SUL account merging
Closed, DuplicatePublic


According to SUL § I have two or more accounts with different names. Can they be merged into one account?, SUL account merging is yet to be implemented. But I didn't find any truly helpful information regarding the actual progress of the implementation of such feature. I have five legacy (those with a tilde that are listed in my user page over ptwiki) and wonder when will the merging be finally available. Before the placing of tildes, I felt harassed in my home project. When arguing with a not-really-friendly sysop, he noticed the screen-name similarities and inquired me whether I was puppeteering and suggested to go to the "Newbie Café" (a page in our Community portal dedicated to novices). That given that I'm one of the (if not the) oldest editor (since 2004) still-active in my project. Fortunately, I was never harassed in votings about my then low edition count, but I had to place a disclaimer in my user-page on the issue. The disclaimer stills there, and I can't wait to erase it...

--Usien6 (talk) 15:43, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

This card tracks a proposal from the 2015 Community Wishlist Survey:

This proposal received 17 support votes, and was ranked #48 out of 107 proposals.

Event Timeline

DannyH raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
DannyH updated the task description. (Show Details)
DannyH subscribed.

T49918: Rename of global (attached) users to existing global usernames is the task that tracks this. Most of the code for this has already been written and is already enabled on beta cluster.

IMPORTANT: If you are a community developer interested in working on this task: The Wikimedia Hackathon 2016 (Jerusalem, March 31 - April 3) focuses on #Community-Wishlist-Survey projects. There is some budget for sponsoring volunteer developers. THE DEADLINE TO REQUEST TRAVEL SPONSORSHIP IS TODAY, JANUARY 21. Exceptions can be made for developers focusing on Community Wishlist projects until the end of Sunday 24, but not beyond. If you or someone you know is interested, please REGISTER NOW.

Merging to duplicate, will note resolution in the Results table.