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Real-time dashboards in Piwik PRO: A hands-on use case

This summer, we’re introducing new real-time dashboards in Piwik PRO Analytics Suite, empowering our clients to make informed decisions in time-sensitive projects. Would you like to learn how to use them in your daily work? Watch our webinar to see how our partner agency, Netlife, used real-time insights to streamline the registration process for a major national event, ensuring a smooth user experience and preventing system breakdowns.


Kevin Bodi, Tor-Anders Hansen, Jarek Miazga


Piwik PRO for agencies: Enhance your data stack with a future-proof analytics platform

If you work in a digital marketing or analytics agency, your job is to empower your clients with reliable insights that support their business growth. But, especially in Europe, you can’t do it without considering privacy regulations and their impact on your clients’ analytics capabilities. You need an analytics partner who can adapt to frequent changes in data protection laws while providing meaningful data. Join our webinar to hear from experts who conducted a year-long research project on best-of-breed analytics for agencies. Discover why Piwik PRO might be the powerful and worry-free product you've been looking for.


Marc Southwell, Simon Westphall Pansch


Optimizing paid campaign performance with Piwik PRO Analytics and Customer Data Platform

Paid advertising can play a vital part in your business’s growth, but improving results while maintaining a healthy ROI might be a real challenge. Join our webinar with experts who will present practical strategies for optimizing the performance of paid campaigns using data from Piwik PRO Analytics and Customer Data Platform (CDP).


Michał Sosiński, Michał Idziak


A practical guide to digital analytics and advertising under HIPAA

Balancing HIPAA compliance with data-driven marketing can be challenging, but it’s possible with the right tools and strategies. Join our webinar led by healthcare analytics experts and learn safe ways to use data to enhance patients’ satisfaction and digital journeys. Explore best practices for implementing compliant analytics and running effective ad campaigns under HIPAA.


Lesley Van De Mortel, Patryk Stoch


Piwik PRO for ecommerce: Get data-driven insights to boost your online sales

Ecommerce businesses need to get through huge volumes of data to uncover valuable insights about their audiences and put them to work. Piwik PRO makes all of this easy with its integrated analytics platform. During this webinar, you'll learn how to use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to improve user experience, optimize product pages, and drive more sales.


Jarek Miazga, Michał Idziak


Piwik PRO vs. Adobe Analytics: Choose the right enterprise analytics platform for your business

Whether you want to start with enterprise web analytics or you’re seeking alternatives to the soon-to-be-discontinued Universal Analytics 360 – our webinar is the perfect event for you. Learn about Piwik PRO Analytics Suite and Adobe Analytics, two enterprise-grade platforms that overcome the issues of GA4 360. Guided by our experts, compare their functionalities, customer service, integration capabilities, and privacy compliance features.


Chris Baker, Tomasz Bułat


Unlock the power of web analytics data with Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform

Getting your analytics right is crucial, but it’s not enough to just collect data. You also need to activate it. Learn how to put your web and app data into action with Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform (CDP). Get to know the practical and privacy-compliant use cases for reducing cart abandonment, improving customer experience through personalization, recognizing the most profitable clients and more. Find answers to your questions during a dedicated Q&A session at the end of the webinar.


Anil Batra, Bartosz Nowak


Get ready for Universal Analytics sunset: Migrate to Piwik PRO Analytics Suite in a few simple steps

Google will discontinue Universal Analytics and replace it with Google Analytics 4 in just a month. If you’ve chosen to switch from Google and are still wondering what to do next, we’re here to help. During our webinar, we’ll show you how to easily migrate your analytics to Piwik PRO Analytics Suite. You’ll learn step-by-step about our platform’s configuration, implementation of the necessary features, and adjusting your settings.


Piotr Harmasz, Michał Idziak


Activate your data with the new Piwik PRO Customer Data Platform

As we’re approaching the release of our revamped Customer Data Platform, we want to show you why a customer data platform is the missing piece of the analytics process. We will explain what a CDP means for us and what features we are planning to release in the CDP’s beta version. You will learn how a CDP can help you activate data in ways that speak to your audience. At the end of the webinar, we will host a Q&A session where you can ask any remaining questions about the CDP.


Bartosz Nowak, Michał Idziak


Marketing forecast for 2023: SKILLS, TECHNOLOGY & PRIVACY

Improve your strategy for the new year with advice from the most influential experts in the field. Sign up for a series of on-demand video talks and learn about essential marketing skills, regulatory changes, and technologies for 2023.


Mikko Piippo, Anil Batra, Aurélie Pols, Luiza Jarovsky, Vadim Baele, Philipp Loringhoven


How to integrate Piwik PRO with other products and make the most out of your data

Piwik PRO Analytics Suite offers numerous advanced features to analyze visitors’ behavior across channels. But you can gain access to even more insights by adding data from additional sources and integrating it with other products. In this webinar, we guide you through the integrations available in Piwik PRO and show how they can help you analyze more data in different contexts.


Piotr Harmasz, Michał Idziak


Migrating to Piwik PRO Analytics Suite with a partner agency

Migrating to a new analytics platform can be a challenge. While we support all our clients during this process, some choose the help of their local agency or partner. Our speakers discuss the reasons for switching to Piwik PRO Analytics Suite and the key challenges that companies can face. They also share some examples of successful migrations with a partner’s assistance.


Carl Löjdqvist, Daniel Bensason, Mateusz Krempa


Mid-year marketing review: Analyze your performance and prepare for a successful Q4

September is a great time to look back on your marketing initiatives from the past few months. It gives you sufficient time to implement changes and drive results before the year ends. Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategy by looking at the right data. Find out how Piwik PRO Analytics Suite can help you monitor how well you’re meeting your goals and what needs improvement.


Dominika Gruszkiewicz, Szymon Grzesiak


Life after Universal Analytics: What makes Piwik PRO a better alternative than Google Analytics 4

In July 2023 Google Universal Analytics, known as Google Analytics 3, will become history. Companies need to decide what to do next – switch to the controversial Google Analytics 4 or consider other options. Find out why Piwik PRO Analytics Suite might be a great alternative to Google products. Learn how to easily migrate your analytics to a privacy-friendly EU-based platform.


Jarek Miazga, Piotr Harmasz


Marketing tools and privacy: Making your first steps towards compliance

Find out how to make privacy an integral part of your marketing stack. Discover emerging trends in compliant data collection and how regulations will impact your strategy. Learn about the role of risk assessment and tech audits in selecting marketing software.


Jonas Voldbjerg Andersen, Piotr Korzeniowski


How to get started with privacy-friendly analytics: Best practices for using Piwik PRO Core

Privacy-friendly analytics allows you to collect and analyze data in a way that respects individual privacy rights and delivers relevant insights. But do you know how to get started? Learn how to begin tracking your site with a free Piwik PRO Core plan. See the most common use cases that will help you to optimize your analytics and generate real results. Get all your questions answered during the Q&A session.


Michał Idziak, Paweł Łubiarz


Mobile app analytics: How to capture the full customer journey with Piwik PRO’s mobile SDK

Find out how to use mobile app analytics to capture the full user journey while maintaining high privacy standards. Get an overview of key functions of Piwik PRO’s native SDKs. Learn about the new features of SDKs on our roadmap.


Michał Idziak, Piotr Harmasz


Online analytics in 2022: How to collect valuable data and stay privacy-compliant?

Find out how to strike the right balance between meaningful data collection and privacy compliance. Learn which tracking methods work best in particular data privacy jurisdictions.


Lisette Meij, Maciej Zawadziński


Prepare your marketing strategy for 2022: live expert discussion on technology and privacy trends

The end of the year makes you review your business activities and plan upcoming ones. Learn from top specialists in marketing, technology and privacy how to prepare for major changes in online marketing in 2022.


Laura De Boel, Christophe Alves, Elias Crum, Cornelius Witt, Maciej Zawadziński


Meet Piwik PRO’s new tracker: more accurate data and even better performance

We work constantly on improving Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to give our clients the best platform possible, so we’re happy to announce this big change: a completely new tracker. We’ve redeveloped how our product tracks data for better stability and scalability. In this webinar we’ll show you how you can benefit from this change. Our experts will give you a quick overview of what was updated, show you the new features and answer all your questions in the Q&A session at the end of the webinar.


Bartek Nowak, Adam Zarecki, Michał Idziak


Integrate Piwik PRO with the Google ecosystem: Improve productivity and data accessibility

Moving away from Google Analytics doesn’t mean you have to abandon other Google’s products. Join the webinar to learn how to integrate Piwik PRO with the Google ecosystem and stay compliant with your local privacy laws. Our experts will show you how to track YouTube videos, read Google Search Console reports and use the new integration with Google Sheets.


Piotr Harmasz, Michał Idziak


Data analytics in healthcare – do more with patient data while staying HIPAA-compliant

In the healthcare industry, one of the main challenges is balancing data collection with HIPAA compliance. Join the webinar and learn how to run solid analyses and move past barriers that hinder the use of data in healthcare. You’ll also get a grasp of how to use first-party data to boost your organization’s tech advancement. Piwik PRO and Blast Analytics, experts in the field, will be your hosts.


Joe Christopher, Jakub Stadniczuk


Coming this summer: Free privacy-friendly analytics hosted in the EU – Piwik PRO Core

Collecting data while staying aligned with privacy regulations is harder than ever, so the market need for privacy-friendly analytics is growing. Piwik PRO Core, a free plan for Piwik PRO Analytics Suite, fits that need, and we’re making it available publicly this August. Watch the product demo and see how easy it is to start your analytics project with the platform’s default settings. Stay for the Q&A session and a surprise announcement.


Maciej Zawadziński, Marcin Pluskota


Make smart decisions about your marketing budget – identify the best performing channels with Piwik PRO Analytics Suite

The road to a conversion can be long and wandering – especially if there are multiple touchpoints along the way. Social media, paid ads, referrals – how do you know which channel contributed the most to a conversion? Our expert will try to answer this and any other questions you might have in this webinar. Learn how to identify the best performing marketing channels, dive deeper into attribution models.


Michał Idziak


Optimize marketing content with proven analytics strategies that also respect visitor privacy

Content marketing is easy to start, but hard to get just right. Join the webinar to discover how analytics helps you set better goals for your marketing content and optimize your strategy. Learn how to move past obstacles to collecting data while respecting privacy laws.


Mateusz Krempa, Michał Idziak


How product and marketing teams can use analytics to boost product adoption and generate leads

Whether your role is product-related or marketing, this webinar has you covered. We’ll go from analyzing acquisition channels to optimizing the product user’s journey. Our expert will show you how to get the most out of your analytics reporting, so you can grow your business with more informed decisions. We’ll answer your questions during the Q&A session at the end of the webinar.


Mateusz Krempa


How to improve consent opt-in rate and understand your analytics data

Overcome the challenges in obtaining valid visitor consents and gathering valuable analytics data. Learn from experts how to implement your consent forms and have more visitors agree to collecting their personal data. Get all your questions answered during the Q&A session.


Marc Southwell, Piotr Korzeniowski, Dominika Gruszkiewicz


How to analyze the complete user journey with Piwik PRO, including a detailed banking use case

Understanding the user journey can help you optimize your website. However, because of tracking obstacles or different visitor paths, mapping all the touchpoints could be challenging. If you want to move past these obstacles without sacrificing privacy compliance, sign up for the webinar. You’ll learn how to use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite to map the full user journey.


Mateusz Krempa, Michał Idziak


Quality analytics with Piwik PRO Core: Collect and process data in a privacy-compliant manner

Take full advantage of the Piwik PRO Core option. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to collect data in a privacy-compliant way and still conduct valuable analyses. Our speakers will discuss tracking settings and present you with an advanced feature overview.


Piotr Korzeniowski, Michał Idziak


Moving away from Google Tag Manager: Take control of your marketing stack and respect user privacy

If you use a tag manager, you’re probably familiar with its benefits. Fast deployment of tracking snippets, control over all tags in one place and built-in tag templates help you handle everyday tasks. But does your tag manager allow you to stay privacy compliant? Whether you're looking for an alternative to Google Tag Manager, or just want to learn more about this topic, watch this webinar.


Maciej Zawadziński, Piotr Słonina


How to overcome performance issues and lack of flexibility in your analytics? Comparing Piwik PRO and Matomo

Choosing an analytics software that fits you in terms of performance, flexibility and usability is hard. The choice may become even harder as each analytics project has unique requirements. In this webinar our experts will help you pick an analytics software that best fits your needs, with a thorough comparison of Piwik PRO’s and Matomo’s features. Watch and stay for a live Q&A session at the end.


Maciej Zawadziński, Michał Gonera


How multi-channel conversion attribution works – a new feature in Piwik PRO

To properly identify the most relevant touchpoints in the customer journey is every marketer’s and data analyst’s dream. If you’d like to learn how to do it, this webinar is for you. Our pair of experts will guide you through multi-channel conversion attribution in Piwik PRO. Discover how to use it to optimize your marketing spending and increase your sales.


Jarek Miazga, Natalia Boniecka


Transformation of the public sector: How to measure and optimize the digital citizen journey?

During this live discussion we’ll talk about the public sector and the challenges of digitalization. Is it possible for a government institution to create a fully online citizen journey? What are the main threats and challenges related to the digitalization of this sector? We’ll cover this and much more with the help of our guest speakers.


Toon Vuursteen, Jonathan Wiersma, Piotr Korzeniowski


Best practices for data visualization: How to make numbers easy to understand

In this live webinar, we’ll use examples from marketing and user interface optimization to show you how to bring data to life with sharp visualizations.


Rafał Lemieszewski, Natalia Boniecka


Move past tracking obstacles in analytics: Privacy laws, browser blocking and Privacy Shield

Tracking user behavior across web and mobile is getting harder. Browsers and privacy regulations keep throwing up new restrictions. How can you deal with technical and legal obstacles and still work with complete analytics data? We’ll give you many methods in this webinar.


Maciej Zawadziński, Grzegorz Jendroszczyk


Moving away from Google Analytics: How to switch to an alternative analytics platform

Google Analytics is free, but are you aware of the hidden costs? Learn why companies look for an alternative and how to plan a smooth transition to another analytics platform.


Maciej Zawadziński, Piotr Słonina


New features in Piwik PRO 13.0.0: Google Ads integration, improved user flow report and more

Our two experts will guide you through Google Ads integration, improved user flow report and other product changes.


Jarek Miazga, Natalia Boniecka


Digital public sector: How to protect citizens’ privacy online?

Risks and solutions when using Google Analytics, demonstrating GDPR compliance and ensuring public trust.


Jonas Voldbjerg Andersen, Maciej Zawadziński


A practical guide to GDPR: How to respect data subject rights and collect consent

Learn practical steps to collect consent in a privacy-compliant manner. There will also be a quick recap of the main changes that GDPR brings for personal data, consent and data subject rights.


Maciej Zawadziński
