Author Compliance Tool

Use our ACT to check self-archiving policies of Wiley journals.


What is self-archiving?

The author places a version of their research article in an online repository and/or website:

  • The submitted version of the article can be self-archived immediately.
  • The accepted version of the article can be self-archived after an embargo period.

That version of the article is made freely and permanently available online. All open versions of an article should have a user license attached. The author retains the right to use their article for a wide range of purposes and it requires no fee from the author. Self-archiving policies vary by journal. Check a journal's policy here.

Our policy

Authors of articles published in our journals may self-archive the submitted (preprint) version of the article at any time and may self-archive the accepted (peer-reviewed) version after an embargo period. Find out more about self-archiving with Wiley here.

Our society partners may have their own policies and authors should check the copyright policy of their chosen journal. This can be found on the journal's page on Wiley Online Library or by contacting the journal directly. Additionally, certain funding organizations have separate agreements. Check our Funder Agreements page for details of these agreements.

Submitted (preprint) version

The submitted version of an article is the author's version that has not been peer-reviewed, nor had any value added to it by Wiley (such as formatting or copy editing).

The submitted version may be placed on:

  • the author's personal website
  • the author's company/institutional repository or archive
  • not for profit subject-based preprint servers or repositories

There is no embargo requirement for the submitted version, so the author can choose to self-archive at any point. We recommend including an acknowledgement of acceptance for publication and, following the final publication, authors may wish to include the following notice on the first page:

"This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions."

The submitted version that was self-archived may not be updated or replaced with the accepted version (except as provided below once the embargo period has ended) or the final published version (the Version of Record).

Authors do not need to remove preprints posted to not-for-profit preprint servers before submission.

Accepted (peer-reviewed) version

The accepted version of an article is the version that incorporates all amendments made during the peer review process, but prior to the final published version (also called the Version of Record), which includes copy and stylistic edits, online and print formatting, citation and other linking, deposit in abstracting and indexing services, and the addition of bibliographic and other material.

There is an embargo requirement of 12-24 months before self-archiving the accepted version of an article is allowed. The standard embargo period is 12 months for scientific, technical, medical, and psychology (STM) journals and 24 months for social science and humanities (SSH) journals following publication of the final article. Use our Author Compliance Tool to check the embargo period for individual journals or check their copyright policy on Wiley Online Library.

The accepted version may be placed on:

  • the author's personal website
  • the author's company/institutional repository or archive
  • not for profit subject-based repositories such as PubMed Central

Articles may be deposited into repositories on acceptance but will not be accessible until after the embargo period has passed. When posted, the accepted version must include the following notice on the first page:

"This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited."

The accepted version cannot be updated or replaced with the final published version (the Version of Record). Authors may transmit, print, and share copies of the accepted version with colleagues, as long as there is no systematic distribution, e.g. a posting on a list serve, network, or automated delivery. Authors do not need to remove preprints posted to not-for-profit preprint servers before submission.

Terms and conditions for use of self-archived versions

The self-archived submitted and accepted versions may be used on the following terms:

Non-commercial use

For non-commercial and non-promotional research and private study purposes individual users may view, print, download, and copy self-archived articles, as well as text and data mine the content under the following conditions:

  • The authors' moral rights are not compromised. These rights include the right of "paternity" (the right for the author to be identified as such, also known as "attribution") and "integrity" (the right for the author not to have the work altered in such a way that the author's reputation or integrity may be damaged). All reuses must be fully attributed.
  • Where content in the article is identified as belonging to a third party, it is the obligation of the user to ensure that any reuse complies with the copyright policies of the owner of that content.
  • Self-archived content may not be re-published verbatim in whole or in part, whether for commercial purposes, in print or online. This restriction does not apply to use of quotations with appropriate citation, or text and data mining provided that the mining output is restricted to short excerpts of text and data and excludes images (unless further consent is obtained from Wiley.

Commercial "for-profit" use

Use of Wiley Open Access articles for commercial, promotional, or marketing purposes requires further explicit permission from Wiley and will be subject to a fee.

All requests to republish the article (in whole or in part) in another work such as a book or journal article (other than normal quotations with an appropriate citation) or re-use of figures, tables, and text extracts can be cleared directly from the point of content using the automated Rights Link service. Simply click on the 'Request Permission' link to complete your order or contact (

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Funder requirements

Some funders, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) have specific requirements for depositing the accepted author manuscript in a repository after an embargo period. Check the details of their specific requirements on our Funder Agreements page. Authors funded by these organizations should follow the self-archiving terms of these separate agreements.