto"});var t=a(".fvp-local .wp-video .wp-video-shortcode");t.attr({width:fvpdata.width,height:fvpdata.width/t.attr("width")*t.attr("heigth")})}}function o(){void 0===r&&[fvpdata.playicon,fvpdata.loadicon].forEach(function(t){a("body").append(a("<img/>",{src:t}).hide())}),r=r===c?s:c,v.css({backgroundImage:r})}function d(t){var e=a(t.currentTarget).children("img");0===e.siblings(".fvp-loader").length?(v.addClass(e.attr("class")).css({height:e.height(),width:e.width(),margin:e.css("margin")}),e.animate({opacity:fvpdata.opacity}).before(v)):r!==s&&(e.animate({opacity:1}),v.remove())}function n(i){i.preventDefault();var d=a(i.currentTarget),n=parseInt(d.attr("data-id"),10);o(),,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:n},function(a){if(a.success){var i=d.parent();d.replaceWith(,i.find(".wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode").mediaelementplayer(),e(),t()}o()})}function p(t){t.preventDefault();var e=a(t.currentTarget),o=parseInt(e.attr("data-id"),10);e.openDOMWindow({eventType:null,windowPadding:0,borderSize:0,windowBGColor:"transparent",overlayOpacity:100*fvpdata.opacity,width:"100%",height:"100%"}),a("#DOMWindow").css({backgroundImage:s});var d=a("#fvp-cache-"+o);0===d.html().length?,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:o},function(t){t.success&&(d.html(,a("#DOMWindow").html(,i(),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}):(a("#DOMWindow").html(d.html()),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}var r,v=a("<div />").addClass("fvp-loader"),c="url('"+fvpdata.playicon+"')",s="url('"+fvpdata.loadicon+"')";a(document).ready(function(){t(),setTimeout(t,1e3),e(),i(),a(".fvp-overlay, .fvp-dynamic").hover(d,d),o(),a(".fvp-dynamic").click(n),a(".fvp-overlay").click(p)})}(jQuery);
     1!function(a){"use strict";function t(){a(".has-post-video a>.featured-video-plus,.has-post-video a>.fvp-dynamic,.has-post-video a>.fvp-overlay,.has-post-video a>.wp-video,.has-post-video a>.wp-video-shortcode").unwrap(),a(".has-post-video .post-thumbnail>.post-thumbnail").removeClass("post-thumbnail"),a("").not(".fvp-dynamic, .fvp-overlay").remove()}function e(){fvpdata.fitvids&&a(".featured-video-plus.fvp-responsive").fitVids({customSelector:["iframe","object","embed"]})}function i(){if(fvpdata.width&&!fvpdata.fitvids){a(".fvp-local .wp-video").css({width:fvpdata.width,height:"auto"});var t=a(".fvp-local .wp-video .wp-video-shortcode");t.attr({width:fvpdata.width,height:fvpdata.width/t.attr("width")*t.attr("heigth")})}}function o(){void 0===r&&[fvpdata.playicon,fvpdata.loadicon].forEach(function(t){a("body").append(a("<img/>",{src:t}).hide())}),r=r===c?s:c,v.css({backgroundImage:r})}function d(t){var e=a(t.currentTarget).children("img");0===e.siblings(".fvp-loader").length?(v.addClass(e.attr("class")).css({height:e.height(),width:e.width(),margin:e.css("margin")}),e.animate({opacity:fvpdata.opacity}).before(v)):r!==s&&(e.animate({opacity:1}),v.remove())}function n(i){i.preventDefault();var d=a(i.currentTarget),n=parseInt(d.attr("data-id"),10);o(),,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:n},function(a){if(a.success){var i=d.parent();d.replaceWith(,i.find(".wp-audio-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode").mediaelementplayer(),e(),t()}o()})}function p(t){t.preventDefault();var e=a(t.currentTarget),o=parseInt(e.attr("data-id"),10);e.openDOMWindow({eventType:null,windowPadding:0,borderSize:0,windowBGColor:"transparent",overlayOpacity:100*fvpdata.opacity,width:"100%",height:"100%"}),a("#DOMWindow").css({backgroundImage:s});var d=a("#fvp-cache-"+o);0===d.html().length?,{action:"fvp_get_embed",fvp_nonce:fvpdata.nonce,id:o},function(t){t.success&&(d.html(,a("#DOMWindow").html(,i(),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}):(a("#DOMWindow").html(d.html()),a(window).trigger("scroll"))}var r,v=a("<div />").addClass("fvp-loader"),c="url('"+fvpdata.playicon+"')",s="url('"+fvpdata.loadicon+"')";a(document).ready(function(){t(),setTimeout(t,1e3),e(),i(),a(".fvp-overlay, .fvp-dynamic").hover(d,d),o(),a(".fvp-dynamic").click(n),a(".fvp-overlay").click(p)})}(jQuery);
  • featured-video-plus/trunk/readme.txt

    r1181216 r1181823  
    1111Requires at least: 3.7
    1212Tested up to: 4.2.2
    13 Stable tag: 2.1.1
     13Stable tag: 2.1.
    1515Add Featured Videos to your posts and pages. Works like magic with most themes which use Featured Images. Local Media, YouTube, Vimeo and many more.
    28283. manually make use of the __PHP-functions__ in your theme's source files.
    30 > Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders - in general: Videos do not like sliders at all.
     30> <strong>Theme compatibility</strong><br>
     31> Sadly many themes do not follow the WordPress standards and implement their own fancy functions for displaying featured images - those very likely break this plugin. Check out the [FAQ]( Another common problem are sliders: Videos, in general, do not like sliders at all.
    3233See the plugin in action on []( There is a button in the sidebar to switch between the different featured video display modes: [Automatic](, [lazy]( and [overlay](
    3637After installing the plugin check your site's *Media Settings* (`Settings -> Media` in the administration interface): The plugin adds quite some little helper options there. Change to lazy or overlay mode, tweak video sizing, individualize the look of the most prominent providers' video players and turn on autoplay or video looping. By default videos try to dynamically fit their parent containers width and adjust their size responsively.
    38 = Support =
    39 I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
     39> <strong>Support</strong><br>
     40I do read all support questions in the [forums]( but cannot reply to all of them. The plugin is an unpaid side project and full support would require more time than I can invest for free for over 10k active installs. If you really need help, consider [buying me a cookie]( - best way to attract my attention and to support future enhancements.
    107 == Upgrade Notice ==
    109 = 2.1.0 =
    110 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher! Check your media settings after upgrading.
    112 = 2.0.3 =
    113 Only upgrade when using WordPress 3.7 or higher!
    116108== Changelog ==
    118 = 2.1.1: 2015-06-xx =
     110= 2.1.2: 2015-06-16 =
     111* Fix bug which resulted in missing featured images when a post did not have a featured video. ([*](, [*](
     113= 2.1.1: 2015-06-15 =
    119114* Fix play and loading featured image overlay for some themes ([*](
    120115* Fix broken `remove featured image` link. ([*](,  [*](, [*](
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.