Build community to fuel growth

Unlock insights, ambassadors, referrals, leads, and vibes ✨ with the Orbit Community Platform.

Launch and scale programs to nurture champions, get product feedback, and generate content from users.
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Enable customers to find the right answer across docs, PRs, community - everywhere knowledge is shared.
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Act on member and organization activity across customer platforms: Discord, X, Slack, GitHub, and more.
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Helping amazing companies run gold-standard
customer programs

Launch and manage customer programs

Build valuable relationships and get closer to your customers.

Amplify user-generated content. Source, collect and showcase user-generated content from your community

Scale your champions program.  Make managing your champions program a breeze and enable feedback and advocacy.

Manage product feedback. Make getting feedback from community members and users painless.


Connect users to the right answers right away

AI-powered community search that unlocks knowledge across docs, Discord chats, X threads, in the closet, under the sofa... anywhere.

Supercharge docs with community insights. Unleash the collective knowledge of your entire community, not just what’s documented.

See the trends. Get insights into the common topics users search for to improve your docs and UX.

Stop support tickets before they start. Enable users to find answers in community chats, so they don’t need to file a ticket.


Community Relationship Management

Power decisions with data from across the entire customer journey and turn community activity into actionable insights.

Get a 360° view. With organization and member profiles and lists you can segment by activity, intent, and more.

Automate workflows. Send messages via email or DM, receive alerts, or tag key member actions.

Uncover trends and sentiment. Gain insights with powerful reports, leaderboards, and custom dashboards.

Orbit: a window into your community

Understand who your community members are, where they are engaging, and what they are saying.