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  4. How to use the social follow buttons block

How to use the social follow buttons block

Novashare comes with a follow buttons block so that users can easily connect with you on your favorite social media networks. No more refreshing or having to deal with legacy widgets or shortcodes. You can quickly add and customize this anywhere on your site (via the Block Editor, Customizer, or Widgets screen). Check out the block in action on our demo.

Novashare social follow buttons block
Novashare social follow buttons block

The follow block includes the following 60 buttons and networks. You can also add a custom button.

  • 500px
  • AngelList
  • Apple Music
  • Bandcamp
  • Behance
  • Bitbucket
  • Buffer
  • CodePen
  • DeviantArt
  • Digg
  • Discord
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Flipboard
  • Foursquare
  • GitHub
  • Goodreads
  • Hacker News
  • Houzz
  • Instagram
  • JSFiddle
  • Line
  • LinkedIn
  • Mastodon
  • Messenger
  • Mix
  • Mixcloud
  • Paper Plane
  • Phone
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Print
  • RSS
  • Reddit
  • Skype
  • SMS
  • Snapchat
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Stack Overflow
  • Steam
  • Subscribe
  • Telegram
  • Threads
  • TikTok
  • Tripadvisor
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • VK
  • Vimeo
  • Whatsapp
  • WordPress
  • Xing
  • Yelp
  • YouTube
  • Yummly

How to add the Novashare follow buttons block to your site

Follow the steps below to add the Novashare follow buttons block to your site.

Step 1

In the Block Editor, Customizer, or Widgets screen (under Appearance), go to add a block. Search for the Novashare “Follow Buttons” block.

Add Novashare follow buttons block
Add Novashare follow buttons block

If you’re in the Block Editor, and shortcuts are more your thing, you can quickly insert the block by typing /nova. Your hands never have to leave your keyboard.

Add Novashare Follow Buttons block by typing
Add Novashare follow buttons block by typing

Step 2

Click the add block button to add each of your social networks.

Click the add block button
Click the add block button

Step 3

Click on each network and add the destination URL or username.

Step 4

You can change the settings for your buttons on the right-hand side.

Button Shape

Choose between three different shapes: Squared (default), rounded, and circular.


Choose between three different alignments: Left (default), right, and center.

Button Size

Change the size of your buttons. The default is 50px.

Button Margin

Change the margin around your buttons. The default is 10px.

Open Links in New Tab

Choose whether or not to have the links on your buttons open in a new tab.

Button Color

Change the background color of your buttons. If you don’t specify a color, the default networks’ color is displayed.

Button Hover Color

Change the background hover color of your buttons.

Icon Color

Change the icon color.

Icon Hover Color

Change the icon hover color.

Follow Buttons block settings
Follow Buttons block settings

Step 5

If you are in the Block Editor or Customizer, it will update automatically. But you will want to click “Publish” to finalize your changes.

If you’re not using the Block Editor, we still have our legacy social follow widget available.

How to add a custom button

If we don’t have a button or network that you need, you can add a custom button with any icon that you want.

Follow the steps below to add a custom button to the Novashare follow buttons block.

Step 1

In the Block Editor, Customizer, or Widgets screen (under Appearance), go to add a block. Search for the Novashare “Follow Buttons” block.

Add Novashare follow buttons block
Add Novashare follow buttons block

Step 2

Click the add block button and choose “Custom.”

Add custom button
Add custom button

Step 3

Add your destination URL.

Add destination URL to custom button
Add destination URL to custom button

Step 4

Add the SVG code for your icon. For example, perhaps you want to use a free icon from Font Awesome or SVG Repo. You can also change the button color.

Add SVG icon for custom button
Add SVG icon for custom button

Step 5

If you are in the Block Editor or Customizer, it will update automatically. But you will want to click “Publish” to finalize your changes.

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